Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 🙂 7.7 here - a flatfish overnight, but I’m still struggling to be in range first thing...bizarre...another basal test this week might help (?).

Glad to hear you’re feeling better each day @eggyg.

Is it op day today @SueEK? I hope it all goes well.
Good morning! 6'3 today.

My nose is a bit runny. Nothing serious, just annoying. Plans for today are work, hopefully take a nap, and then work again. Maybe I can see a friend instead of the nap, if she has time. Today is Monday so I expect a calmer shift, though you never know in this place.

Have a nice day 🙂
06:34 BS 7.5 🙂 Up & at them straight away with breakfast in the oven, NR in & tea with 1.5, because I got kingsmill with crusts substitute instead of usual 2 No Crusts, sandwiches made!😛

Now munching away, two thirds of the way through, reading & posting! 🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Finally have my doses down as they were a smidge high yesterday so, the basal reduction is coming through & I’ll start adding a bit more bolus as my BS evens out: less high in the 1st hour & settles down less quickly to finish on 1 or 2mmol higher than I started on at 4 hours & just tiny drops for the next 2 to finish about the same as I started for the next meal! 🙂

I’m almost there & I’ll know for sure by tomorrow as I’m keeping tresiba at 80? :confused:

BOY! Was it ffrrreeeezzzzzzing last night: beautiful sunshine without a cloud yesterday; no cloud cover at night & I HAD to stick on the heater! Ah well! Consciously trying to keep the heater off now it’s Spring but, needs must! 😱 Will finish breakfast now, get dressed & switch off the heater! It’s seems another sunshiny day today but, still a bit nippy!🙂
Morning all, 8.1 here, I seem to have been steady all night and then had a huge dawn rise.
A lot of the new style riding tights now have mobile phone pockets on the legs, @rayray119, or I use a cyclists spibelt type thing that holds the stuff tightly so it doesn’t bounce around. Some riding schools won’t allow loose bumbags or backpacks in case they get caught in a tree branch, or caught on something on the way down if you fall off.
Good morning everyone. Yesterday my wife was a bit calmer thankfully.

Today is the great smart meter fitting day. They have given me a time slot of 8am to 6pm. Not quite sure 'slot' is the right word there.

Bg was a bit high for me on waking at 5.6 could be anxiety over the smart meter fitting making it rise.

But unusually my blood pressure was way up too and stayed there. Maybe again it is the anxiety.

Today it may be a bit difficult to get any exercise unless the fitter arrives (and leaves) nice and early.

Have a great day today whatever you get up to
Morning all and 7.5 today, won’t post tomorrow as will be leaving home at 4.15 as op is tomorrow. My tremor is much worse today so I know I’m a bit stressed about it but needs must. So today will be bath, hair wash, de fluff legs and last minute things in a bag. They do test me 3-4 times a day in the hospital so may post depending on how I am. This one is not as long as the last one, only about 3 hours so shouldn’t be out of it like last time.
Hope you all have a good day and will be in touch soon xx
@Gwynn glad you had a better day yesterday.
Good morning,

5.8 today.

Changed my sensor today and currently reading slightly lower but still much better than if it hadn’t had its 48 hour bedding in time!

I’ll leave it be for now and it should pick up.

Have a good day 🙂
Oh look, 6.2 again, guess that is my number for the time being! Ha!
Off shopping shortly, so no time to stay and play - catch up later. Chilly morning so far.
Take care, keep warm, stay safe 🙂
Good morning. 5.5 after a night of waking every 2 hours. Glad I checked the forecast last night and put on CH - v. cold. This morning grey, chilly, spitting a little rain, expecting it to clear up. Lawns look great this a.m. after final scamper round yesterday. Attempts to clear track down to trees no so successful - bramble ripped my cheek which, with blood thinners, gave me the fashionable look of a Halloween vampire. Managed to fell only one 20ft tree. Ran into wife of local plant hire place on way to village and organised a cut rate digger for next weekend. Serious bramble clearing and track levelling planned so that I can get the little jeep down to collect wood - it started first pull once I put the battery back after sitting in the barn for 6 months. Have a trailer load of fallen branches from the hay fields to sort out and the chain saw to service today...Glad to report that the steroids are doing a sterling job so just a bit stiff now. Ah the relaxing country life.

Firstly I notice @Michael12421 hasn't posted in a few days so just saying hope everything is ok with you and do let us know when you can

So this morning so far - 5:01 - 8.2 and took 4 Lifts due to my dropping tendencies, 5:49 - 5.8 and took 4 more Lifts to be on the "safe" side, 6:51 before breakfast - 6.8, I don't know how much longer I can do this for! 🙄

Finally set up my new phone yesterday that's been lying in it's box for months since it was delivered, took hours to get apps updated and still have to install a lot from my old phone today, software update was done as well, used a lot of my data yesterday for it so hoping the data I have left will last until my next allowance renewal! I did get an email last week saying I was able to upgrade so might have a look at the options available (on a SIM only contract with Tesco and at the moment get 12GB data, 3000 minutes and 5000 texts for £12 a month with a £2.50 safety buffer)

Sad news last night that a childhood friend suddenly passed away yesterday morning, he was only 31, was one of the friendliest and kindest guys you could meet and always had a smile on his face, he will be missed by so many :( xx
Sorry @SueEK heads a bit over the place just now and I forgot to wish you luck for tomorrow xx
@SueEK Hope everything goes ok tomorrow.

@Kaylz I’m sorry to hear about the death of your friend. Hope you’re ok?
@Kaylz I’m sorry to hear about the death of your friend. Hope you’re ok?
I'll be ok thanks Colin, I'm totally gutted I won't be able to attend his funeral though xx
Just rang my DSN & the recording of alternative urgent numbers message was still on because of the Bank holiday for St. Patrick’s Day & the weekend just past! Left my message & hopefully will call sometime today for better changing tresiba advice? :confused:

It was only 3 or 4 days ago but, it seems longer with the sudden seasonal change that caught me by surprise! o_O
Yes @Kaylz . I do apologise. I have had a very tough month, everything going wrong. I'll be back on track shortly
Sorry to hear that and sorry to call you out but was getting worried about you so I hope you understand why I did it, hope to see you back regularly soon xx
5.8 for me today. 🙂
Good luck for tomorrow @SueEK


9.1 just work planned today.

@SueEK - hoping everything goes well with your op tomorrow.

@Kaylz - sorry for the loss of your friend, sending you hugs