Group 7-day waking average?

If anyone said “not today” for the electrician they’d be right.

Due at 9am. Lives about 90 minutes drive away. Just texted to say he won’t be coming today as he’s left tools at another job and can’t get access to them.

Why he couldn’t have told me this as soon as he realised he’d have to cancel I’ve no idea.
Morning folks, 6.8 today. Cooked 6 meals yesterday so will get fed for nearly a week plus hubbies only dish, egg and chips 😳. Trying to think of something interesting to say but nothing springs to mind, isolating is boring but PCR test came back negative so that’s positive!!!
@Gwynn so sad to hear that your wife is feeling so upset and the knock on effect it has on you, what a challenge and credit to you for all you do for her, we are always here to listen and support you. X
@eggyg hope you start to feel better very soon, sounds rotten x
Have a good day all x
I’ve just realised it’s Sunday, thought it was Saturday, better get my bag packed 🙄🙄
4.7 when I first woke up and jabbed my Levemir and a lovely flat horizontal line preceding it after a 1 unit reduction in Levemir last night. Set alarm for another half hour to give it time to get going before I got up and rolled over and went back to sleep only to wake up 2 hours later!! No idea what happened to the alarm but Libre gave me a rather naughty 3.2 reading! Finger prick 4.1 but I did sit up and touch my feet to the floor to test, so I may well have been slightly hypo.

Anyway, very Spring like here too yet again.
Rascal broke into the stack yard last night and of course the others followed him in so when I got up to the stables there were the 4 of them in a very small enclosure demolishing my bale of haylage and looking rather sheepish, having been caught in the act! As a result I have a lot of clearing up to do as they have pulled the big round bale of haylage to bits and strewn it everywhere. Hard to be cross with him (he is such a lovable rogue) and my own fault for not roping the gate shut in the usual manner which he hasn't so far managed to figure out. He is the biggest of the lot of them, but he can get in where a draught can't, the minute my back is turned. My neighbour used to think I falsely malign him but over the years he has come to realise that he is not called Rascal for nothing.
Got the vet coming tomorrow morning for injections and to assess Rasc as he is a bit lame (old age methinks... he's 24) so he will probably be another one depleting my savings with long term meds. 🙄 Just trying to convert him from a big shaggy pony into something resembling a trusty steed, so that at least he looks the part when the vet comes.

I'm out tonight to the theatre to see a dance show with Johannes Radebe off "Strictly" First time out in a while and looking forward to it.

@SueEK Hope all goes well with your Op next week. Will be thinking of you and keeping fingers crossed.

@eggyg Really hope you feel better soon. Loved the selfie of the 3 of you yesterday. You are all so photogenic.... or maybe just a great photographer! 😉
@rebrascora love hearing about your lovely horses (and the rest of the equine community amongst us). Rascal does sound a character I must say x
Good afternoon all.. spring is here from inside the window, but outside we still have that stiff cold breeze.

A disappointing 8.2 this morning. Got stuck into "Below Deck sailing yacht" last night when hubby finally finished his rugby-fest and stopped hogging the TV. Somehow it was 01:50 when I hit the sack. Woke at 05:25 for the loo and couldn't get back off for ages, then all of a sudden it was 10:30!!!!

Going to do some much avoided cleaning today, including the oven. Not a task I enjoy! Hubby is very good though and we share the tasks.

@SueEK fingers crossed your operation goes well!

@eggyg lots of hugs, hoping you feel better soon.

@rebrascora, love your tales of Rascal, but hey, a lot of work for you!

@Gwynn hoping you have a better day today.
Good late morning everyone! I was 5'9 at 6:45 am and similar the past few days, when I didn't post.

Absolutely crazy day at work, the orders for tea and coffee kept piling up, every time I went out of my work station customers seemed to need extra stuff (one even asked me for a picture, as if I had time to spare!), at some point I was literally running! Feeling all sweaty and nervous, which is understandable with this level of work, but since I am on insulin I'm never sure if my BG is alright. To make things worse, I forgot my meter in the changing room, so I thought " better safe than sorry" and nicked some juice and dried fruit from the buffet. When I had the chance to test I was at 5'4, so I guess the sugar didn't hurt.
I leave you now, I must have like a hundred glasses to polish!!
Good late morning everyone! I was 5'9 at 6:45 am and similar the past few days, when I didn't post.

Absolutely crazy day at work, the orders for tea and coffee kept piling up, every time I went out of my work station customers seemed to need extra stuff (one even asked me for a picture, as if I had time to spare!), at some point I was literally running! Feeling all sweaty and nervous, which is understandable with this level of work, but since I am on insulin I'm never sure if my BG is alright. To make things worse, I forgot my meter in the changing room, so I thought " better safe than sorry" and nicked some juice and dried fruit from the buffet. When I had the chance to test I was at 5'4, so I guess the sugar didn't hurt.
I leave you now, I must have like a hundred glasses to polish!!
i was told if you're not sure if you're low and can't test its always better to treat it like it is. so you probably did the right anyway didn't check in yesterday as was peppering for work. yesterday was 9.4 today 7.6 after eating some glucose tablets in the middle of the night as it had dropped from 8.6 at bed to 4.4, had been meaning to potenittiy do some background tests this week but feel it there still might be some intefaced(the worry about using up test strips may in itself inteffire as well) starting on Saturday I got a few long shifts at work coming up some which involve travel(so very long days which i'm still want to do so I'm not complaining but will need as many strips as I get potentionlly depending on things i'm sure I'll manage things though 🙂(i'm not letting this condition stop me from doing the job I was doing job I was doing before if if does take working out sometimes(I can also sort things out afterwards by either eating or correcting)
Afternoon. 🙂 Was 7ish at 7ish this morning - it’s Sunday, I’m more laidback about things on Sundays.

The all-day Cymraeg session went well yesterday. Nice group of people. Lots of silliness and laughter. (We were oblivious to Wales’s shocking defeat, otherwise there would’ve been tears and heads hung in shame). And 3 of us were Type 1ers - we’re taking over, I tell ye. Interestingly, one woman had a Dexcom on prescription. o_O
i was told if you're not sure if you're low and can't test its always better to treat it like it is.
I heard this as well. It's better to have a juice without need and going a bit high for a short time, than not treating a hypo and let it get serious.
4.7 when I first woke up and jabbed my Levemir and a lovely flat horizontal line preceding it after a 1 unit reduction in Levemir last night. Set alarm for another half hour to give it time to get going before I got up and rolled over and went back to sleep only to wake up 2 hours later!! No idea what happened to the alarm but Libre gave me a rather naughty 3.2 reading! Finger prick 4.1 but I did sit up and touch my feet to the floor to test, so I may well have been slightly hypo.

Anyway, very Spring like here too yet again.
Rascal broke into the stack yard last night and of course the others followed him in so when I got up to the stables there were the 4 of them in a very small enclosure demolishing my bale of haylage and looking rather sheepish, having been caught in the act! As a result I have a lot of clearing up to do as they have pulled the big round bale of haylage to bits and strewn it everywhere. Hard to be cross with him (he is such a lovable rogue) and my own fault for not roping the gate shut in the usual manner which he hasn't so far managed to figure out. He is the biggest of the lot of them, but he can get in where a draught can't, the minute my back is turned. My neighbour used to think I falsely malign him but over the years he has come to realise that he is not called Rascal for nothing.
Got the vet coming tomorrow morning for injections and to assess Rasc as he is a bit lame (old age methinks... he's 24) so he will probably be another one depleting my savings with long term meds. 🙄 Just trying to convert him from a big shaggy pony into something resembling a trusty steed, so that at least he looks the part when the vet comes.

I'm out tonight to the theatre to see a dance show with Johannes Radebe off "Strictly" First time out in a while and looking forward to it.

@SueEK Hope all goes well with your Op next week. Will be thinking of you and keeping fingers crossed.

@eggyg Really hope you feel better soon. Loved the selfie of the 3 of you yesterday. You are all so photogenic.... or maybe just a great photographer! 😉
I've always been meaning to ask how do you handle horse riding as I did use to be having lessons and want to again once I can afford it
I've always been meaning to ask how do you handle horse riding as I did use to be having lessons and want to again once I can afford it
Well Libre certainly makes it A LOT easier to check my levels when I am out riding. Trying to hold the reins, keep a hyped up horse steady, open a BG meter case, get a strip out, lance a finger and test without dropping anything is probably what might be considered advanced diabetics or horsemanship or both.... or just plain impossible! 🙄. Of course I could get off but as soon as I started taking gloves off and fishing in my bag, my GGs would assume that a treat was coming and Rascal would probably have my BG meter out of my hand and be trying to munch it before I even got it out of the case, so probably better to stay on board. Libre means I can just fish it out, do a quick swipe and either continue or munch some jelly babies and continue. I don't find hypos particularly debilitating or riding exertive so it isn't a problem. If you were having a lesson in an arena then you could just leave your gear in a bag at the side of the arena and dismount to test if you needed to.

I have a choice of using my normal back pack bag or a hip holster type thing that belts around my waist and thigh or I have an old Nokia phone pouch which I can strap around my leg just below my knee which is just the right size to take my Libre reader, depending upon what sort of riding I am doing and how far I am going. The hip holster is better for more exertive longer distance cross country riding when I am cantering, galloping and/or jumping, when a back pack would be bouncing about on my back and affecting my balance, but if I am just going for a short hack I use my back pack hand bag that I use for everything else as it saves transferring stuff from one bag to another and risking forgetting something or my Nokia phone pouch which I only recently discovered in a drawer and started using for my Libre reader. I really miss phones that were so small and neat and uncomplicated and easy to slip in a pocket or pouch!
Well Libre certainly makes it A LOT easier to check my levels when I am out riding. Trying to hold the reins, keep a hyped up horse steady, open a BG meter case, get a strip out, lance a finger and test without dropping anything is probably what might be considered advanced diabetics or horsemanship or both.... or just plain impossible! 🙄. Of course I could get off but as soon as I started taking gloves off and fishing in my bag, my GGs would assume that a treat was coming and Rascal would probably have my BG meter out of my hand and be trying to munch it before I even got it out of the case, so probably better to stay on board. Libre means I can just fish it out, do a quick swipe and either continue or munch some jelly babies and continue. I don't find hypos particularly debilitating or riding exertive so it isn't a problem. If you were having a lesson in an arena then you could just leave your gear in a bag at the side of the arena and dismount to test if you needed to.

I have a choice of using my normal back pack bag or a hip holster type thing that belts around my waist and thigh or I have an old Nokia phone pouch which I can strap around my leg just below my knee which is just the right size to take my Libre reader, depending upon what sort of riding I am doing and how far I am going. The hip holster is better for more exertive longer distance cross country riding when I am cantering, galloping and/or jumping, when a back pack would be bouncing about on my back and affecting my balance, but if I am just going for a short hack I use my back pack hand bag that I use for everything else as it saves transferring stuff from one bag to another and risking forgetting something or my Nokia phone pouch which I only recently discovered in a drawer and started using for my Libre reader. I really miss phones that were so small and neat and uncomplicated and easy to slip in a pocket or pouch!
oh yes i thnk at least at first I would test before the lesson and stack depending on the number and then test afterwards
Morning everyone! 13.2

Got nurse again this morning to see if my blood pressure and fluid has gone down and where to go from here. 136/85. Still not awesome but lower than it was. Fluid levels in my legs back to normal.
Still drinking a ton though. Waking up to refill my bottle (750ml) multiple times and downing it in one go. Peeing like a champ too.
Its hard to untangle what is D related and what is medication/other with he drinking and peeing.

Wordle in 4 :D

Anyway hope you all have a good day 🙂
Bonjour mes amis!

6.7 this morning and off to the nurse to have my feet tickled.
Good morning 6.4 today.

weather looks almost spring like 🙂
Have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning- 4.3
Morning all. 6.1 on this very frosty morning. -3 on our weather thingy majig. Brr! Looks lovely though and I’ve already been in the garden with my camera taking photos. The sun was like a ball of fire this morning and looked amazing. Unfortunately, it didn’t photograph well. :(

I had a much better day yesterday, got showered and dressed. Still coughed loads and got yet another visual migraine which turned into a real migraine. I slept it off, eventually. Perked up later on in the day and went in the garden and fed the birds and filled their water baths up, which are frozen solid this morning. I even made the tea and nearly ate it all. It’s looking like whatever lurgy I’ve got has been headed off at the pass. Slept better too. I won’t be running a marathon today but I might Hoover! Baby steps and all that.😉

Have good day all. 🙂
@SueEK hope all goes well for you today. Xx
Morning all. 6.1 on this very frosty morning. -3 on our weather thingy majig. Brr! Looks lovely though and I’ve already been in the garden with my camera taking photos. The sun was like a ball of fire this morning and looked amazing. Unfortunately, it didn’t photograph well. :(

I had a much better day yesterday, got showered and dressed. Still coughed loads and got yet another visual migraine which turned into a real migraine. I slept it off, eventually. Perked up later on in the day and went in the garden and fed the birds and filled their water baths up, which are frozen solid this morning. I even made the tea and nearly ate it all. It’s looking like whatever lurgy I’ve got has been headed off at the pass. Slept better too. I won’t be running a marathon today but I might Hoover! Baby steps and all that.😉

Have good day all. 🙂
@SueEK hope all goes well for you today. Xx
Glad you’re on the mend x