Group 7-day waking average?

Sincere condolences for your loss @Kaylz

Sorry to hear you have been having a tough time @Michael12421

Hope the op goes well @SueEK - best wishes for a speedy recovery.

6.3 for me this morning. Hope everyone has a lovely day
Morning all and 7.5 today, won’t post tomorrow as will be leaving home at 4.15 as op is tomorrow. My tremor is much worse today so I know I’m a bit stressed about it but needs must. So today will be bath, hair wash, de fluff legs and last minute things in a bag. They do test me 3-4 times a day in the hospital so may post depending on how I am. This one is not as long as the last one, only about 3 hours so shouldn’t be out of it like last time.
Hope you all have a good day and will be in touch soon xx
@Gwynn glad you had a better day yesterday.
Good luck for the op!
Morning all. 6.1 on this very frosty morning. -3 on our weather thingy majig. Brr! Looks lovely though and I’ve already been in the garden with my camera taking photos. The sun was like a ball of fire this morning and looked amazing. Unfortunately, it didn’t photograph well. :(

I had a much better day yesterday, got showered and dressed. Still coughed loads and got yet another visual migraine which turned into a real migraine. I slept it off, eventually. Perked up later on in the day and went in the garden and fed the birds and filled their water baths up, which are frozen solid this morning. I even made the tea and nearly ate it all. It’s looking like whatever lurgy I’ve got has been headed off at the pass. Slept better too. I won’t be running a marathon today but I might Hoover! Baby steps and all that.😉

Have good day all. 🙂
@SueEK hope all goes well for you today. Xx
In the old days I used to use slide film but it was always such a faff to look at the pictures and show other people so started to use print film but was always disappointed with the result, you never got the depth in the picture. But often things never look as good in the picture as with your eyes even with digital technology.
I make stained glass stuff as they never look as good in a picture as in the flesh and I haven't worked out how to take a picture of a mirror without it being a picture of me taking a picture.
Still waiting for nurse phonecall. She said around 10 but was going to speak to the mental health guy for kiddo first so not worrying she's forgot just yet. I did say I would be about all day to her on Friday.

@SueEK best of luck for the op, will be keeping an eye out for updates x

@Kaylz super massive hugs to you. sad news x

@Michael12421 hope things improve for you.

@Lyna nicely done on the HS today

9.1 just work planned today.

@SueEK - hoping everything goes well with your op tomorrow.

@Kaylz - sorry for the loss of your friend, sending you hugs
How are you doing this morning Lorraine?

Saw this on the way back from the GP! 84717355-F3DD-466A-9021-40F24B04C9E2.jpeg
So nurse phoned.
She's satisfied the higher dose of empagliflozin was throwing off fluid levels / bp (water retention)

As for bg she's going to speak to another nurse in case she can think of something else to try but probs wont be anything else they can do.
Going in for a new a1c on Thursday and throwing in a kidney check while we are at it.
Not sure if she is referring me before a1c is in or after but she defo wants to get one sent.

Also she has got an appointment with the mental health guy for kiddo on Wed morning 🙂
Was good to note that the nurse today asked specifically if I was on this forum and said she recommends it to everyone because it’s so good!
How are you doing this morning Lorraine?

Saw this on the way back from the GP! View attachment 20346
Yeah both nervous and excited about it, I know I can do it, but not been able to run since last Monday for various reasons, wasn’t able to do my last long run at the weekend.

My number arrived today, makes it seem real that this is actually going to happen.

How are you feeling after seeing the sign
Yeah both nervous and excited about it, I know I can do it, but not been able to run since last Monday for various reasons, wasn’t able to do my last long run at the weekend.

My number arrived today, makes it seem real that this is actually going to happen.

How are you feeling after seeing the sign
Seeing the sign makes it real. Even more real than getting the notification through the door about the road closures!

I’ve relaxed about how long it will take me. I’ve not been able to go on a proper long run for ages and am barely up to 5km again. And that’s slow. But I’ll run some, I’ll walk loads and I’ll enjoy it!
Good afternoon all and another late report. It was a house special 5.2.

Went out for the paper and by the time I got back the power had gone off. Lots of broadband work found here at the moment, I think someone may have gone through some cables. ETA for fix 15:00

Have a good day everyone.
Had to make an unplanned trip into nearby Reading this morning as our youngest forgot to set his alarm last night and was still fast asleep when he should have been on a bus on his way to college. Not the best time of day to be heading into Reading by car but I know the area well enough to skip the busy routes in and I got him there before college started. Late breakfast for me, though.
That reminds me of my family. Being late for a bus is something my brother and myself have done quite a few times, and my parents would also help us. You sound like a nice dad 🙂
Was good to note that the nurse today asked specifically if I was on this forum and said she recommends it to everyone because it’s so good!
I mentioned I've read some of the website before diagnosis and the nurse told me "that's the good website! Focus on that one, there's a lot of weird sites with incorrect info out there :(". On my last check I said I had joined the forum and they seemed to think it was a good idea.
Morning all and 7.5 today, won’t post tomorrow as will be leaving home at 4.15 as op is tomorrow. My tremor is much worse today so I know I’m a bit stressed about it but needs must. So today will be bath, hair wash, de fluff legs and last minute things in a bag. They do test me 3-4 times a day in the hospital so may post depending on how I am. This one is not as long as the last one, only about 3 hours so shouldn’t be out of it like last time.
Hope you all have a good day and will be in touch soon xx
@Gwynn glad you had a better day yesterday.
I hope all goes well tomorrow @SueEK
Good afternoon all... very late posting, but was up far too early with a 6.8. Had to be at the surgery at crack of dawn to be fitted wihth a continuous BP monitor, which I have to wear until I go to bed. Came home and hubby was clearing the gutter out front and got chatting to our neighbour, so I invited her in for a cuppa. At 11:45 I met two g/fs in town for lunch. I hadn't realised how intrusive the monitor was going to be. It goes off every few minutes and unless you sit silent and do not move it deflates and immediately inflates again ad infinitum until you do play statues. Although I had explained to my friends it was embarrassing when spoken to by a waiting person, so I had to keep going through the constant inflation/deflation. Hubby picked me up and we had fun going round the supermarket to pick up stuff they had run out of last Friday, with him getting impatient with me whilst I "froze" in the middle of the aisles several times... came home exhausted and fell asleep on the sofa! The bl**dy thing has gone off 4 times whilst I have been typing this! I'm sure it's only meant to be every 15 mins, but it seems more like less than 10.

@SueEK hope all goes well.

@Lyna, congrats on the HS (5.2)

@Kaylz, so sorry to hear of your loss... hugs.

@Michael12421 hope things improve soon.
Thank you all for your lovely good wishes. Had a phone call an hour ago, my op has been cancelled, I’m so upset. I wish I could say I was angry but I’m not, I’m just gutted. Lack of theatre staff and they cannot give me any idea of a new date. We are supposed to be going on holiday beginning of June so can’t really have it done before as I won’t recover in time. As many of you know this is the holiday that we were supposed to have had originally in 2019. There are problems now with it as well and my grandson (the one who had the accident) now can’t come as he isn’t vaccinated, TUI have stopped dealing with the hotel we are going to and say my son and family can’t have the room that was originally booked as it was a family room but they are struggling to change it as they don’t have a contract with them anymore. OH MY GOD it’s a nightmare. So if we do actually get on holiday I will have to take spare clothes everywhere with me as my bladder just does whatever it wants at any time it wants and believe me it’s not just a dribble. I am 61, feel like I’m 81 but my mind is still 41. Sorry I’m just letting off steam and I know you won’t mind. So will no doubt be back on tomorrow morning with another high reading. Back to work as well!!
Much love to all you lovely people, don’t know what I’d do without you sometimes xx