Group 7-day waking average?

Have you got a Libre reader, or are you using your phone for scanning? The Optium strips fit the Libre reader when you use it as a meter.
Ah that makes sense. No I'm using my phone. Looking online though the Optium meter isnt that expensive. My surgery prescribe infopia element test strips and meter I presume because of cost so I could stick with them using a lot less of them obviously or stump up for a meter myself which I don't mind doing.
There is indeed a St Swithin's day. But the more popular folklore has to do with the weather, rather than lancing devices!
Still, ever since I've been around online diabetic groups (around 18 years) it's been a well known joke that lancets are only changed on St Swithun's day and frankly, for most people it rings rather true!

@eggyg the mere idea of sharing a passport with anyone else boggles the mind these days doesn't it?
Ah that makes sense. No I'm using my phone. Looking online though the Optium meter isnt that expensive. My surgery prescribe infopia element test strips and meter I presume because of cost so I could stick with them using a lot less of them obviously or stump up for a meter myself which I don't mind doing.
But does the infopia have blood ketone strips? If not I'd stick withe the Optium.
19:15 BS 9.3! 😱 Oops! Obviously under bolused for dinner before going to bed, then!😳 But, tresiba, pills & NR in plus correction & just finished breakfast of sliced chicken breast with red onion chutney, never tried it with chicken before as I usually put it on beef, sandwich in lui of a little moisture without the butter! Yummy!😛

A Very Good Evening to you all: JUST about resisted saying”Evening all” like the old tv cop shows of the bobby on the beat! :rofl:😉

Going to settle down to watch the final of Rupaul’s drag race uk vs the world at 9pm & my hopes are pinned on my fellow northern irish queen Blu Hydrangea although, I wouldn’t mind if Bagga Chips won either? :confused:
You surely remember mum’s leaving kids fast asleep in their prams lined up outside the shops.
Different times, different times.

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The story goes that my mother left me outside a shop when I was just weeks old. She went home without me as she’d momentarily forgotten she’d had a baby. Luckily we only lived a few minutes away! It could explain a lot! 😉
But does the infopia have blood ketone strips? If not I'd stick withe the Optium.
In 32 years of diabetes I have only had ketone strips prescribed once. Can't remember when but I do know it wasn't for very long so it might have been when I was moving around the country a bit and moving GPs. For the vast majority of those years no one has even mentioned them.
The story goes that my mother left me outside a shop when I was just weeks old. She went home without me as she’d momentarily forgotten she’d had a baby. Luckily we only lived a few minutes away! It could explain a lot! 😉
My mum did the same with my older brother. Left the pram outside a shop in the market and walked home.
Took her quite a while to figure out what was missing apparently.
She ran back to the pram and he was fast asleep of course.
Looks like I may be first up again this morning. Good morning everyone.

Incredibly 5.2 this morning. A great start.

Had a good time at the church yesterday. Fixed a load of problems with their sound system.

Wife is doing well too

Today the vampires are at me, so I had better keep my fluids up

Seems it may be very cold out there. Not sure if I will get out for a walk...

Have a great day whatever you do today
Morning everyone. Woke up on 9.6 this morning. Bit disappointed with that as I thought it would be lower seeing as I had such a good number yesterday. Had lentil daal for tea, not much though, but that could be it. Anyway, it’s still lower than what’s been the “norm” for me, so I will take it, and get on with my day. Morning everyone!

ps. Am doing so well with my mySugar app. the little monster thing is green at the moment which is fab! Lol

have a lovely day all.
Good morning all. 6.5 at 5.15am! This jury service malarkey is getting to me. We were in and out of the court room like a fiddler’s elbow yesterday. Only to be dismissed for the day after we returned from lunch. Back in at 10.30 this morning. This particular case should be finished by Thursday, apparently. I’ll believe it when I see it.

In other, non jury news, our heating packed in yesterday! Still got hot water which is at least something. Engineer coming out tomorrow. In the meantime the coal fire is back on, lovely and cosy in the living room, Baltic elsewhere. We’ve gone soft in our old age haven’t we? Never had central heating when I was a young lass! I literally had to scrape the ice from inside my bedroom window some mornings. My mother would light all four gas rings on the cooker to warm the kitchen up for us coming down.. And they call them the “ good old days”. I’d like to say I’ll be nice and cosy at court but we were all freezing yesterday, they obviously don’t want us nodding off!

See you tomorrow. 🙂
Congratulations @TinaD on your HS yesterday and well done @Gwynn on yours today.
A fairly long story but I’ve made friends with a lady who has a child with type 1.

We’ve noticed that in our local area there are no support groups for people living with or affected by the condition (apparently there was one but it stopped once covid hit and was never restarted).

We talked about this and how we felt a type 1 support group, particularly aimed at those who’re newly diagnosed but of course open to anyone, would be really helpful.

Turns out we’ve got the go ahead and we will be starting one up soon 🙂
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Morning all.
A somewhat miserable 7.1 this morning after yet another largely sleepless night.
Working today and then I’m going to go to the gym I think.
Hopefully that’ll give me the nudge for a decent sleep.

@Gwynn Congrats on the HS!

@eggyg just remember that they’re all guilty of something!
Actually in all seriousness rewatch 12 Angry Men as prep for having to reach a verdict.
Good morning - 12..1

New Libre 2 yesterday and it’s reading 6.4 whilst a finger prick is reading 12.1 so another new sensor today
Morning all. 7.6 today. Very late, overslept! Catch up later.