Group 7-day waking average?

What surprises me most is that her net worth is only (????) 1.5 million pounds. A lot of money but considering her vast popularity and record sales it seems quite small.
2 ex-husbands may have diminished her assets. It's not always the other way around. It cost me plenty, even though he was having an affair.
@ColinUK So sorry you had a rough time being tapped for blood. Top tips are a good glass of water half an hour before and a brisk walk to the surgery/clinic. If you are running behind schedule and worried about being a bit late for your appointment that works really well too! 🙄 The only problem they ever have with me is sealing me back up again afterwards. I can be a bit keen to part with more than they want.... it's just my generous nature. 😎 :D

@Pattidevans Thanks for the heads up re Quordle. Not had any problems with ads or anything so far.
@MeeTooTeeTwo... have you experienced problems with it?
Ohhh dearrr, I am to have my blood taken tomorrow. I will let you know how I get on. I hope it's not like ColinUk's experience.
Morning everyone. 13 after a much needed sleep in until 10 🙂
Still chilling in the 19-20s mainly and "safe" foods just play havoc with bg no matter what.
Cant wait to be all better so I can get a clearer picture of what effect the increased empagliflozin has had. Its been 3 weeks and between the booster and cold leading to this chest infection, I literally have no idea.

I've done it again and written half a post out and got distracted :rofl:

Anyway hope you all have a brilliant day. Hitting post reply before I forget again 😉
@MeeTooTeeTwo... have you experienced problems with it?
No problems with ads but then I have a very high level of security and very strict Ad blocking controls.
I am however having lots of problems with Alexa devices today. Giving false notifications and not responding despite all the usual recovery steps. Anybody else got probs with 'er today?
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@Elenka_HM Steady there! There's no need to be too lavish! We are a long way off St Swithin's day yet which is the traditional day for changing lancets. Hope you enjoy the course and get a lot out of it. Is it DAFNE or a local equivalent? Great that you are getting an in person course, as spending time with other type 1s is a huge benefit.
Is there really a St Swithin's day or you guys made it up? :rofl:

It's not a carb counting course, it's a more general introductory one. They are talking quite a lot about our local version of DAFNE, which I would like to attend when I start bolusing. I am really liking the live interaction with other Type 1 🙂
Is there really a St Swithin's day or you guys made it up? :rofl:

It's not a carb counting course, it's a more general introductory one. They are talking quite a lot about our local version of DAFNE, which I would like to attend when I start bolusing. I am really liking the live interaction with other Type 1 🙂
There is indeed a St Swithin's day. But the more popular folklore has to do with the weather, rather than lancing devices!
G'day all. Hope you are all well. Bright, cold and breezy here in Sale.

My sister was born on St Swithin's so we always keep a weather eye out for rain. 🙂

A random reading showed me at over 11. It makes me scared to measure but I will get back into it at some point.
Just got home after doing my first one and everything worked like clockwork. I'm a convert.

@MeeTooTeeTwo - I didn't put my shopping list in, Dez. I just wrote it down and stuck it in my back pocket. One step at a time..!
Was it at a big store or a little one? Only reason I'm asking is that at the small shops you can pay using Apple Pay which means you don't have to go up to the till at all!
Running late today! 6.7 this morning, a little higher than I like but did get up in early hours to get more squash and made a Galaxy light hot chocolate, did the trick though as I slept well and felt better for it.
Went and collected one of those wheeled walker things from a friend, she no longer uses it. Brought it home and gave it a good wash down in the garden, had a quick cuppa, then put it back in the car and went down town. Hadn't long been there when daughter messaged me to say she was here - sorry, but this is the first time I have got down town on my own in a few years and I'm staying out! They have hubby and son here and I'll see them for shopping on Friday as well as for hubby's birthday that day,
I had a good mooch around, bought a fair few bits. which is where the walker thing came in handy - I have no trouble walking, I just can't carry anything - my phone and inhaler is pretty much my limit - so the walker was my shopping transporter lol Pushing is no real problem as long as it isn't totally weighed down. It does have a seat if I need to sit down to rest, but I never even tried it - not when you can sit in Costa's and indulge in a small caramel latte and watch the world go by. Good day. Only downside was my Amazon parcel was delivered and one item was missing, so they are refunding that - it said it was included but wasn't - it was just a silly quiz game for hubby's birthday, a bit of fun.
Resting up now before I have to start dinner
Enjoy the rest of the day
There is indeed a St Swithin's day. But the more popular folklore has to do with the weather, rather than lancing devices!
Thanks Robin! Everyday is a school day, as they say 😉

Regarding the course, it was great. I have to admit that I already knew most of the info, either from my diabetes team or from reading your experiences in the forum. But it was great chatting a bit with other people recently diagnosed. Everyone was lovely, including the nurse, dietitian and consultant, and we had a good laugh at times. I felt a bit like an intruder when they were talking about mealtime insulin, tho, I didn't dare to admit I am not taking it yet 😳 at the end of the course they asked who wanted to go on the waiting list for our local DAFNE and I said "I'd wait a bit longer" and the nurse went "that's absolutely fine, some people prefer to have some time to adjust first, it's very personal" and I was like "yeeeah...that's whyyy...". I explained them later.

There was only 6 of us attending the course but we still had a good variety of ages and situations. An older lady who I assume is retired asked me if I was working, and how could I manage all this on top! There was a good round of light ranting about finger pricks. Someone else had a pretty traumatic experience and is now afraid to go back to hospital. I am grateful my diagnosis didn't start with a DKA as I see it's very common and it must be scary.

A good part of the course was talking about food and I would like to focus a bit more in the mental/emotional side of the relationship with food, as I've been more concerned with that than the diet itself. Someone mentioned they are not enjoying food as much as the moment, which I understand, but then the subject changed and I didn't want to take too much time of the session or going too deep into that in front of the other people. It's such a delicate subject sometimes. I'm in a good place now but I have had rough moments. On the bright side, they mentioned a couple of mental health resources and I have an appointment with my team soon so I can discuss this privately if I feel I need to.
Maybe it is but I always read the personal finance section in my daily newspaper and one of their 'experts' once admitted that he would never put any banking information on his phone.
Probably talking about banking apps rather than Apple Pay.
But each to their own etc! 🙂
Yes, she had a very powerful voice. I do wonder what happened to her.

I was on my parent's passport prior to the one I got age 15. I stand to be corrected but I think there used to be "family passports". I know a child could be on a parent's passport and a wife could be on her husband's - Oh my... what a fuss that would create these days!
We didn’t travel abroad until we were 23 ( Mr Eggy and I that is). We got a married couple’s passport. It was only for a year and I think, wouldn’t swear to it, it was only £1! This was in 1983. It was basically a piece of cardboard. We didn’t travel abroad again until 1993 when we had three children, they were all named on my passport, no photos or anything, I could have taken anyone’s kids!
6.8 this morning and Libres picked up from the pharmacy...first on prescription and also prescribed were Freestyle Optium test strips and ketone strips which I wasn't expecting as I don't have an Optium meter.:confused:
Have you got a Libre reader, or are you using your phone for scanning? The Optium strips fit the Libre reader when you use it as a meter.
We didn’t travel abroad until we were 23 ( Mr Eggy and I that is). We got a married couple’s passport. It was only for a year and I think, wouldn’t swear to it, it was only £1! This was in 1983. It was basically a piece of cardboard. We didn’t travel abroad again until 1993 when we had three children, they were all named on my passport, no photos or anything, I could have taken anyone’s kids!
You surely remember mum’s leaving kids fast asleep in their prams lined up outside the shops.
Different times, different times.

Just found out that in Denmark it’s still routine for parents to leave prams/buggies outside (with their kids in!) whilst they go into shops and restaurants.