Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 5.2 - rather proud of that given the increased steroid dose. Pain much reduced, altho' getting out of chair/off loo a bit of a trial, once up managing fine with a little (?)bad language. Quite cold this a.m. dry, sunny and breezy. Forecast this week not so good - looks like over 40mph winds on their way and also heavy rain - I'll be inside setting up propagators for veggie seeds and digging out my long johns (janes?) for voyages out.
Morning all,

6.8 on finger prick for me today.

This new sensor has now had 48 hours to bed in so I’ve activated it and just got to hope for the best now - please be 3rd time lucky!

As part of my training, they’ve said that we can run a session on something to do with our knowledge or experience that may benefit other trainees so I’ve decided to run a session on type 1 diabetes and how we can support people living with it 🙂

Have a good day!
5.5 for me today. 🙂

Good morning everyone! 4'6 this morning, a bit lower than usual for me.

I'm off to my T1 Education course. I'll let you know how it goes. Today's also 3 months since diagnosis. I am celebrating with a new pot of strips and, who knows, I may even change my lancet! 😉
I'm in good company with @Bloden this morning on 7.3. Battled high levels most of the day again yesterday so I am nearly back up to my max dose of Levemir. Not happy about that when the weather has been more spring like. Still managing to maintain 93% TIR for past 7 days and now just 2% below (which is better than last weeks 6% below 😱) but lots of corrections to achieve it this week
Got Woprdle in 3 last night and just scraped Quordle on my last life to maintain a 100% result in both so far. Interested to see a table of the UK areas which do best at Wordle and Newcastle is second to Bristol as being the best Wordlers in the UK apparently!

@TinaD Many congratulations on another House Special. Nice work! Especially when you are using steroids. Hope this pain episode passes soon.

@Elenka_HM Steady there! There's no need to be too lavish! We are a long way off St Swithin's day yet which is the traditional day for changing lancets. Hope you enjoy the course and get a lot out of it. Is it DAFNE or a local equivalent? Great that you are getting an in person course, as spending time with other type 1s is a huge benefit.
Well done to @TinaD on that magic number. 🙂

nice sunny day here and I am off work today, going out for breakfast,then that will be the last of my indulgent days until Mothers day. 8.8 today but as I was at bake club last night and even the savour offerings are always party, bread, pasta based and I did indulge in a couple of the sweet items as well.

@TinaD - congratulations on another HS

@Elenka_HM - hope you get lots of info on your course.

Well it isn't a hat trick of 8.7's as today I'm joining @goodybags and @freesia with a 7.1

Wasn't expecting Bruce until 6 last night as a lift into the town wasn't even guaranteed (well it was if he'd get on the back of a motorbike but he won't do that, he panicked terribly when I went on the back of one for a ride a few years ago but I'm used to them) but the 4:15 bus was running over 20 minutes late due to a puncture so even though it involved a long dash along the road he just made it xx
Yes it’s odd as it’s only this forum. It just freezes for a while so not a huge problem
..., then over to Sainsbury's to trial their Smart Shop App on my phone as we're thinking about doing an in-store shop again after 2 years of home deliveries....
A bit of advice re Sainsbury's Smart Shop - make sure you have a backup copy of your shopping list. It had a nasty habit of deleting the app's list, when you left your home network. 😳 It seems ok now but I still make sure I have a backup list.

Sitting in the waiting room at the GP still. Nurse has tried and failed to draw blood from both arms and I’m covered in cotton wool balls and sticking tape.
Waiting for either a gp or the head nurse to have a go.

And weight is up to over 100kg again even with great BP etc.

The bloods are for the usual diabetic tests and mysugr suggests an HbA1C of 41 so hopefully when they do get blood it’s going to not be a million miles from that estimate.

This past year has been tough so I knew weight had increased a bit. I’ll get on that now.
A bit of advice re Sainsbury's Smart Shop - make sure you have a backup copy of your shopping list. It had a nasty habit of deleting the app's list, when you left your home network. 😳 It seems ok now but I still make sure I have a backup list.

The SmartShop app has single-handedly resulted in my now doing my main shop in Sainsbury’s.
I remember Helen Shapiro. She was a sensation at the time - a young teen with a voice beyond her years. She faded from the charts a bit when 4- and 5-piece bands started to dominate. Half my music collection is from that period, which was a great time to be a teenager with it all being so new.

I got my first passport when I was 11. My father was in the Army and I passed my 11+ when we were stationed overseas, so I got sent home to live with my grandparents so that I didn't miss out on grammar school. I thought I still had it but I can't find it anywhere.
Yes, she had a very powerful voice. I do wonder what happened to her.

I was on my parent's passport prior to the one I got age 15. I stand to be corrected but I think there used to be "family passports". I know a child could be on a parent's passport and a wife could be on her husband's - Oh my... what a fuss that would create these days!
Morning all, louring grey clouds moving fast from the direction of the sea predict a dreary day.

7.2 this morning with a wibbly wobbly line... can't see any real patterns so am putting off adjusting basals.

@TinaG congratulations! 🙂 🙂

@eggyg - both of us reading the Martin Walker books are what has prompted our tour of the Perigord later this year... Inspector Bruno is a brilliant cook and the descriptions of the food will have your mouth watering! The plots are very good too with a surprise every other descriptions of the scenery are stunning. So many places we want to visit. I'm currently on book 14.

@rebrascora Hubby has looked at Quordle and says the reviews are worrying i.e. being deluged with adverts or something. He's definitely hooked on Wordle though with 100% success rate.
6 unsuccessful attempts to draw blood. Luckily the 7th was a hit and the nurse kept apologising but it’s done now.