Group 7-day waking average?

Vinyl is best. Nothing like it. How did you get on asking about scanning/testing/treating the D while a juror?
They didn’t bat an eyelid when they saw my insulin pens and reader. I can take my bag into the court room and I’ve put my reader on silent. I don’t think I’ll need to use it. Court runs from 10.30-1pm. Then 2.15-4/4.30pm. I’ll have breakfast at 7 then a snack at 10. I probably wouldn’t scan that often when I’m not active ie sitting on my butt! I’m not worried. The plan is to bolus as soon as we break for lunch then go for a 15 minute walk around the block then eat lunch. Today I reduced my lunch bolus just incase, but I don’t think I needed to as I’ve had to correct at teatime! Everyone was very helpful and informal after the initial frisk and bagsearch. Although they did take my compact mirror off me! I had to put my lippy on blind! Coco the Clown has nothing on me! :rofl:
19:25 BS 6.9 🙂 Ah! Now the back to normal 88 tresiba has kicked in & no more 5’s so, just as well I got that HS in earlier: softens the blow; I’ll say!as I couldn’t help but crow a bit!🙄:rofl:😉 But, I’m still in range & pretty happy with that!🙂

A Very Good Night, coming up for you normal lot going to bed soon?: me?; I’ve just gotten up! :D😉

“Earworm”?: never heard that term before; fits though as it does slowly turn you “NUTS” hearing the same song again & again in your head! o_O That’ll have to do for a Going Nuts emoji!o_O:rofl:😉 I have a really annoying up that pops up, out of the depths of my mind, from time to time AND I don’t even like the artist, or the song particularly but, it IS what she’s best known for: Dusty Springfield You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me; have kind of worked out that it pops up when I’m feeling like a tragic drama queen through the years & the times when she pops up in my head!🙄😳:rofl:😉 It’s the same kind of mentality that I have for Opera: has some people bemused saying if they’re dying how can they burst into such energy sapping high notes of an aria that’s true, I suppose, from a medical standpoint; I LOVE it as I take it from the viewpoint of the human spirit taking flight to express the dramatic tragedy! A o_O for some & a 😛 for me!
@ColinUK I have IOS 12.5.5 and its up to date and it doesn’t happen on my iPhone so just a bit odd. Glad to hear the police have a suspect in custody.
This one is an earworm that drives me nuts as I often have it going round and round my head - ‘Windmill in old Amsterdam ‘ aargh! How bonkers is that?
That is unusual for your iPad to not work on the forum @SueEK. I’m using my iPad now and the forum hasn’t frozen ever. It’s running IOS 15.3
Good morning everyone. Looks like I might be first up this morning.

BG 4.9 this morning. Good

Off to the church 9am this morning to fix their hand mic and some wiring. Other than that not much else to do.

Have a great day today
Not far behind you on the early morning @Gwynn! Have a good day.

I am on 7.5 which is the lowest I’ve been ever I think!

i am very happy.
Good morning 7.1 today woke up at 05:30 - despite the alarm being set for

think I need to chase up my GP ….AGAIN
still waiting for a change in my medication to be prescribed
one of my Meds was changed by Diabetic consultant (phone call) back on 1st feb.

Have a Great Day Everybody
Good morning - 5.6
Morning folks. 6.2 today. Pleased about that as ran unusually high yesterday, I did knock off one unit of bolus at lunch time but still…stress and inactivity I think. Much of the same today I’m afraid.

Have a great day. 🙂
Morning all!

@eggyg We’re twins today with our 6.2’s!

Off in a bit to have bloods taken then quick dash to Waitrose for a loaf of liv-life (sp?) bread and then off to the office.

Have a good day folks.
Morning all!

@eggyg We’re twins today with our 6.2’s!

Off in a bit to have bloods taken then quick dash to Waitrose for a loaf of liv-life (sp?) bread and then off to the office.

Have a good day folks.
Don’t forget to put your trousers and shoes on! Or are pyjama bottoms and slippers now accepted work attire! 😉
Good morning. I'm with @goodybags with a 7.1 this morning. A nice steady line overnight as well. Off to work in a few mins, would love to be counting down the days until i retire but i can't see that happening for a long while. Oh well, off to add more to my to do list. Have a good day everyone.
Don’t forget to put your trousers and shoes on! Or are pyjama bottoms and slippers now accepted work attire! 😉
They’re used to me so honestly I could rock up in anything and they’d not bat an eyelid.

Oh and I never wear pj’s at home!
Mmmmmmorning all - it’s a tad chilly here at the seaside. I hope this cold wind blows itself out today. 7.3 here - not as low as I’d like, but a gentle slope overnight so I think I’ll leave things as they are for now. 😛
Morning all, 5.8 here. Sensor seems to be behaving itself again. I was reading in bed last night, and when I scanned just before putting the light off it told me I’d plummeted from 7.5 to 2.8 in a matter of half an hour! Fingerprick confirmed I was actually 8.0 so I ignored it, but thought oh no, probable sensor failure, and it’s had me in the red most of the night. But it seems to have recovered now, and agrees with a test strip, I must have been lying on it big time.
Morning 8.4 for me which still a tad high at bed I’m verbally adjusting my evening radio I’m sure I’ll work it out(half wondering if it’s the food I’m thypicaly eating in evening now) not really sure what to adjusting for work this evening when I don’t know what base evening radtio is at that moment. Might just try doing 1 to 15(which is what I was doing before on non working days) and deal with concuruous)
Good morning. 5.2 - rather proud of that given the increased steroid dose. Pain much reduced, altho' getting out of chair/off loo a bit of a trial, once up managing fine with a little (?)bad language. Quite cold this a.m. dry, sunny and breezy. Forecast this week not so good - looks like over 40mph winds on their way and also heavy rain - I'll be inside setting up propagators for veggie seeds and digging out my long johns (janes?) for voyages out.
Good morning. 5.2 - rather proud of that given the increased steroid dose. Pain much reduced, altho' getting out of chair/off loo a bit of a trial, once up managing fine with a little (?)bad language. Quite cold this a.m. dry, sunny and breezy. Forecast this week not so good - looks like over 40mph winds on their way and also heavy rain - I'll be inside setting up propagators for veggie seeds and digging out my long johns (janes?) for voyages out.
Congrats on the HS!!