Group 7-day waking average?

Blimey, first up! 5.3.

Child care day today, hence the early start.

Have a good day all. TGIF! 🙂
Enjoy the day with the Mini Whirlwind!
Good morning! 5'4 today.

I did my chores yesterday, except the food shop because I realized I'll go on holiday soon and I probably have enough food to last until then. In the pharmacy, I got 2 full sets of test strips! 😱 I don't know what happened, I only ordered once. I think it could be when the nurse changed the quantities in my prescription, they got ordered automatically. Anyway, I'm not complaining. They should last me for around 2 months, unless I get excited seeing the pile of strips and start testing all day long!
Checked from one finger on right hand, couldn’t quite believe it.
Washed hands and checked from finger on left hand and it was just 0.2 difference so clearly the other was correct.

You may be wondering what the figure was which I found unbelievable.

13.0 😳

I’ve no idea why as I ate fine yesterday and I was between 5.1 and 7.2 all day.

I feel fine, no cold, no sinus pressure, no sore throat nothing which would normally suggest I’m coming down with something maybe.

I’ll check again in an hour or so as maybe the Annual Gathering of the International Diabetes Fairy Convention took place last night and I unwittingly played host or something.

Pulse is fine at 71 which is a bit elevated from my normal resting HR of around 65 but nothing untoward and BP was 101/87 so that’s fine which makes it all a bit of a mystery.

Perhaps an overreaction but if BG hasn’t dropped into single figures later I’ll call 111 and see what they say.
6.6 this fine Friday morning. I have a day off work today as I have my diabetic eye test. I always seem to get headaches, so it is easier just to take a day's holiday.

@ColinUK good luck today. I have to say I sometimes get the most inexplicable readings - but I hope it comes down

6.6 this fine Friday morning. I have a day off work today as I have my diabetic eye test. I always seem to get headaches, so it is easier just to take a day's holiday.

@ColinUK good luck today. I have to say I sometimes get the most inexplicable readings - but I hope it comes down

I’ve not had a reading like this without some food related hook to hang it on before hence my bewilderment.
I’ve gone through everything I ate yesterday and although there was a little bread it’s one I’ve eaten before and I know it only causes a 2.5 increase and it did exactly as expected yesterday.
Morning folks. 🙂 4.5 here.

Shhh, I don’t want to scare it away...there’s sunshine outside! Not enough to dig out my sunglasses, mind you, but it’s a start.

That’s a relief @SueEK !
What about shorts? :rofl:
Morning all. 9.3 for me this morning and my graph has run along the top of my range all night. Took a correction at bedtime and increased Levemir but just didn't want to come down. Maybe I was Co-hosting the event @ColinUK.

Off to take my car to auto electrics this morning as headlights have gone "funny" The bulbs still work but they are so dim I would see better with a head torch. Pretty sure it is an earth problem somewhere so hopefully his diagnostic machine will plug in and tell him where it is. Fingers crossed.

Really struggled with Wordle last night to the point I walked away after 4 attempts with all 3 middle letters in the right place and for some reason just couldn't figure it out. Went through the remaining letters twice and could not see anything that would work, so logged out and did something else. Then half an hour later out of the blue, I suddenly had a "lightbulb" moment and so I got it in 5. Thought it was going to be my first failure.
Good morning - BG5.7 which is a wonder as awake all night with onset of major palindromic arthritis flare. Have let pony & dog out and taken an increased dose of steroids. Going back to bed with a hotwater bottle in hopes of easing it and avoiding having to take DF118s.
9.6 I had eaten late due to an evening background test which I confined was all fine which is making the random jump I get in the evening sometimes even more confusing(it will happen if it’s lower then what it is at dinner as well when I corrected with it)
6.1 this morning after a very restless night's sleep. 🙂

Two fingers checked just now after sitting on the bike for a gentle cycle.
Average now 13.1 ffs.

Opticians at 10:15 and I’ll check before and after and will then call 111 probably.

Feel fine and not dehydrated or anything.

11.6 for me today xx
Glad to see you replied @Michael12421 and feeling ok, take good care of yourself.
@ColinUK let us know how you get on
@TinaD i find those DF118s knock me out, which is good as no pain when knocked out. Hope your pain improves quickly x

7.9 for me this morning, I seem to have been caught by the asthma fairy today, tight chest and laboured breathing, hoping inhalers help. No running for me today it seems.

@ColinUK - hope those numbers come down
@TinaD - hoping you get some relief from the pain.

Very grey here at the moment.
Morning all and 7.6 for me. It would appear that the second oatcake was superfly to requirements.

Should have been band rehearsal last night but the town centre was gridlocked due to a massive mill fire. A real shame as it had fairly recently been partially restored and was no longer on the at risk list. It had been used in quite a few TV/film productions.including Peaky Blinders.

Today's excitement was getting bloods taken to see how the manky bone marrow is getting on.

Have a good day everyone.