Group 7-day waking average?

Thanks for letting me know about it.

He is my rescue dog from a killing station in Hungary and he is a cross Hungarian puli. If I let his fur grow he would look like he had Dreadlocks similar to double the dog from the old children's programme the magic roundabout. He is like my assist dog. He never leaves my side and knows when I am having a really bad day. I think he rescued me x
He is gorgeous and I bet a real comfort to you.
I saw your picture and thought how young you looked to have all those health issues, then looked at your age and was very surprised.
Welcome @Lyna to our thread. I hope you'll be a regular visitor here. Everybody is very friendly and supportive and you'll learn a lot of interesting information and facts (not necessarily to do with diabetes 🙂) A big Hi! and cuddle to your friend Kaiser!

Enjoy the day with the Mini Whirlwind!
I’m cream crackered already! I’m safely ensconced in the kitchen pretending to tidy up whilst Mr Eggy is watching TeleTubbies with her! Also had the added “bonus” of eldest daughter popping in with two of her tribe ( grandson at orthodontist appointment) for lunch. So the chicken soup I made for tomorrow’s lunch ( the farmers’ children coming to stay) has now been demolished! So got to think of something else now! All I do is feed folks!
Sounds like the receptionist at our GP who we call Huff the Tragic Dragon.
:rofl: (totally LOL here)

Talking of opticians my retinal screening came back all clear, thank goodness as it was over 2 years since my last one.
<3 brilliant

@ColinUK you keep on defying them and keep stabbing your own body with tools paid for by your own money. (what a joke)
Glad numbers came back to something more normal for you 🙂
I showed the receptionist the readings from the morning and she's obviously been well briefed by the GP as she snapped "Where did you get these from? You're not testing at home are you because the doctor doesn't like that?"
I mean seriously wtff!!
Honestly, that made me see absolutely red! How very dare she! I'm afraid I'd have been icily polite, but have put her right in her place! Hugs!

@Lyna, just wanted to say hello and welcome. I read your story and was very touched. Hope you will enjoy yourself here.

Nagging at the back of my mind is that someone got an HS this morning and I can't remember who... but congratulations whoever it was.
Sounds like the receptionist at our GP who we call Huff the Tragic Dragon.
I wonder what sent your blood glucose sky high?

Talking of opticians my retinal screening came back all clear, thank goodness as it was over 2 years since my last one.
Huff the Tragic Dragon! Love it!😉
A 7.0 this morning, not so good - could have been the keto meat pie, the upset stomach, the COPD exacerbation - or a combination - note to self: go easier on the hidden cheese! I do know how too much dairy affects me, one day I might learn lol
Had to go shopping alone today so ventured off to Tesco's for a good old browse, rarely get the chance to do that so I made the most of it.
Have a good weekend all 🙂
she's obviously been well briefed by the GP as she snapped "Where did you get these from? You're not testing at home are you because the doctor doesn't like that?"
I wonder whether that attitude is held by lots of GPs. My mum has t2, caused by age she told me. She has only used a meter a couple of times and the GP she saw told her off, said she shouldn't be testing and to throw it away!! Since then she's never tested. She eats carbs, cakes, sweets and thinks its ok and won't listen to me, because the GP said she shouldn't test she's not testing 🙄
I get so frustrated with GPs and meters.
(I have to have one for gliclazide so they cant moan at me too much.)
Calling them with rubbish readings and concerns is like talking to a brick wall some days.
One told me my "bad day" fingers pricks were probably just the top of the spikes and I was dropping inbetween them. (I mean they psychically knew my bg at all times right). I then got moaned at for doing a libre trial which proved them wrong in that case :rofl:.
They just love T2s who pop a pill and do not much more and let the hba1c tell the whole story (please note sarcasm at the a1c telling all).
They must really hate the forums here for actually telling folks to take an active role in your T2D management.

Come on T2s lets RIOT holding up our meters. "WE WILL TEST. WE WILL TEST"

Just to note I may have a temperature at the mo and slightly loosing the plot :rofl:
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I get so frustrated with GPs and meters.
(I have to have one for gliclazide so they cant moat at me too much.)
Calling them with rubbish readings and concerns is like talking to a brick wall some days.
One told me my "bad day" fingers pricks were probably just the top of the spikes and I was dropping inbetween them. (I mean they psychically knew my bg at all times right). I then got moaned at for doing a libre trial which proved them wrong in that case :rofl:.
They just love T2s who pop a pill and do not much more and let the hba1c tell the whole story (please note sarcasm at the a1c telling all).
They must really hate the forums here for actually telling folks to take an active role in your T2D management.

Come on T2s lets RIOT holding up our meters. "WE WILL TEST. WE WILL TEST"

Just to note I may have a temperature at the mo and slightly loosing the plot :rofl:
Attest to the test!
I wonder whether that attitude is held by lots of GPs. My mum has t2, caused by age she told me. She has only used a meter a couple of times and the GP she saw told her off, said she shouldn't be testing and to throw it away!! Since then she's never tested. She eats carbs, cakes, sweets and thinks its ok and won't listen to me, because the GP said she shouldn't test she's not testing 🙄
My GF is the same. Justified by her GPs attitude to testing.
Bit late. 10.1 this morning. If I get a 10.4 can I just count it as 2 x HS
Morning all. Can’t believe I’m first in today but here I am.

After yesterday’s inexplicable rollercoaster today I woke up with a 6.7 which is, to quote Baga Chips, much better!