Group 7-day waking average?

Don't need to be seen but do need to go pick up antibiotics later on.
Hopefully they will kick this chest infections butt :D
Morning all - another grey one.

A disappointing 9.0. Apparently I was hypo from around midnight to 3am again then shot up over 9. AFAIK no alarm sounded. Do need to adjust basal from around 10pm.

Trip into town today for a quick sandwich lunch with a g/f followed by a trip to the (Crimea?) Cinema to see "The Duke" with Jim Broadbent and Helen Mirren. It has a good write up - we shall see, I could do with a "feel good" movie.

@Lucyr have they said what is wrong with you? Been looking out for your write up but not seen it yet. Have I missed it?
10.3 could be worse
Hello! 5'7 today.

Day off and my only plans are washing a pile of dishes and collect more test strips. Exciting. To be fair I should also go buy some food, maybe I will walk to one of the supermarkets that are a bit further and get some exercise at the same time :confused:

@eggyg when I first saw the adverts for Goggle Box I thought "what a nonsense, watching people watch TV?? How can that be entertaining?". But I got hooked on it with my housemates, some of them are quite funny (even more after you've had a drink or two :D).
Oh, and good news from my dad's endo. He appears to have his type 2 diabetes well under control with Metformin and is back to pre diabetic levels. He lost a few kilos which he has been wanting to do for ages, but never actually changed his habits till now. In his case, diabetes has been the tap on the shoulder he needed. Hopefully it will stay nice and controlled!
From the advert I gather they are using shared toilets? Feel sorry for them as the advert seems to be the lassie on the phone to her mate about her date and I assume it's her date that then walks in! xx
They do appear to have gender neutral loos and it is a shame because it takes away that confidential chat thing which used to go on but as a whole the entire thing is still ridiculously charming.
Hello! 5'7 today.

Day off and my only plans are washing a pile of dishes and collect more test strips. Exciting. To be fair I should also go buy some food, maybe I will walk to one of the supermarkets that are a bit further and get some exercise at the same time :confused:

@eggyg when I first saw the adverts for Goggle Box I thought "what a nonsense, watching people watch TV?? How can that be entertaining?". But I got hooked on it with my housemates, some of them are quite funny (even more after you've had a drink or two :D).
I love Goggle Box, they just say what we’re thinking. It makes me laugh out loud sometimes. Perfect ironing programme.
Good afternoon. 5.9 this a.m. Running a bit late today - every Mother's child and the dog ringing up today including an unexpected cardiac consultant. Has decided I have angina to add to my marks to GP who has already given me a spray thingy. I haven't used it yet but he says some people find the headache and the woozy head worse than the chest pin so to sit down quietly and try it at home so to be prepared. Think I will wait for the kids to visit before I do that and meanwhile persist with my "Stop overdoing it you fool" method. Also blethered on about cholesterol needing control to avoid heart attack - if that means more dietary restrictions I will be reduced to eating wallpaper...Think I'll get the GP to test it before I cut anything else out.
I’ve only seen bits on Goggle Box and it was a bit cringy. The poor lad was going beetroot. I felt for him. 😳
The best ones are the ones where one party thinks it's gone ok and the viewers know it really hasn't.
@SueEK i hope you're feeling better and have had no more episodes.

@Kaylz i dressed up as a leopard in The Leopard who Lost his Spots (tbh its only a leopard onsie, i didn't want to spend much). How can anyone wear onsies for bed? I've roasted all day!!

@Pattidevans we went to see The Duke on Monday and loved the film. Its well worth a watch. I hope you enjoy it.

Well, i've just rang the docs to try and get an appointment. As usual theres nothing until the end of March unless i try and ring in the morning. I've a lump/swelling on my ankle and its causing pain in my foot. I tried saying about D but still got told to ring tomorrow. Oh well, i'll have to try and get out of class and hope they actually answer the phone.
16:44 BS 8.7 🙂 A bit earlier & a bit lower!🙂 A Double Positive;: much better than a Double Negative!😉 The increase in tresiba seems to be working & I’m bringing down that BS!:D So, same dose just now.

A Very Good Afternoon to you all: going British instead of Australian; an Afternoon Tea greeting! :rofl:😛😎😉

Finished OHMSS in one sitting & it’s film, book came first, is pretty much true to the book but, the book is better! 🙂 Bond’s proposal to Tracey at the airport after her rescue of him at the skating rink was much more sudden that left him having a dream/nightmare about the wedding. He’s at his most human in this book questioning his sudden proposal, justifying it to himself & then settled down to day dream about his future married life even, having children!😱 Tracey too is a much more fleshed out feisty character overtaking his sports car with her sports car & brilliant driving, dare I say even better than Bond’s driving, on the snow & ice without snow chains that awed him! Also, pointing it out to him after his very battered return to marry her after his debacle in failing to get Bolfeld at his mountain retreat that he wasn’t thinking of HER at all in deciding to go & he would have to consider her after their marriage!😎 James is brought up short realising that she’s right!o_O It just made me go AWWW! several times despite or maybe because I knew the tragic ending was coming & cried buckets when it did!🙂 & a Streaming down with tears emoji!

That’s it for Bond until next month & I started watching on iPlayer Stanley Tucci’s Search for Italy. The American actor of Italian descent on both sides visits the different regions of Italy in search of each region’s signature food dishes. 😛
"The Duke" was excellent @freesia ... the scenes in the court are truly hilarious! It was a bit difficult to keep awake to begin with, but that was due to high BGs after the lunch. A lot of cafes in town have either closed permanently or temporarily for holidays.. the one we had lunch at nearly always sends my BGs high even if I think I have guesstimated correctly. Dunno what they put in their paninis.
"The Duke" was excellent @freesia ... the scenes in the court are truly hilarious! It was a bit difficult to keep awake to begin with, but that was due to high BGs after the lunch. A lot of cafes in town have either closed permanently or temporarily for holidays.. the one we had lunch at nearly always sends my BGs high even if I think I have guesstimated correctly. Dunno what they put in their paninis.
Glad you enjoyed it. The film is funny but sad as well. You're right, the court scenes are brilliant.
Good morning - 4.2
Good morning 7.1 today

I’ve missed a few days, yesterday was 6.9
and Wednesday was 7.something

mad busy, such a lot going on at the moment.

take care everybody
Morning all, no reading today as monitor is at the bottom of a bag somewhere. Much better this morning, very disconcerting day yesterday. Had a sleep in the afternoon and when I woke up my left ear was all gooey so maybe it was an inner ear problem, don’t want that again. Off shopping soon which should have been done yesterday as going down the caravan for a few days. Have a good day all x
Good morning all. 8.0 for me. So glad its Friday. Hoping to get through to GP before work starts, wish me luck!
Have a good day everyone.