Group 7-day waking average?

Hi all,

A bit late posting today as I’ve been very busy but 5.7 when I woke up this morning.

New libre sensor has been playing up so have had to do more finger prick testing today.

My first pancake day as a type 1…it will be interesting to see how this goes!

Hope you’ve had a good day 🙂
Good news everyone!
Walk in shower has been approved.
Need a surveyor out to make a plan (about a month) and another month or so to complete the work 🙂
Getting a bath board short term.
Daughter is happy and so am I 🙂
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Morning all 6.8 today. Last day of work for approximately 8 weeks so lots to sort out to make sure all is in order. HbA1c done at pre-op assessment shows the same result of 48 despite my fairly high readings most mornings so happy with that. Dentist and hygienist this afternoon yuk yuk yuk. Have a good day all.
@MeeTooTeeTwo I'm watching you lol x
A 5.4 for me after a sleepless night.
Good morning everyone.

We had another good day yesterday. That makes 2 in a row. Almost a record. It was as if someone had turned a switch and my wife had become rational again. The fear was mostly gone too. However, We've been here before and I have let my guard down before only to have things explode in my face again unexpectedly. So I will take each minute cautiously, as it comes...

BG 4.8 this morning which is fine.

In fact, all health stuff seems fine thank goodness.

Nothing planned for today except to try to get through to the doctors receptionist to move an appointment as they booked two a bit too close together and they will probably clash.

My worry at the moment is that my months power readings and bill are due in the next week. I have tried to reduce our energy usage dramatically though so hopefully the bill will not be too bad.

Have a great day today whatever you get up to
Good morning - 6.8
Morning. 7.7 for me. Another day at work with too much to do and not enough time. Have a good day everyone.
8.7 for me this morning. Hope everyone has a good day.
Morning all, 5.6 half an hour ago, 6.3 when the alarm went off just now. I know they’re so close you can’t really call the difference, but a reading in the 5s always sounds much better.
Good morning everyone.

We had another good day yesterday. That makes 2 in a row. Almost a record. It was as if someone had turned a switch and my wife had become rational again. The fear was mostly gone too. However, We've been here before and I have let my guard down before only to have things explode in my face again unexpectedly. So I will take each minute cautiously, as it comes...

BG 4.8 this morning which is fine.

In fact, all health stuff seems fine thank goodness.

Nothing planned for today except to try to get through to the doctors receptionist to move an appointment as they booked two a bit too close together and they will probably clash.

My worry at the moment is that my months power readings and bill are due in the next week. I have tried to reduce our energy usage dramatically though so hopefully the bill will not be too bad.

Have a great day today whatever you get up to
Keep an eye on Martin Lewis’s page on the internet as he found an unpublicised 1yr fixed from Eon Next yesterday and blogged about it causing a huge rush of sign ups and Eon Next to fill their quota and close the deal.
I’m very pleased I signed up to a two year fixed in September.
Morning all.
6.7 this morning after supper which included pancakes and even a little ice cream so I’m rather pleased with that.

I did check all the carb content for the ice creams in the freezer at Waitrose and they vary wildly with Judes Clotted Cream Vanilla coming in the lowest I could find. It was delicious with some hot crepes filled with macerated berries!

Worked yesterday and working again today so that’s three days in a row - I know that’s nothing for some of you but I’ve been struggling for so long with work that it’s a huge achievement for me so I’m celebrating!

Also I’m at that pre-diet stage of eating through the contents of the fridge and any other perishables around which is always fun - lots of soups, salads etc and I’m picking up a huge bundle of Exante shakes from the click and collect drop off point later today.
With the 45% discount you get for being diabetic it’s really not expensive but it’s a pity that the NHS have such narrow qualifying criteria for their version as that comes with months of support. Anyway I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again.
Initially I’m on it until mum’s 80th birthday celebrations in a couple of weeks and then I’ll slacken off a bit prior to the half marathon but maybe do two shakes and a salad middle ground rather than three shakes a day regimen.

On an entirely unrelated note I thought my passport expired in May this year so quite happy to dig it out and discover that it’s it’s good until May 2023! Although I did have to double check what year we were in to make sure!

Catch you all later Darlings!!
Morning after a late night lay night went to bed at 1.45am after feting in from work it was 7.2 I’m having some backfast then going back to slleep
On an entirely unrelated note I thought my passport expired in May this year so quite happy to dig it out and discover that it’s it’s good until May 2023! Although I did have to double check what year we were in to make sure!
Keep in mind that passports now expire ten years after the start date, and ignore any months that might have been added on if you renewed early. (though I read somewhere they’re working on reinstating the lost months, but they haven’t got there yet). Plus you need three months (Europe) or six months (rest of the world) unexpired, ie previous to the new expiry date, to be allowed into a foreign country. I ended up having to renew my passport a whole year early this time round.
Sorry to disappointment you @SueEK but my reading today was 5.4. 😛


7.5 today, I tried making protein powder pancakes which were ok, not a complete disaster. I think I might look into exante @ColinUK as I need to shift this excess weight.
@Robin there’s no additional time been added to the passport and it’s only been 9 years since issue but thank you for the heads up xx