Group 7-day waking average?

Thanks all. Was 17.4 before breakfast (Rice Krispies with guessed carb count, not had them in years, no prebolus as you can’t really do that in hospital), probably not the most helpful thing for my blood sugar but needed something.
Morning all, 5.6 here. March already! Where did February go? I know it’s a short month, but it’s the same every year, January drags on for ever, and February goes in a flash.
I hope they get your BGs sorted and find out what’s going on, @Lucyr .
Morning folks. 6.1 on this very frosty but beautiful morning. We’re off gallivanting into the Lakes for a walk. No fells as such, not sure my hip is up to it, just a gentle incline!

I’m sitting here watching a magnificent male pheasant holding court on my pond wall. He’s shouting for a mate. He looks splendid in the sunlight.

Happy St. David’s Day to our Welsh members. @Bloden @Martin.A and @TinaD are the only ones I know off hand. And Happy Shrove Tuesday to those who love flour, water and eggs mixed together and cooked in a frying pan! Yuk! I can’t stand pancakes. :( Will our Welsh members have leek pancakes? :confused:

Have a good day. Congratulations @rebrascora for your HS yesterday and well done today to @harbottle for yours. 🙂
Diolch yn fawr @eggyg and @goodybags - it is indeed Gwyl Dewi Sant. A friend asked me what I’d be doing for Saint David’s Day - wearing a daff on my jumper and reminiscing about school eisteddfodau - aah, the traditional costumes, the poetry, the songs, and the horrible boys competing to wear the biggest smelliest leek on their jumpers. 😛:D:rofl:

Almost forgot, 5.3 here.

Pancake in Welsh is crempog, by the way. Enjoy your crempogau, folks!
9.2. Last night seemed to one of those nights(corrections not having too much of an effect I can think of few reasons why though)
9.2. Last night seemed to one of those nights(corrections not having too much of an effect I can think of few reasons why though)
Other than the gernelly reasons i could think of it might just be my blood knew I was working letter so wanted to keep me up(sometimes I feel like it knows my plans)
Good morning. A depressing 6.5 - serves me right for eating an apple and a satsuma whilst watching the late news. Weather brilliant if chilly. Have a good day everyone.
Do you consider 6.5 a bad number? It sounds like a good number to wake up on.
And Happy St David's Day
Morning folks. 6.1 on this very frosty but beautiful morning. We’re off gallivanting into the Lakes for a walk. No fells as such, not sure my hip is up to it, just a gentle incline!

I’m sitting here watching a magnificent male pheasant holding court on my pond wall. He’s shouting for a mate. He looks splendid in the sunlight.

Happy St. David’s Day to our Welsh members. @Bloden @Martin.A and @TinaD are the only ones I know off hand. And Happy Shrove Tuesday to those who love flour, water and eggs mixed together and cooked in a frying pan! Yuk! I can’t stand pancakes. :( Will our Welsh members have leek pancakes? :confused:

Have a good day. Congratulations @rebrascora for your HS yesterday and well done today to @harbottle for yours. 🙂
Happy St David's Day. No pancakes for me - too many carbs - but I might indulge in a leek as need to clear the last few from the raised beds. A fine and useful veggie - low carb in soups, fried with bacon or with cheese sauce as well as convenient to wear in hat when needing to tell friend from foe.
Oh almost forgot!!!
And SNAP!! at my fellow HSer @harbottle
Where did you find those evil looking bunnies @MeeTooTeeTwo?! o_O:rofl:

I agree @TinaD. Leeks sweated in a pan with a blob of butter - yum!
Speaking of evil looks, I've just noticed this scary looking face in my 5.2 pic above. 😱
It's not a reflection of me - I'm much scarier!! 😉 :rofl:
Trying out a free ‘contour one next’. Nice piece of hardware, but strips are pricey.
Yes the Contour Next One is a great meter, far less bulky than most just wish someone made silicone skins for them as I find it a little too slippery xx

8.8 for me today

Has anyone heard from @DuncanLord lately? xx
Happy St David's Day. No pancakes for me - too many carbs - but I might indulge in a leek as need to clear the last few from the raised beds. A fine and useful veggie - low carb in soups, fried with bacon or with cheese sauce as well as convenient to wear in hat when needing to tell friend from foe.
I love leeks. I’ve not long picked the last of ours. I’m bereft! :( I can’t believe I’m actually going to have to BUY them. Need to plant more this year.