Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 6.6 today

have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning - 5.1
Good morning all!

Got another one of these but not an ideal way to do it....

I would just like to say that I did everything possible to prevent that red section on my graph including no bolus for evening meal and a 4 unit reduction in evening basal meaning that I didn't take any Levemir last night and still hypoed through the night. I have deducted another 2 units from this morning's dose. Thought I would get hit with a visit from Dawn or her cousin FOTF this morning with no basal in my system, but levels have continued to drop since I got up and I will need to eat a bit more breakfast than usual by the look of it. I did have a particularly active day yesterday.
This diabetes lark keeps you on your toes!
Morning all and an undeserved 7.1. After all the beige buffet I consumed yesterday it should be 17.1! 😱

A good party was had and I can’t believe Zara is one today. They were supposed to be going to Chester Zoo but the forecast for the entire north west is torrential rain after we’ve had an amazing weekend. How typical. She won’t know or mind and she has a ton of presents to open. She’s already started by all accounts!

Mr Eggy and I are doing a big fat nothing today. Looking forward to it. Low carb day ahead too, I never want to see another sausage roll for at least two days! :rofl:

Have a Happy Monday everyone.
4.7 for me this morning. 🙂

Just had these sent to me. Me and Zara yesterday and her first thing this morning with her train set from Mummy and Daddy.


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7.5 when alarm went off at 5:05. 3 precautionary Lifts which at the moment is risky but 5.9 come just before 6 with a couple more on board then 7.9 come 7

Had a scam text at 5:33 saying I’d been in contact with someone click the link to get a test, I’d seen the scam warning posted on FB by the local NHS board and in various diabetes groups so I knew about it, sadly Bruce hadn’t and as I was in the middle of texting him to warn him (only 2 different numbers in our phone numbers and he usually gets the same scams at round about the same time) he phoned mum in a panic, he’d gotten his at the back of 4 and hadn’t been able to sleep so got up and did an LFT etc but was still in a panic, we finally managed to calm him down after about 5 minutes but jeez was it a task! In future I’ll definitely tell him when I see scam warnings posted! Poor thing will be shattered by the time he gets in tonight! xx
Good morning, weather foul, International news dire, BJ no doubt rubbing his fat hands together after Putin chucking a mammoth sized dead cat on to the table. "Parties? What parties? Time for my Churchill impression." Sorrowing for Ukraine makes FBG seem irrelevant but it isn't. We need to support each other in small things as well as great during worrying times. On a more cheerful note my gardener's fiancé has a job in the local Aldi, 18 miles away, and in the light of the coming oil crisis, we have organised for her to bring my shopping if I click and collect - with diesel at 150 per litre I am duly grateful. 5.9 this morning and glad to see it after poor night.
Lovely dinner yesterday. Because we couldn't be sure we wouldn't be having a second Xmas at home, rather than being with family in Bedfordshire, we'd taken the precaution of buying a turkey and a ham joint and sticking them in the freezer. As it turned out we didn't end up having Xmas at home so we defrosted the ham joint and had Xmas Ham slow-cooked in cider, bramley apple slices and orange zest and decorated with chives. Delicious, and there's still half of it left for a salad and a sandwich or two. The turkey will get used one Sunday when our eldest is home for April.

Sounds delicious Martin!

7.4 today, think tomorrow will be bad as having afternoon tea with my mum for her birthday today.

@rebrascora - congratulations on the HS,

@eggyg - baby Zara is so cute, hope she enjoys her birthday today.

This is me at my 3 hr yoga practice yesterday. Some of the ladies can do this on the floor with no assistance, but this contraption was used for those of us who were nervous or in my case worried about going dizzy.


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Good morning all!

Got another one of these but not an ideal way to do it....
View attachment 20211

I would just like to say that I did everything possible to prevent that red section on my graph including no bolus for evening meal and a 4 unit reduction in evening basal meaning that I didn't take any Levemir last night and still hypoed through the night. I have deducted another 2 units from this morning's dose. Thought I would get hit with a visit from Dawn or her cousin FOTF this morning with no basal in my system, but levels have continued to drop since I got up and I will need to eat a bit more breakfast than usual by the look of it. I did have a particularly active day yesterday.
This diabetes lark keeps you on your toes!
It is trying to show you who is BOSS.
7.0 this morning.

And a bundle of Exante shakes ordered for the first time in a long time.
Want to kick the stubborn excess weight off and this is a very efficient way for me to do it.
Congrats to @rebrascora on that House Special. I didn't see it earlier. 😳 Specsavers here I come!
Should also say that I spoke with my GP today and they’re referring me to the REWIND program which is the NHS soup and shakes weight loss for T2

He said they make it very difficult to get accepted and most referrals they’ve made are rejected so we’ll see what happens.

Out for a quick stroll before work this afternoon. Tried to sign in to the work laptop before heading out and can’t remember a single password :rofl:
Good morning! Yesterday in the staff party I had 2 glasses of wine and a fair bit of dancing, and some naughty sweets to balance my BG (not really, they just were there and I fancied them haha). It was fun and I woke up to a nice 5'6. I took my morning dose down by one unit, as I have a full day of work and don't know if the alcohol and movement from yesterday can affect me. Later BG will tell if that was a good idea.

Started work at 7am with a headache, I blame the lack of sleep as much as the wine. Was worth it tho!
Ugh.... Wet, wet, wet!

Late night last night chatting to BIL in Aus about their flooding. Well, take your pick about FBG! 4.2 at 07:45 or 7.2 at 09:00 after I had eaten a stem ginger cookie and fallen asleep again.

Chiropractor at 3pm followed by visiting a T2 friend to help her choose a wig. Very frustrating as she's one of those people who ask your advice and then completely ignores it.... as she has completely ignored her T2 over the past 5 years. She quite gleefully told me that she eats whatever she wants, including cake, but she is now beginning to experience complications, so I will try again to give her some dietary guidelines.

Congratulations @rebrascora on your HS.

Glad to hear you got a little relief during the church visit @Gwynn.

Baby Zara looks mega-cute @eggyg.


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