Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning! 7'5 today. I woke up at 2:30 am in the middle of a dream where I was trying to check my BG, so I did that and was 5'5. It's the first time I test overnight.

@Gwynn it's a shame you don't have support. And you are right that her behaviour doesn't make any sense, but whatever condition she has is not letting her see that, I'm afraid :( I know it's easier said than done but remember you are important and deserve care as well. Hope the visit to the church helps, either spiritually or just as a distraction.
6.7 for me this morning. Half a unit basal increase got me a pretty straight line overnight and I am back up into the 90s TIR for this week, so things are definitely improving. Also got Wordle in 3 last night before I climbed into bed, so doing better all round.
Another fine day here this morning and no wind yet. Hope everyone has a lovely day.

@Gwynn Hope your wife wakes up to a more rational day today and you find some support/release within your church community. (((HUGS)))
Forgot to say...... Many congratulations to @Kopiert on attaining the magic number this morning. Gold star awarded!
Morning all on this beautiful morning. A nice round 6 for me.

Not our usual lazy Sunday morning today. Need to be at daughter’s for 11ish to help with setting up the party food, of which I’ve made quite a bit. Just need to plate things up, portion the quiche etc. But before all that, breakfast and Wordle.

Have a great day ( if you can). Congratulations @Kopiert on your HS. 🙂
7.3 today. Caravan all ok and nearly ready for our visits. Off to the Range soon to pick up some bits and making hubbys favourite meal later, stew and dumplings. Beautiful day weather wise here in sunny Brighton.
Have a good Sunday all x
@Kopiert congrats on the HS
@Gwynn so sad for all concerned and I hope you get some solace today from attending church. We are always here to listen to you if that helps xx
PS have had to join in with Wordle, got it in 4 this morning and yesterday.
Morning all, 5.4 here. Wall to wall sunshine is forecast today, may have to go for a walk if we can find any footpaths that are dry enough.
I'm sorry you’re going through a rough patch again, @Gwynn , when things had seemed more settled recently.
exactly 6 for me this morning i went to bed on 6.8 so looks like I got the reduction of my evening livermir right(obviously wont know for sure with not seeing what I happened over night but I'm taking it as a win)
@Kopiert well done on your HS.
5.5 for me today. 🙂

Morning all. Not going to measure any more. Sick to death of worrying about everything and trying to squeeze blood out.

Have a lovely Sunday.
Beautiful morning here - I hope the same for others. FBG not as good as I want but after a bad night and a snack at 01.30 a 6.1 has to be accepted I suppose. Gardener coming today so lots of cleaning up to do outside.

8.3 for me today

Hoping Bruce isn't in the mood he was in yesterday, he was the most annoying he's been in a long time!

Also hoping he gets to and from work without any problems this coming week, many of this weekends services haven't been running due to covid related absences xx
Morning all. Woke to a 3.7 (finger prick showed 4.0 though had a red line for about an hour before). This is despite 3 glucose an hour before and dozing back to sleep. I'll reduce the basal tonight.

@Kopiert congrats on the HS
@Gwynn i hope your wife has a better day today. Its so sad, but know you can come here and say how you feel. (((HUGS)))

Its bright and sunny here atm, i might attempt a walk later if levels hold up. It would be nice to get out before going back to the business/madness of work atm. Have a good day everyone.
14.2 this morning

I’d been 10 before lunch yesterday, guessed carbs of 70 for a panini with salad and crisps (which I thought was a high end estimate), took the insulin for it, then was 22.4 at 2.5 hours later. I took a correction for that and 3hrs later I was 26.8. I got a brand new cartridge out of the fridge and corrected with that and got down to this mornings 14.

Feels like a combination of a dodgy cartridge (can it suddenly go off??) and almost like my pancreas has given up (can you have a 14 year honeymoon?).
Morning all. Not going to measure any more. Sick to death of worrying about everything and trying to squeeze blood out.

Have a lovely Sunday.
I’ve had periods when I’ve stopped measuring as I just didn’t have the brain space to process that on top of everything else.
I did find coming in here and supporting others and reading threads etc still incredibly useful so even if you do stop testing please stay active in the forum if you can
6.4 this morning.

Awful sleep last night because in my bonkers world I thought listening to the news from Ukraine through the night would be ideal to drift off to but instead it kept me wide awake and going down various OSINT resources to validate/geolocate videos being posted.

Might reward myself today with a trip to the C-i-n-e-m-a

Being very careful with the spelling there for obvious reasons!
Good morning - 7.4
Morning guys, 7 this morning.

Logic exercise
I'm looking forward to a bowl of chicken soup.
Only sick people enjoy chicken soup.
Therefore I must be sick.

Can't decide how to respond to that. If you are sick, then I need to hit the "Care" emoticon or if you are being funny then I should be "HaHa" ing??
Hopefully it is the latter but if not, enjoy the soup and hope you feel better soon.