Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all.
6.1 for me today.
Last day of self isolation today by my calculations and can’t wait to get out into the wider world again.
I'm not questioning you but I'm sure you only tested positive a couple of days ago? Isn't it you have to have a negative on day 5 and 6 to end isolation early? I'm sure that's what it was xx
I'm not questioning you but I'm sure you only tested positive a couple of days ago? Isn't it you have to have a negative on day 5 and 6 to end isolation early? I'm sure that's what it was xx
It counts from the first day of symptoms rather than the most recent positive test.
Also tested negative today and yesterday afternoon.
I am convinced symptoms started Thursday last week and peaked Friday/Saturday even though tests weren’t positive then.
But here’s the NHS advice for England. 7CCABB9C-1EF2-4A90-9DFF-8A8C205C8253.jpeg
Morning all and 6.3 for me.

Looks like we escaped the worst of the storm here. One Christmas tree in a pot blown over and that's it.

Must check meds box to see what needs to go in the prescription request. Other than that it's the usual excitement of Sainsbury's this aft.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning everyone.

Very blowy yesterday. Quietened down today. Got out for a walk at 8am. It just started to rain as I got home 1.5 Hrs later. Rain has been getting steadily worse since then. So, good timing on the walk this morning.

Nothing much planned except cooking some chocolate cup cakes IF my daughter confirms they are coming to see us.

Woke at 4am this morning. Shut my eyes for a moment and it was 6am! What happened

BG 5.4. Slightly higher than normal but fine non the less
Morning all. Back in the double figures 10.2 @ 6.17am but I could only get a tiny pinprick of blood out so I'm not sure it that's a true reading. I've noticed the less blood I can extract the higher my readings. 🙄

Hope you are clear soon @ColinUK I was with a family friend for a week, she came to stay with me having Covid, and I didn't get it then I was with my sister on and off for a fortnight and didn't get it. Probably just jinxed myself now and will get it! I have been double jabbed and had a booster though so fingers x. Everybody keep wearing your masks. People are out there with Covid and not bothering to isolate, in/out of shops etc. I know this for sure, you can't be too careful. My lot are as in denial with Covid as with the D. 😳

Have a good day all x
Now there's an expression I haven't heard in a long time!

Martin (Llanelli born & bred)
Nor me! We lived in Risca in the 80s, poor dab common there.
Morning all, very wet and still windy. At least the rain is washing away the 1" coating of salt from the back windows. We couldn't see out of them yesterday! Hubby was an absolute hero. He went out in the wind and managed to reaffix the fence to the house wall between us and the neighbour with some long bolts. Our fence is a great solid thing made of huge planks, not a lightweight fence panel thing. It would have caused devastation had it come down. It's built with gaps so the wind goes through, but our lovely neighbour has put a trellis on which sticks up a further half a meter and it's overgrown with her beautiful clematis and our passion vine. It was acting as a sail, blowing around and loosening the uprights.

8.2 at 9 am... though it was 5.2 at 7 am and then dropped like a stone to 2.9 at 8 am when the alarm woke me and I obviously over-compensated with 2 dextrose, half a stem-ginger cookie and the last bite of skinny whip that was by the bed before dropping off again 'til 9am.

Not much to do today since I am still testing positive 7 days after the symptoms started. Hubby still negative. Might work myself up to the excitement of dusting downstairs! Lucky you @ColinUK being able to end self-isolating.

@MeeTooTeeTwo Congratulations on another HS!

@gll so sorry to hear about your daughter's pain. Hope the assessment goes well on Tuesday.

@eggyg - hope you are recovering from the children.

@Grannylorraine have a good weekend away!
Morning all and 6.3 for me.

Looks like we escaped the worst of the storm here. One Christmas tree in a pot blown over and that's it.

Must check meds box to see what needs to go in the prescription request. Other than that it's the usual excitement of Sainsbury's this aft.

Have a good day everyone.
Devastation here too! :rofl:


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Good mor...afternoon, people! I actually woke up earlier than planned, but I know if I get in the forum first thing in the morning I get trapped here :rofl:. BG of 6,3.

My neck still hurts and ibuprofen is not doing much. I will try hot water later. We are now in yellow alert until 6 pm, I hope the wind is not too bad for my walk to work this evening. Definitely won't bother to take an umbrella!
5.5 this morning when I got up, which was pleasing as BG readings were a tad higher than usual throughout yesterday, and was still 7.8 at silly o'clock this morning. Did feel a bit lightheaded though, so grabbed some tea with a tad of sugar and two slices of nimble toast - they helped.
Daughter popped in with granddaughter this morning. She now has our MPV as the old car has a problem as engine light staying on - she is really old now, so we've got her back, will get her fixed hopefully but looking to buy another car we've spotted - yet to view with the storms, maybe early next week (they also do repairs, so might get two birds with one stone!) - our usual garage said they can't look at her for a fortnight. I am hoping to start driving again once we get a car on the road, couldn't change gears on MPV. but old and (possibly) new car are looking the same (same make anyway), so I'm itching to get back behind the wheel after almost 3 years "grounded". Let me outta here - Freedom beckons lol
Good morning everyone.

BG 4.6 fine

I really must get out and exercise today but it is very windy again. Yesterday saw snow, rain, wind. I am hoping today will be better weather wise. I did go out for a walk yesterday but it was too cold and I cut the walk short to 134 minutes !!! I was going to go for a very long walk but...

Yesterday I felt a bit 'down'. This morning I reminded myself that I have my eyesight back (amongst other blessings). Amazing how quickly I forget the good things and can get so quickly buried by life complications and stuff. I gave myself a good kicking this morning and now I feel much better. More balanced.

Have a great day today whatever you get up to