Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 5.7 here half an hour ago. Was alarmed to see 8.4 with an upward arrow after I’d got up to go to the loo, but it was the Libre algorithm having a bit of fun, and five minutes later, it said, Ok, you win, you’re only 6.4.
Wind is picking up here, forecast to be at its worst around midday. Have moved the garden bench and some of the more top heavy plant pots into the garage.
Sorry to see you go, @Lanny , come back soon!
@Lanny we all need to take a break from things from time to time but know you’re loved and respected by many on this forum and you will be missed.
😛Morning all. 🙂 2.9’s a real puzzler atm this diabetes lark.:confused:

@Lanny I’m gutted! I love your posts. I hope you can come back soon.

Ol’ Eunice is really starting to pace up n down out there (and we’re not even in the red zone, just outside)...hubby’s insisting on a quick once round the block with the grrrrrls, but I’m staying at home, thank you. I’ll be spending today trying not to worry about my mum who IS in the red zone. o_O Welsh class (on Zoom, phew!) will distract me. STAY SAFE folks.🙂
Morning all.
Symptoms now non-existent quite frankly. Actually finding myself with more energy than usual and my skin is glowing and I’m sleeping a little better.

6.6 this morning.

Apple cake is a little underdone in the middle and a little over on the edges so need to check the temperature of the oven and can’t find my oven thermometer.
I’ll whip up a seed loaf at some point today as well I think.

Stuck my head out the window and there’s not even the slightest breeze. I’m sure that will change.
8.0 this morning aargh!! Still haven’t caught up on many posts, sorry if I’ve missed important things.
Blowing a storm here in Brighton, my recycling bin with a brick on top of it missed my car by centimetres. Stay safe everyone.
@Lanny so sorry to hear you need to take a break but we all understand. Personally I really enjoy your posts and you keep me entertained with your commentaries. Wishing you well and hope you feel you can come back very soon. Take care of yourself xxx
Have a good day all xx
7.7 for me thats much more like. but being ill with diabetties really is a pain
Well, that 'told' me...

I decided that as it wasn't raining and only slightly windy I would quickly venture out to the shop to get some food.

As soon as I reached for my coat all hell set forth out there. Rain, wild wind, you name it. I think it might have been a 'sign'.

So I am back on the settee (sofa?) With a nice hot cup of tea and it's not raining or windy in here 🙂

I may venture out of the storm passes...
8.9 for me.

Got up to some snow outside here in Central Scotland. Rain and sleet forcast until lunchtime and then snow for the rest of the day pretty much. We aren't out today but son is off to work. Pretty sure he was hoping for us to be snowed in. He is loaded with a cold and cough and just wants to stay in his bed. LFT negative this morning for him so he's going to work 😉. (update - boss is looking for jobs closer to home - phew)

Libre trial sensor will end Sunday and I was going to get more but kinda decided to hold off. I will give new med dosage a chance to work and if things are going downhill again I'll get another one then.
Kinda demented being woken up by high alarms all the time when I can't do anything about them. Its stressing out my daughter when I'm sleeping. Defo been worth doing 🙂

Hope you all stay safe today <3

Hugs to everyone who is having a bad day and / or feeling rubbish x
Good morning - 7.5

The wind here is currently 23mph and is expected to get up to 80mph 😱
4.8 for me this morning. 🙂
@Lanny I'm so sorry to hear your leaving us. Please make it as short a break as possible. All of us here on this thread will miss you.

8.0 this morning aargh!! Still haven’t caught up on many posts, sorry if I’ve missed important things.
Blowing a storm here in Brighton, my recycling bin with a brick on top of it missed my car by centimetres. Stay safe everyone.
@Lanny so sorry to hear you need to take a break but we all understand. Personally I really enjoy your posts and you keep me entertained with your commentaries. Wishing you well and hope you feel you can come back very soon. Take care of yourself xxx
Have a good day all xx
I bet that sea front is scary and beautiful in equal measure. I do like that part of the world.

7.4 today so slight improvement, was going for a long run today as not working and supposed to be going away tom until Monday, so going to do some exercise from my Davina app later. Currently gusty here, but bright, although the wind is expected to pick up here during the morning.

@Lanny - I have been in that place too, now I generally stick to this thread, and very careful what else I post on. I love reading your posts.

Stay safe everyone.
Morning all and a rather close to the edge 4.3 . Must have been the excitement of miming the same song umpteen times yesterday. Must have a couple of hours footage of a 3 1/2 minute song. Let's see what backgrounds get edited in.

Very quiet on the weather front here.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. Seriously scary winds this morning. I bet the sea is lashing over the tops of the 3 /4 story hotels on the front! Neighbour has just rung to say she thinks the fence between us may be coming down. Ugh... 7ft really solid wood. We told her that her fence on the other side behind her shed is worse, she can't see that from indoors but we can from upstairs. Not much we can do right now.

9.9 this morning. Overcompensation from an earlier low I think. Still testing positive for covid, but feeling really quite normal now. Hubby is still negative.

@Lanny... so sorry to hear your news. Chin up, we love you!
Hi all! 5'8 today. Having a chill day at home as I am in the red alert zone. So far it doesn't seem so bad but there are random bursts of strong wind. I woke up with a pain in my neck, not sure why.
Hi everyone hope you're all ok 🙂. At 7:03 this morning BG was 6.8. 11u tresiba taken.

Hope you've all had a great day 🙂
Evening all. 8.9 @ 6.53am for me, really pleased with that, not in double figures at last. 🙂 Must continue being sensible, get right back down. Very stressful week, ended up at A&E Wythenshawe twice this week due to shoulder/jaw pain and GP thought I might be having a diabetic slow heart attack as apparently classic symptoms sans chest pain. I never knew that. So that was 3 hours and 7 hours sitting about waiting, agh. I was deemed okay but it has scared me, I did not like that jaw pain so I'm being good... only taken 6 years for the other shoe to drop. 🙄 What a numpty.

Hope nobody got blown away. Dire today wasn't it? o_O

(((hugs))) for Lanny.
Morning Folks. 12.7 but I think its a bit of FoF, 10 is probs about where I was at. 🙂 Overnight was rubbish according to libre and alarms going off didn't help much but was super stressed out (see further down the post.)

Well the promised snow of yesterday was pretty much an anticlimax, all that was on the ground yesterday melted and this morning there is a light dusting on the ground. A wee bit more forecast but not expecting it to come to much.

So occupational therapy called yesterday finally. We put in an application for a walk in shower for my daughter ages ago but that's them only just called back with an assessment date. (they did call to acknowledging the application but were so backed up with covid delays).
They will be out Tuesday to asses her etc.
Could have done with it last night, her knee came out in the shower and she couldn't get out the bath/shower herself, even struggled myself to help her but luckily her brother was home so he could lift her leg up and clear the bath. What a nightmare for her, I mean I covered her with as many towels as I could but that's her brother :( She has anxiety attacks when stuff like this happens so its a case of getting her to somewhere safe asap (feels very dizzy) and that's on top of the excruciating pain. Once I got her on her bed finally I took her BP and it was 120/106 😱. It did go back down to around 110/70 half an hour later after she had settled and got her into PJs with some help.
It just breaks my heart to see in some much pain and stress. Surgery can't come quick enough but even that could be a long wait. Who knows what the waiting list is looking like with backlogs because of covid.

No major plans for today, Son is still loaded with cold/cough and daughter will be super sore so lots of looking after them both I expect.

Hope the storms have passed you all by and everything and everyone is one piece x