Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. I’m a tad annoyed today. 5.1 whilst still prone. 5.3 when I got into the kitchen! 😡 If I’d stopped and tested halfway down the stairs would I have got a 5.2?

Can’t believe I’m up so early as last night I was so tired I could barely speak. That’s what two days of feeding/entertaining five grandchildren does to you. Love them to bits but it’s nice to wave them off. I worked out in the last two days I have served up 30 meals. Breakfast, lunch and tea, they’ve helped themselves to snacks, Old Mother Hubbard’s got more food in than me! :rofl: Dudley and Eunice have nowt on the whirlwinds which are my grandchildren, and the house looks like a cyclone has hit!o_O

Quieter day today, I hope. Have a great day all and I hope everyone is safe and no damage occurred. We got away lightly up north, even the forecasted sleet didn’t arrive. 🙂
Morning all. I’m a tad annoyed today. 5.1 whilst still prone. 5.3 when I got into the kitchen! 😡 If I’d stopped and tested halfway down the stairs would I have got a 5.2?
Close enough, you get a special shiny star from me anyway. Just mind your fingers, the glue and the glitter haven't finished drying :rofl:
Morning all,

5.6 today - first time I’ve had a trip to the 5s for a little bit so that’s an improvement.

Not sure why I’m awake so early (probably still in school mode!) but going out for breakfast with friends this morning.

I have noticed that every time I go out to eat socially I am sick (I thought it was just me at first but it has become a pattern) and I think it’s because I get so anxious about injecting around new people :(

Still at least I’ve worked out why it keeps happening and I just need to try and do something about it and speak with my team at my appointment on Wednesday so they can help me. Fingers crossed it won’t happen today!

Have a good day 🙂
Good morning everybody 6.1 today

seems I still have to shed another couple of KG
to put my weight back as being overweight (rather than still obese)
I am just watching the news on TV about storm Eunice yesterday 😱

Take care everyone 😎
Morning all, 6.4 here. All in one piece here, but may need to take hammer and nails round to daughter's when it stops raining long enough, she's higher up the Cotswolds than we are, and lost some fence panels and the felt from her shed roof. And a couple of roof tiles, but that’ll have to wait for a professional!

7.8 for me, still hoping to get away today, have a steam train booked and walking with Alpacas on Sunday, so have to see if that get cancelled, but even if they do we are not at home and I am not cooking.

@eggyg - hope you have a restful weekend after looking after you grandchildren.

take care everyonr
Morning all. 4.9 for me this morning. First day of the holidays. Not much planned for today but have been invited to friends for a meal tonight so looking forward to that.

I hope you all managed through Storm Eunice without too much damage. Take care and have a good day today.
Hi folks. 🙂 FINally, a decent 5.8 for me...the o/n drop was too big, but we can’t have everything we wish for!

Siarad Sadwrn (Welsh Saturday Chat) this a.m. on Zoom. Trying to get as much practice as poss in before June’s exam.

I hope no-one’s got a major clear-up on their hands this morning. My one little daffodil has survived but the crocuses are looking worse for wear. Poor dabs!
5.3 for me this morning… after a night out where I may have had a few alcoholic drinks (First time this year).
@eggyg here's what an actual one looks like. 😛 😉 😎

Hope all on here escaped unscathed from unnice Eunice yesterday.

Last edited:
at 7:01 my BG was 8.3. 11u tresiba taken.

Enjoy your weekend everyone 🙂
7.2 today and wow what a day yesterday was, hope my caravan is still in situ!! Am amazed that the fences are still standing, my neighbour popped round and suggested I move my car out of the drive as he thought his fence was going to land on it, fortunately it didn’t. Bright and sunny morning this morning, going out for breakfast, then into town to get my passport sorted and new glasses for hubby. Busy busy lol.
Hope everyone is safe and has electricity. X

9.8 today

Well Bruce got home to find a delivery for me yesterday, the 200ml of eliquid that was supposed to be sent turned out to be 500ml!

@gll sorry to hear about your daughter and I hope she feels better soon, we didn't have any snow lie yesterday as ground was soaking before we saw any of it, it is forecast again today, our schools were only open half an hour and then it cleared up by 12 anyway! xx
6.8 for me, all quiet here now just a flag up for rain coming in, nice and sunny
at the moment glad to have survived yesterday just the bins and door mat decided
to go for a walk, lucky really as it was really fierce here 122 at the needles 😳
Morning all.
6.1 for me today.
Last day of self isolation today by my calculations and can’t wait to get out into the wider world again.
Good morning - 7.2

A tree got blown over yesterday just outside of the garden 😱 . Luckily no one was hurt.

Congratulations on the HS @MeeTooTeeTwo