Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all.. like just about everyone else we are in the teeth of a gale with slanting rain. There probably be shipwrecks and such, with Cornish folk waiting on the cliffs to capture they barrels of brandy washed ashore, afore they revenue men get there. ’Andsome.

9.7 this morning on waking. Don’t suppose it’ll normalise until the lurgy is over. Not too bad this morning (thank you @Martin.A). Cold symptoms mostly gone as of yesterday, but at 7pm last night felt like someone had hit me with a sledgehammer of wearyness. Much brighter this am, but not going to do much. I have some research to do online for a holiday later in the year (things to see, places to visit, restaurants etc all part of the fun).

Sorry to hear about your mum @Ditto and hope you feel better soon.

Here’s to everyone surviving Dudley without damage.
Morning all and 6.7 for me it was.

Looks like I may well be walking back from the garage after dropping the car off as Dudley is getting into full swing round here.

Nevermind, have a good day everyone.
Good morning, 6'7 today. I have the day off and had the idea of going somewhere nice, but the weather is not good :/ so I will try to get some exercise at home, read and maybe later go to a pub which does jam sessions on Wednesdays, with some of my housemates. We went two weeks ago and it was cool.

I have a question about post meal readings. I don't usually test after meals, but yesterday I did after a carb heavy one. 2 hours after the food I got a 10. That's not super high, just the top of my target range, but was quite a jump from my pre-meal reading. But I tested again one hour later and it was back in the 5s. I didn't do anything in thar hour, was sitting with my computer, so it was not exercise bringing it down. Should I worry about that 10 then?
Good morning, 6'7 today. I have the day off and had the idea of going somewhere nice, but the weather is not good :/ so I will try to get some exercise at home, read and maybe later go to a pub which does jam sessions on Wednesdays, with some of my housemates. We went two weeks ago and it was cool.

I have a question about post meal readings. I don't usually test after meals, but yesterday I did after a carb heavy one. 2 hours after the food I got a 10. That's not super high, just the top of my target range, but was quite a jump from my pre-meal reading. But I tested again one hour later and it was back in the 5s. I didn't do anything in thar hour, was sitting with my computer, so it was not exercise bringing it down. Should I worry about that 10 then?
Probably not something to be too concerned about, but you could try prebolusing a little earlier before your meal to stop the spike going so high. So if you injected your bolus insulin 10mins before you ate, try 15mins or if you did 15, try 20mins next time. I imagine at 1 hour, your levels may well have been quite a bit higher, but then it can depend on the meal and how quickly or slowly you digest it. Fatty foods like pizza or pasta with a creamy sauce are known for delayed release, in which case prebolusing earlier might cause you to hypo before the glucose from the food hit your blood stream.
To me good diabetes management is all about experimenting to find out what works for you, but I am sure your nurse will be more than happy that your levels are back into range by your next meal and not worry too much what happens in between. When you get Libre, (I have highlighted this because it used to be IF but the new NICE guidelines mean all Type 1s should get it on prescription) it will give you a better insight into after meal spikes and enable you to manage/minimize them much better, but it is more difficult when you are limited to finger pricking, so plenty of time to work on that when you have better tech to help you.
Dudley bending the bushes and big tree branches but only expected to hit 47mph today (BBC) or 50mph (Met). Eunice looks a tad worse with wind 60 - 77 depending on which met forecast one wants to believe. That might get a few of the trees rocking. The Met, gloomy barstewards, prophesy the joys of hail for Friday. Flood warnings on the Towy area but not the Teifi - so far. Looks a fine time to hibernate.
Thanks for your reply @rebrascora ! My diabetes doctor did tell me I could get Libre soon, I hope we'll talk about that in my next appointment in March. I am sure it will give me plenty of useful information. For now I prefer to stick to my nurse suggestions of testing before meals, plus sometimes before exercise and the occasional food experiments. I have a lifetime to live with this so trying to take it easy in this early days.

I don't bolus at all yet, I am taking basal insulin and that seems to be enough at the moment. I know this will change at some point and have the Novorapid ready in the fridge. They told me to call if I see a rise in my BGs, otherwise we'll discuss it in March. The doctor said I could have a bolus for particular meals like pizza or pasta, "let's say, 3 units" but without carb counting or knowing my ratios I wouldn't do that. This doctor is lovely but it sounds a bit dangerous to give this random bolus advice, to be honest 😳
@Elenka_HM You clearly have your head screwed on and know what you are doing, which is great!
Not using bolus insulin puts a whole new spin on the situation and clearly without that you can't do anything about the spike after meals other than restrict carbs which shouldn't be necessary as Type 1, so just keep doing what you are doing and don't worry about it at this stage. You will cross these bridges when you come to them.
Eesh! 😱 Just saw the 1pm news & there’s an even worse storm coming more or less right after Dudley! Storm Eunice & it’ll hit Cornwall & the south west first but, in NI & Scotland on the outskirts of the eye that’ll bring bluzzards & heavy snow! Time to batten down the hatches!😱 There’s amber warnings here, Causeway Coast, for Dudley from 2pm with no trains here & in Scotland! Hope everyone gets home safely if they’re out before public transport stops!
6.6 this morning. Another night of little sleep, so "lost my morning" instead and never got to coffee morning - mind you it's a blowy old one out there today, with more to come the next couple of days or so.... not meant to see much of Dudley, but Eunice is another story.... got a warning for high winds, potential for falling this and that plus a danger to life, thanks Eunice old pal.
No plans to go anywhere. Stay safe everyone
We lost power for about an hour earlier. 😡
Everything back to normal, apart from blaady Hive Home Hub which refuses to reset or recognise any smart devices. I've just threatened it with a big hammer and strangely enough it's working again.
O tempora, o mores!
We lost power for about an hour earlier. 😡
Everything back to normal, apart from blaady Hive Home Hub which refuses to reset or recognise any smart devices. I've just threatened it with a big hammer and strangely enough it's working again.
O tempora, o mores!
Oh no! 😱
Well, Storm Dudley is hitting here atm. Trees are blowing wildly and the wind is noisy on the windows. A night for staying in you would think? Nope, i'm off out for a meal with work colleagues. It won't be a late one though.
Another 4.7 for me, and I’ve realised running low on strips!
Good morning 7.1 today

have a lovely day everybody
Good morning. 10.6 after a big spike overnight (caused by the meal out, even though i thought i'd bolused enough and was well within target at bedtime) needing a 3u correction. Now dropped to 8.7 and dropping.

Still windy here. I hope you all managed to survive Storm Dudley without any issues. Have a good day.
Morning all, 7.2 here.
Had one of 'those' conversations with my hairdresser yesterday, when it transpired that she’d never realised I had diabetes. (she’s been cutting my hair for 30 years') 'But you’re not fat…' Gave her a gentle explanation. To be fair, with all the stuff in the papers, I’m not surprised that’s the message she’s picked up.
Morning all on this calmer morning, for the time being. 4.7 just before lifting my head off the pillow and getting up. That’s a low one for me, my first thought, “ woohoo, won’t need to wait an hour before I eat”. Unfortunately, once I’d been to the loo and toddled downstairs it had risen to 5.9! :( I also had another low BG alarm at 1am! 3.8, two minutes later, 5.1! No red line.😡 I got such a blooming fright I didn’t know what was going on and my heart raced for ages afterwards. Libre 2 new advertising campaign. “ Feel safe through the night with our low BG alarm, reduce the risk of hypos which may harm you. Oh, but by the way you might have a heart attack when the alarm goes off as it’s so bleeding loud!” Catchy?😉

Survived Dudley now awaiting a whirlwind, three of the grandkids arrive at 9.30, another later on in the day, all staying overnight, and then baby Zara arrives 8.30am tomorrow morning for her usual Friday daycare. All five, all day! o_O

Might see you tomorrow. Have a fabulous wind free day, if you can. We won’t, I’ve made cauliflower soup for our lunch! :rofl: