Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all.
7.1 this morning. I think I need to drop some weight to get my regular morning readings reliably in the sixes so I’m going to bake both bread and brownies today of course. Both low carb it goes without saying!
12.3 even after a 4 in the morning correction. Hopefully the correction with back fast will sort it. At least by lunch anyway.
Morning all. 🙂 4.4 here.

It’s looking a bit OTT out there this morning. I just hope my new hedge manages to stay upright. Off to knitting, so no time for a walk (boo hoo 😉) but yes time for a LFT. Then I need to buy some gluten-free vegan cakes for my friends that are coming round for tea tomorrow. Couldn’t sleep last night, thinking about how to revise for my Welsh exam in June...must come up with a plan so that I can SLEEP at night!o_O:rofl:
Good morning all.

I caught "Dawn" on 7.4 as she was heading off into the sunrise with my BG so I tethered her with 2 units of Fiasp. That clipped her wings! Had a nice straight overnight graph again mostly mid 6s, so I'm happy enough with that and now 6.1 but levels are rising again slightly so she is struggling desperately to get away and my Fiasp is taking some strain. Hopefully it will teach her not to come back.
Morning all. 8.9 as I woke at 6.30, went to the loo about 7, 9.6! Got up 7.30, 8.5! So, In the words of the late, great Hughie Green, “ Take your pick, folks”. :confused:
Also had a low BG alarm at midnight. 😡

Had a very strange day yesterday BG wise, TBF I’ve had a strange few days but I’m now getting a tad concerned. I’ve added some pics to illustrate, but basically my BGs seem to be going a lot higher than expected at times. I’ve checked on my metre incase the Libre was playing up, no it wasn’t. For example, yesterday after having a six mile muddy walk, I was 5.1 going steady as we got home at 4.45pm. We hadn’t planned on eating until 7ish. So had two Opal Fruits, ( Star Bursts to our younger members). Less than an hour later I was 8.1 going up fast! Ate at 7, BGs 6.6 so just bolused for my rice and the bread. Had a lovely meal, I couldn’t finish it, only had half a slice of my delicious homemade bread. I felt unwell. Very bloated, uncomfortable and tired. Went to bed on 7.3 but knew I had some insulin still coursing about, had a ginger nut. Read my book, needed the loo to rid myself of some of my tea ( TMI sorry). Lights out,11pm, 6.6. Hypo at midnight, I thought it must be compression and I didn’t get another alarm, so ignored it and fell back to sleep. Look at the graph I just went higher and higher all night. The only thing I think it can be is my gastric problem. For those that don’t know, I have a permanent, partial small intestine blockage caused by adhesions from all my surgery, I try and eat a low residue diet. My body is hanging on to the food I think, although I had to go to the loo again at 3.30. And again at 6.30. Going to experiment today, going to eat very small meals and no fibre, veg, fruit, nuts, seeds at all. See how things go. Mr Eggy says I’m an enigma, I’d rather not be. :( Sorry for having a whinge but I know you’ll understand. If you do, can you let me know!😉

If you’ve got through all that, thank you and have a great day.

Just edited to add another photo. I just checked my TIR and “below” as you can see is 0%. So definitely compression. My usual TIR is about 95%.


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8.7 this morning, did a little recovery run yesterday and had yoga in the evening.

@Lanny and @rebrascora - thank you for your donations, really appreciated.

@Pattidevans - sorry to hear you have Covid, I hope you start to feel better soon.

Have a good day everyone

7.7 today xx
@eggyg The fact that your hypo hasn't recorded on your TIR stats will be that that hour you were in the red is not enough to register 1% when up against all the hours in the past 7 days when you were in range or high. It should have recorded on the low glucose events log though. Have you checked that?
The reader can't differentiate between an actual low and a compression low if that is what you are suggesting.

My take on it would be that your food got stuck in your stomach due to your constriction and was slow to be digested and the glucose was delayed in being absorbed as a result so the remaining on board insulin took you down and then the food eventually released it's glucose to bring you back up or your liver responded or probably a combination of both.

Wouldn't you think they could fit a stent to open up that bit of your gut, to help improve flow through it like they do with blood vessels.
Good morning. 5.8. Foul wet morning - supposed to clear up later but the view SSE is obscured by thick cloud. Really looking forward to potential 70mph winds over the next few days. Hope things improve by end of March when Peachy's foal is due. No playing outside today - have a rendezvous with a good book. Enjoy the day everyone.
It was 5.3 for me first thing this morning, but I dozed off until now. Must've needed the sleep. 🙂

A pretty pleasant 6.0 this morning.
I'm thinking this itchy, blotchy rash thing might be a side effect of my changing to a sugar free caramel syrup for my coffee, it is the only major change I have made recently - so am going to give it a miss for a few days and see what happens.
Have a good day all 🙂
@eggyg The fact that your hypo hasn't recorded on your TIR stats will be that that hour you were in the red is not enough to register 1% when up against all the hours in the past 7 days when you were in range or high. It should have recorded on the low glucose events log though. Have you checked that?
The reader can't differentiate between an actual low and a compression low if that is what you are suggesting.

My take on it would be that your food got stuck in your stomach due to your constriction and was slow to be digested and the glucose was delayed in being absorbed as a result so the remaining on board insulin took you down and then the food eventually released it's glucose to bring you back up or your liver responded or probably a combination of both.

Wouldn't you think they could fit a stent to open up that bit of your gut, to help improve flow through it like they do with blood vessels.
The hypo has registered on the log, I also checked back and it’s less than a week ago when I was woken three times with a hypo, but they didn’t show as being in the red. Last night/this morning is the first time I’ve actually had a red line on the graph! Does that mean I was really hypo? Oops! Naughty me ignoring it.
I agree it’s the food getting stuck, I’m really struggling with knowing what to eat and/or how much. Since I was in hospital, Nov 2020, my portions have got smaller and smaller. I’m very careful about my food choices too. Re the stent, an op was mooted at my admission but their concern was more scarring therefore more adhesions. I’ve definitely got worse instead of better. Docs appointment I’m now thinking. :(
Actually that's where I am from: Spain 😉

So, most people has the father's surname as the first surname and the mother's one as the second (although this days people can choose to change the order). Then, when you have a child you give them your first surname. If I was married, the baby would have my husband's first surname and then my first surname.

An example, if the dad is called Pepe Garcia Gómez and the mum is Maria Martinez Moreno, the kid can be Juan García Martínez. I hope that helps, my explanation may be confusing o_O:rofl:
My father's sister who was the eldest has the names of both her grandmothers surnames as 2nd and 3rd Christian names, they must have run out of ideas when it came to him as he only had one name and even then it would be regarded as s shortened name Harry rather than Harrold.
Morning everyone
At 7:05 my BG was 10.2 so just 0.2mmol above target. 11.0u tresiba taken.
BG hadn't changed much 3 hours later at breakfast time which was 10:05 and BG was 10.3

I hope everyone has a good day 🙂. After today I've got 3 week days before we break up for half-term.
Good morning! 6'8 today.
I had a coffee with cream at work, which reminds me of @rebrascora 😉 . Not my thing but you can't know until you try.
The hypo has registered on the log, I also checked back and it’s less than a week ago when I was woken three times with a hypo, but they didn’t show as being in the red. Last night/this morning is the first time I’ve actually had a red line on the graph! Does that mean I was really hypo?
Regarding the previous instances,that's happened to me. I think if it only drops to 3.9 or below for a few seconds then it may not record it, I've also had the warnings when it's saying I am there, but in fact stopped just short of being that low. As @rebrascora says though, it won't show on TIR if it's less than 1% of the time over 7 days.
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Just a minor update.

1. The prescription for my eye drops for operation recovery was messed up by the doctor which I discovered today. Last week I gave them my discharge letter and ordered the defined required meds. I rang the pharmacist today and discovered that the GP had prescribed just one of the two required medicines. I rang the GP reception and they confirmed the error and promised to rectify the mistake asap. Not very impressed. Eyesight is important. That's the second prescription the GP has mucked up. The previous one was a life long, life preserving med that had been refused!! They appologised in person that time. That one was odd because I had been on the required med ever since my brain surgery and there is no way I could live without it.

Careless, simply careless


I noticed that my blood pressure had been elevated across three portions of the graph from all the health data I have recorded from the start of my diabetes journey. Three portions elevated (for several weeks) and the remainder in the normal range.

I tried to cross corellate with all the other data graphs I have but could not identify anything that might be responsible. Then I realised that because I do think that I drink plenty of fluids I had not bothered to plot a graph for that but suspected that that might be responsible. So this morning I did just that, plotted the graph, and the corellation was as bold as could be!!! Less fluid = slightly higher blood pressure into the elevated range. Blindngly obvious in hindsight except that I really did think I had been drinking enough. An assumption not borne out by the facts.

It is so easy to assume things and come to the wrong conclusions. Whoops.

All sorted now so I will see if the normal trend continues now that my eye is now focussed on fluid intake too!