Group 7-day waking average?

I think 1 positive LFT and symptoms confirm it for me.. but hopefully the symptoms stay as they are. Did you have severe symptoms?
I had symptoms one day but a negative test, milder symptoms the next day and 2 positive tests (i did the second one because i wasn't expecting it). The rest of the time the symptons were mild really, only had one day when i felt really achey and no energy. I had to do the full 10 day isolation as didn't get a negative until day 9 and 10.
I had symptoms one day but a negative test, milder symptoms the next day and 2 positive tests (i did the second one because i wasn't expecting it). The rest of the time the symptons were mild really, only had one day when i felt really achey and no energy. I had to do the full 10 day isolation as didn't get a negative until day 9 and 10.
Oh dear, hope you are fine now. At least I don't have work. It currently just feels like a cold, though for the past 3/4 days I have been very tired.
Little update: I am pleased to say I got my strips and needles. And as a little Valentine's gift, 200 urine ketones test that I didn't order but my nurse had put them in the prescription and I didn't have any yet. Good to have some, hope I don't need them often!

I must remember to explain the people in the pharmacy about my surnames. In my country people don't change surnames when they get married and we have 2 surnames each (one from the father and one from the mother). It can get confusing in England as people think one is a middle name or something like that. I wonder if that's why they couldn't find my records last week :confused:😳
I am fascinated... so you have the surname of your father and your mother... what happens when you have a child? I ask because the same applies in Spain where I worked for some time in my youth.
I must remember to explain the people in the pharmacy about my surnames. In my country people don't change surnames when they get married and we have 2 surnames each (one from the father and one from the mother). It can get confusing in England as people think one is a middle name or something like that. I wonder if that's why they couldn't find my records last week :confused:😳
My second name is a Spanish surname, so when I lived in Spain things got v confusing sometimes. o_O😳🙂

Congrats on the run @Grannylorraine - great pic!
Oh dear, hope you are fine now. At least I don't have work. It currently just feels like a cold, though for the past 3/4 days I have been very tired.
I am thank you. Any other time i would have gone into work and just carried on. I was tired though, still am now. Hopefully you'll feel better soon.
I am fascinated... so you have the surname of your father and your mother... what happens when you have a child? I ask because the same applies in Spain where I worked for some time in my youth.
Actually that's where I am from: Spain 😉

So, most people has the father's surname as the first surname and the mother's one as the second (although this days people can choose to change the order). Then, when you have a child you give them your first surname. If I was married, the baby would have my husband's first surname and then my first surname.

An example, if the dad is called Pepe Garcia Gómez and the mum is Maria Martinez Moreno, the kid can be Juan García Martínez. I hope that helps, my explanation may be confusing o_O:rofl:
I love that we learn so many things other than just diabetes related stuff on this forum! Particularly cultural stuff. It is just really interesting.
A very early good morning!
8.8 for me

We didn't end up baking yesterday (Sainsburys didn't have a good cake mix) but we did play a bunch of games and much silliness was had.
Well, that was until animal snap came into the mix. It was a thrilling game, the mood was tense, we were all hunched over the table ready to yell "SNAP" at any moment. Accusations of cheating were being thrown around (spoiler my great nephew is a little cheat). Anyway the adults were giving the little one an age related handicap but he was just too slow, realising his major loss he had a meltdown and went for a nap :rofl:

Ended up dashing out of there with the start of migraine auras which put me in bed for most of the afternoon (not sleeping just being in the dark). I did go to bed properly about 6pm in the end with the migraine subsiding but exhausted. Really not helping me to keep a good sleep pattern here.

Anyway feeling a bit worn and a foggy head out but okay today. Got a nurse phonecall at 9am (have made notes) and covid booster after lunch with a shopping trip somewhere in-between all that.

Have a great day everyone 🙂

@Pattidevans hope it is all mild and you feel better soon
@Grannylorraine that is an awesome picture :D Love the leggins btw
Good morning everyone.

Yesterday, in spite of the cold, gale, rain I got out for a 182 minutes march to Blackpool Squires Gate and back. I got drenched but it was worth it. Hated my shoes and feet getting wet (and cold) though. Today the rain is even harder so I will cut it down to 30 minutes. Hope my shoes have dried out!!!

BG 5.4 this morning. A tad higher than my usual fasting reading, but fine none the less.

I wonder when they will do my next set of blood tests. I think they must be due.

Nothing planned for today except to keep warm and dry

Have a great, dry, warm day whatever you are doing today
Morning… a 4.9 for me. Today I have a 2 hour dental appointment to have an implant fitted!
Good morning, 6.9 today.

yesterday i was at the eye clinic for the ongoing treatment on my eyes (injections)
Today have a repeat of recent blood test.
Thinking living round the corner from the hospital does sometimes have an advantage for us regulars.

have a great day everyone 🙂
Good morning. 4.8 and it needed 2 glucose to get me out of bed. Running late, catch up later.
Prepare to be amazed as I actually had a good fbg. 6.2 this morning.

The first dose of amitryptaline made me sleep in till gone 6, and I’ve written out all the medications to try and get into a solid routine of taking things on time and well spaced out etc
Morning all, 8.4 here, oops. Under bolused for last night’s curry, did a conservative correction at bedtime, but why oh why does my liver, bless its cotton socks, feel the need to release more glucose from 4am even when my levels are higher than usual?