Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 7 for me after a 2u correction overnight and a spike to 15. No idea why. Maybe continued tiredness and not wanting to go to work? Will catch up later. Have a good day.
Good Morning 5.0 on the nose today,
which was a big relief as post evening meal my BS was 10 (a rise of 4)

well done on yesterdays run @Grannylorraine

later this afternoon I have eye consultation at hospital no injection planned,
but I get checked once a month and the injections every two months.

have a great one everybody 😎
Morning everyone 9.9 for me.

Plan for the day is to take my 4 year old great nephew shopping for a cupcake kit (so he can pick) and do some baking with him. It hurts my soul to be buying a kit and not making them from scratch but I think in the best interest of my sis in laws kitchen (the location of the baking experiment) the kit will be less messy 😉
I think we will be pulling out some board games too. I'm down for any game if it keeps peppa blummin pig off the tv :rofl:
Will be good to hang out when he's not a tired wee grump after a long week of nursery for a change. Hurrah for half term.
Hoping for a fun day for him with minimal meltdowns <3

Have a great day everyone with whatever you get up to.
Good morning! 6'6 here. Have a good Valentine's, those who celebrate, and a good Monday for the rest! I made a heart shape with raspberries on my porridge because why not.

I hope the pharmacy has my strips today. I ordered them last Monday and tried my luck on Friday, but not only didn't have them, they checked my name and said they didn't have any records on me since last summer. They suggested this might not be my nominated pharmacy (it definitely is). Very strange as it's the third time I order the same thing from the same pharmacy in the last 2 months and I had no problems 🙄
Good morning, 8.8 before breakfast today
Morning all. 6.1 here.

Back from our little jolly into the beautiful, mysterious, very damp Welsh hinterland. Cadair Idris defeated us (my knees were screaming on the way up, then my thighs took over on the way down...still sore LOL). Stunning landscapes, just stunning.

Romantic porridge @Elenka_HM - brilliant! 😛:rofl:
Good morning. 6.5 on this, our first child free Monday this year! To celebrate I decided to treat Mr Eggy to breakfast in bed as it’s Valentine’s, we don’t exchange cards or presents, after 46 years it’s a bit pointless. He ended up surprising me, as he got up just as I was finishing buttering his toast ( homemade granary bread no less), he never gets up before 8 he if doesn’t have to! He was pleased though, except I apparently didn’t put enough Darjeeling First Flush in the teapot and it was a bit weak! I even went out in the rain ( yes, we have yours too @Robin) to pick the snowdrops. Definitely bonkers! :rofl:
Nice meal tonight, I’m hoping to make goats cheese and caramelised onion bread, which we will have as a small starter with olive oil and Balsamic vinegar. Then scallop, pea and lemon risotto. No pudding. Neither of us are big eaters anymore and can’t barely manage two courses, never mind three. 🙂 But we do have a bottle of Cremant in the fridge that we’ll crack open.😉

Have a great day all. 🙂
Congratulations ( again) @harbottle on your HS. Good work. 🙂


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Morning all.
7.1 this morning for me.

@harbottle Congrats on the HS!
Thanks... I seem to be fairly consistent in the mornings, much to my relief, as I was told to reduce Metformin to 500mg just before Xmas and was paranoid that my BG would start going up.
Good morning - 6.0

Congratulations on the HS @harbottle

8.7 today

but I think in the best interest of my sis in laws kitchen (the location of the baking experiment) the kit will be less messy 😉
:confused: I wouldn't be so sure on that, I made Bruce's nephew a cake for his birthday years ago and was going to cheat and use packet mix, I fought with the packet for about 5 minutes (I did it at my grandads and his scissors had broken a few days before and he hadn't yet replaced them) suddenly the packet exploded open and the cake mix ended up all over me 😱 Bruce says he'll never forget the shocked expression on my face of suddenly being totally caked in cake mix! :rofl: needless to say I ended up making it from scratch :rofl: xx
My internet was down earlier and I couldn't post my 5.5 reading. 🙂🙂

Hello morning people, @eggyg I have been smiling at the thought of cozy sheep warming your breakfast Darjeling.
Monday greetings to all, and my glucose level has finally straightened out and is ready to start the day, 4.8

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Not just any old sheep. Herdwicks no less. The toughest and hardiest sheep in the country, just like me! 😉
Good morning. A rather high (for me) 6.1. Could be the rather sleepless night - woke at 01.30 and couldn't nod off again. Grey overcast but not raining yet altho' I gather it is back to waders for Tuesday. Wishing sunshine for us all.
A nice 5.9 for me this morning and a lovely straight line overnight after a slightly risky 1 unit correction for an 8.3 with upward sloping arrow at bedtime.

Many congratulations to @harbottle on yet another House Special.

@BennyG Nice to see you have joined us here on what is without doubt the best thread here on the forum. 😉

Many congratulations to @Grannylorraine on completing the run yesterday and I love that @ColinUK went along to support her and has gained inspiration from it.
Morning all and 5.6 for me this morning

Damn it's miserable out there.

Reasonably busy week ahead. Rehearsal with our original singer from more than 40 years ago tomorrow which should be fun. Hopefully we can get our gig which was cancelled due to COVID rearranged.

Video shoot on Thursday in a green screen studio.

Need to hit the charity shops in again to see if I can get a cheap and slightly dishevelled suit for the shoot after that. Mind you even good suits look dishevelled on me

Have a good day everyone.
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Morning all

8.9 this morning, but ate what I wanted yesterday. It was lovley seeing Colin, after he has cheered me on, I kept thinking I am sure that is Colin from the D forum. This is one of the official photos, I look like I am really angry in the others.

London Winter run.jpg

And here is the cheeky bit, if anyone wants to donate, below is my fundraising link, hoping it works as Facebook struggled with it. I am currently still raising for 2022, even though I am already signed up for 2023 (if anyone wants to come along and join me for that)

Catch up on everyone's posts later.