Group 7-day waking average?

Morning (just!) a 5.0 for me.

A day of rest planned. Tv, newspapers and book plus a roast

Have a great day all.
A customer service story

Yesterday I took my car to Ubeda to recharge the battery. MIssy was in the back. I needed to go to Ubeda where is a large Carrefour as I needed a new computer mouse and some food. I always check my levels before driving and I was well over my driving limit. I was OK whilst shopping but then became somewhat wobbly. I knew that it was a a hypo onset and so had some quick acting carbs but then became increasingly unwell. Luckily I was in the aisle with lots of biscuits and such so I grabbed a pack and started to eat. A young assistant noticed and asked if I was unwell. I explained the circumstances and said that I would pay for the biscuits at the check-out. She said that it was not important as my health was her concern. She got me a chair and sat me down. When I was a little recovered she took me to the check-outs of which there were 20 or so and took me to the front of the queue explaining why. I was then taken to my car and I was offered a driver to take me home with another car to follow to bring my driver back to the store. I declined the offer on my promise that I would not depart until I was feeling better.

There is customer service and there is much more than that.
@Michael12421 how lovely that they helped you like that. There are some good people around. I hope your levels are ok now.
Seem to be on a roll with luck.... I got Wordle in 3 this morning... not that I am bragging or anything! 😉
One regular on this thread should have gotten it in one! 😉
Hi all,

6.9 for me today.

Have noticed levels starting to sneak up a little bit recently. I thought it was just with food so needed to change my ratios but also when I’m not eating so feel like I need to adjust basal too.

Only thing is with not having a half unit pen I can’t change it to what I want to which is super annoying and feel like 1 whole unit is too much (I’m rather insulin sensitive!) Definitely going to try and get a half unit pen and will be relieved when my consultant appointment comes along in just over a week’s time - so many issues I need to discuss!

Anyway rant over! Have a good day 🙂
@sg295 it's still a perfectly fine level to wake to, if you have an email address or phone number for your team get on to them right away for a half unit pen, put your foot down rather than just wait until you see someone, they are there to help and if you feel that a half unit pen would help they should grant it xx
@sg295 it's still a perfectly fine level to wake to, if you have an email address or phone number for your team get on to them right away for a half unit pen, put your foot down rather than just wait until you see someone, they are there to help and if you feel that a half unit pen would help they should grant it xx

Thanks for your message.

Yes 6.9 is pretty good but I know my DSN likes me to have them a bit lower than that and also rose slightly when I got up so ended up in the 7s before I’d even eaten anything.

Ok thank you, will do, wasn’t quite sure whether to say something now or just wait. They were saying about giving me half unit pens a while ago but then thought I was doing ok on the whole unit ones but I think the time’s come now where I need to fine tune things a bit more xx
Really poor weather here so I decided to stay in. No exercise. Hmm

BG 5.3 early this morning

Just one more pic of the great cake as my wife sliced a miniscule wedge ready for eating. Absolutely delicious cake, moist, sweet (but not too sweet). In the past I would have wolfed down several wedges. Now just a small crumb of one. Well actually 75g but who's counting.

Major update to App today....brain exercise I guess.


Thanks for your message.

Yes 6.9 is pretty good but I know my DSN likes me to have them a bit lower than that and also rose slightly when I got up so ended up in the 7s before I’d even eaten anything.

Ok thank you, will do, wasn’t quite sure whether to say something now or just wait. They were saying about giving me half unit pens a while ago but then thought I was doing ok on the whole unit ones but I think the time’s come now where I need to fine tune things a bit more xx
As long as it's in range then they have no reason to want it any lower, the stress DSN's can put on you can make you feel like your useless and then you are determined to have perfect control which won't happen 100% of the time and then you feel like a failure when things do go wrong, I've been there but it was me that put myself there while my team were telling me to be more relaxed

I got a half unit pen a few weeks after my diagnosis due to full units being too much of a correction, if you want it now seek it now! lol xx
6.1 this morning. After a really awful night with constant itching stopping me from sleeping, I thought it would be higher. Am going to have to try and get an appointment to see Dr next week, I need some help with this.
As long as it's in range then they have no reason to want it any lower, the stress DSN's can put on you can make you feel like your useless and then you are determined to have perfect control which won't happen 100% of the time and then you feel like a failure when things do go wrong, I've been there but it was me that put myself there while my team were telling me to be more relaxed

I got a half unit pen a few weeks after my diagnosis due to full units being too much of a correction, if you want it now seek it now! lol xx
Ok that’s good to know thank you.

While I think I probably do need to be more relaxed at times, I definitely think a half unit pen would be very helpful so yes I will seek it out asap!

Thanks for your help xx
Popped down to the Winter Run course and walked part of it. Stopped to cheer lots of runners and am awaiting confirmation but think I cheered on @Grannylorraine!

Seeing all the different types/paces etc out and about has given me the psychological boost I need for the half marathon in April.
There were folks walking, people stopping to take photos, one nipped in to Pret and rejoined with their coffee and all seemed to be enjoying it!

Doesn’t matter what time you finish in really. And it’s not going to matter what time I finish in!
Popped down to the Winter Run course and walked part of it. Stopped to cheer lots of runners and am awaiting confirmation but think I cheered on @Grannylorraine!

Seeing all the different types/paces etc out and about has given me the psychological boost I need for the half marathon in April.
There were folks walking, people stopping to take photos, one nipped in to Pret and rejoined with their coffee and all seemed to be enjoying it!

Doesn’t matter what time you finish in really. And it’s not going to matter what time I finish in!
It was lovely to be cheered on by Colin, thank you the support was appreciated by me and all the other runners,

Some of the fast runners take these events very seriously, but most just try to enjoy them, raise money for charity or just want to prove to themselves they can do it, not in completion with anyone else.

A man near me at one point popped into one of the Tesco’s we were passing and asked if anyone else wanted bottles of water.

For the record, I am more like a cross between a snail and tortoise when I run and can never make up my mind whether to smile or cry. Off to look at the official photos and see if I wasted my money.

Thank you all for you good wishes today.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3 again. Another tease.

I couldn't get out to exercise yesterday as it was so cold, wet and windy, so today I have to make up for it.

A special meal this evening for my wife. Beef Teryaki, yorkshire pudding, sprouts, carrots and a chocolate heart (not all on the same plate)

Have a great day what ever you do today