Group 7-day waking average?

Wow that is something of a cake @Gwynn

3.7 for me. Dreadful day yesterday level wise. Could get numbers up. Thankfully it’s the weekend and for me 1/2 term next week. Is it really 8 weeks since Christmas Day?

Have a good day all.
Morning all and it was 7.4 for me although pre breakfast finger test was 5.4.

Got storyboard through for our video shoot. Need to dig a suit out and some bandages. Could well be hitting the charity shops for something suitable.

Have a good day everyone.
Thanks Elaine. I could understand that if I'd flooded my plate with gravy but I don't like a lot.
I did have very large portions of all the veggies which included mashed swede, carrots, peas and cauliflower cheese and 2 very small pieces of roast parsnip so I am guessing that those all contributed. I also wonder if the sheer bulk of food (especially those 2 spuds forced down at the end) which clearly put my digestive system under strain, actually caused my body stress and that hiked my levels rather than it just being the food. Only myself to blame for being a glutton!!
Oopsie! All of those veg are quite carby and also the cauli cheese will have been made with flour in a commercial kitchen.
Morning all, bit grey, but not too bad.

5.3 this morning with a nice flat line. Very pleased with that and quite a good night’s sleep.

@Gwynn, the cake looks spectacular! Glad is tastes as good as it looks.

Looking for a recipe for diced wild boar this morning. Got 500g in a meat box, along with venison and pheasant. Couldn’t resist as it was 50% off. Something with red wine in methinks!
I was an unusually high 6.1 this morning... (I haven't seen it above 5.4 for a few months!)
Morning all,

6.2 today after a terrible nights sleep! Basically went out for a meal last night and I’m not sure if I just ate too much, too quickly or something just didn’t agree with me but I was very sick :( not a nice experience and means I’m feeling very tired today!

Hope you all have a good day though 🙂
Oopsie! All of those veg are quite carby and also the cauli cheese will have been made with flour in a commercial kitchen.
Oh, I forgot there was white cabbage (which obviously is a better veg option) too which I also had a big portion ofl.... My plate really was piled high! 😳
In my defence, we got there just as the carvery was shutting down so I kind of felt like the veg were probably going to waste which was another reason why I was overly generous with my portions.
Oh, I forgot there was white cabbage (which obviously is a better veg option) too which I also had a big portion ofl.... My plate really was piled high! 😳
In my defence, we got there just as the carvery was shutting down so I kind of felt like the veg were probably going to waste which was another reason why I was overly generous with my portions.
Well that’s what you get for cutting down on food waste!
Good mor.... err sorry it's good afternoon now isn't it :rofl: hope everyone has had a good morning 🙂
I've not posted on this thread since Wednesday so here goes for Thursday, Friday and this morning....

7:24 BG 10.5. 11.0u tresiba taken.

7:04 BG 16.3. 11.0u tresiba taken. 3.0u humalog correction.

This morning
7:33 BG 9.3. 11.0u tresiba taken.

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the day and evening 🙂
Oh, I forgot there was white cabbage (which obviously is a better veg option) too which I also had a big portion ofl.... My plate really was piled high! 😳
In my defence, we got there just as the carvery was shutting down so I kind of felt like the veg were probably going to waste which was another reason why I was overly generous with my portions.
Have I deduced correctly from what you’ve said on another thread that it is your birthday today? If so,
Happy birthday!
Have I deduced correctly from what you’ve said on another thread that it is your birthday today? If so,
Happy birthday!
Thought I might have sneaked that one past people, but yes, birthday girl here. :D 58years young and proud of it it! 😎
Many thanks Robin for birthday good wishes.
Thought I might have sneaked that one past people, but yes, birthday girl here. :D 58years young and proud of it it! 😎
Many thanks Robin for birthday good wishes.
Happy birthday!
I have 3 days in a row to celebrate, today is my birthday, tomorrow is my 3 year Diaversary and then Valentines Day on monday!
Thought I might have sneaked that one past people, but yes, birthday girl here. :D 58years young and proud of it it! 😎
Many thanks Robin for birthday good wishes.
Happy birthday! 🙂
Happy Birthday @rebrascora. I hope you have a lovely day.