Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone.

BG 5.0 on the nose, and ear, and finger...

Had an interesting day yesterday. Lots of exercise AND

I did make the chocolate cake. It took me about 4 hours with the prep, cooking, cooling, layering, decorating, clearing up. What a mess I made with bits of cake crumbs all over the place ! I had some small bit of it for my afternoon snack. Just some of the sliced off top and some of the filling. BG result 2.5 hours later 4.8. Interesting.

It was a three layered butter iced (sort of, using cream cheese and cocoa, and etc) and decorated with lots of shaped dark chocolate thingies. Way over decorated...a bit of fun. A valentines surprise for my wife. Not much of a surprise as she sat in the kitchen the whole time I was cooking.

Big mistakes? Filling was too stiff at first, then too runny so some of the decoration at the base was messed up. I didn't to a crumb coat which I should have done, result was a bit of a mess on the outer surface. No piped message (not tried that yet)

Great fun... next will be the valentines meal....

See attached pictures of the cake result...

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View attachment 20059
That looks amazing. Almost too good to eat. She’s a lucky lady, your wife.
@Gwynn that looks great!

I can bake but I really can’t decorate cakes at all so if I turned out one looking as good as that I’d be chuffed!
Morning all and I’m twinning with @Kopiert with a 6.4, I am also surprised as I made a pasta bake last night, it was yummy, first one in 3 years.
@Grannylorraine so hard for you with your mum, sadly there always seems to be one member of the family who takes on the responsibility which is so unfair. In my family it is me but I have learnt to say no now which came as a huge shock to everyone and I was told ‘you’ve become very cold’ - no it’s called self-preservation. Take care of yourself and I hope that maybe you can get your siblings involved in your mums care. Big hugs to you xx
Loving the elephant ears/pig squeaks chat, can’t wait to hear the outcome of the experiments lol.
Have a good one all x
Oh, and, it tastes absolutely delicious.

AND my wife agrees with that too

A success. Whew!
Good morning! 8'4 today.
Starting the weekend, which means relax for many...but not us in hospitality :D Just came back from a "midweek weekend", just two consecutive days off, that I spent visiting friends (nice!) and eating bread and biscuits like they were going to become illegal (also nice at the moment but regret a bit later).

Last night at work a lady customer had a beautiful insulin pen on her table. I kept looking at it each time I walked past until I worried she might notice and not like it, and then I actively tried not to look at it. It looked very elegant, dark green with silver details. Wasn't sure it was for insulin until I saw a needle's cap right next to it. Should have asked the lady if she was in the forum! :rofl:
Hmm dark green insulin pen… Humapen HD?
Good morning! 8'4 today.
Starting the weekend, which means relax for many...but not us in hospitality :D Just came back from a "midweek weekend", just two consecutive days off, that I spent visiting friends (nice!) and eating bread and biscuits like they were going to become illegal (also nice at the moment but regret a bit later).

Last night at work a lady customer had a beautiful insulin pen on her table. I kept looking at it each time I walked past until I worried she might notice and not like it, and then I actively tried not to look at it. It looked very elegant, dark green with silver details. Wasn't sure it was for insulin until I saw a needle's cap right next to it. Should have asked the lady if she was in the forum! :rofl:

7.9 again this morning, off very soon to meet my daughter and we are going to look at some wedding dresses, her appointment is 10.30, but we have to meet up with her bridesmaids first, the shop is 1 1/2 hrs drive from hers. Tomorrow I have my London Winter run for Cancer research, so not sure if I will get logged on before I go.

@Martin.A - congrats on yesterday’s HS

@Gwynn - cake looks lovely,

Thank you all for your kind thoughts yesterday, I went round to see her and did my training at her flat, she has now decided it is fine for my hubby to take her for her blood pressure check and if it is chilly he can take her in the wheelchair.

Have a good day everyone
4.8 for me today. 🙂

Morning all, was 5.0 at 6.30am, but I went back to sleep and woke up again with a 6.7. Managed to get out in the garden for an hour yesterday afternoon, and it didn’t seem too cold, but I think it’ll be thermals at the ready for riding this morning.
Good morning. Well actually it is a foul morning here - strong, cold, wind and threatening, low, grey clouds. At 3.40 this a.m. BG was 5.6, decided I wasn't sleepy so had breakfast. Went back to bed to wait for CH to warm the place up and promptly fell asleep again. BG at 8.20 was 5.7. so that is something I can't complain about but it doesn't look like a nice weekend. Hope it is better for others - I am planning to settle down in the warm and write a couple of complaints to the Ombudsman for local animal welfare action group.
For fellow Wordle fans, I see it's now moved to the NY Times site. For those who can't wait 24 hours for another go, there's also an unlimited version which uses properly spelt English words here.

Happy word hunting. 🙂

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The same as @Robin with a 6.7
4.7 for me this morning and 5.3 yesterday, which I forgot to post. Both involved a correction in the early hours, despite a basal increase.
I too went out last night to a pub for the first time in over 2 years and had a meal. It was really busy, mostly with younger people. Had a carvery and thought I was pretty reserved... Mostly just meat and veggies with a couple of pieces of roast potato and no Yorkie, Shot myself what I thought was a lot of insulin (8u) to cover it. Kept the spuds till last because I didn't prebolus, then panicked towards the end when I suddenly started to feel full and really struggled to eat the potatoes (and I mean really struggled!! 😳 ) but insulin was in and you can't take it back out! I hadn't taken into consideration how much my stomach has shrunk since eating low carb. As it turned out, I should have left the spuds as I spiked to 15 by the time I got home and needed another 3 units to come back down and then another 1.5 overnight, so a grand total of 13.5units for a quite restrained carvery..... not impressed at that at all. I don't know what they put in their vegetables and gravy!!
I will be back on the straight and narrow with my low carbing today but feel like I am still digesting last night's meal at the moment so no breakfast for me this morning.

Many congratulations to @Martin.A on your House Special yesterday.

So sorry to hear that you are feeling put upon and taken for granted by your family @Grannylorraine That is so unfair but pleased you have found a compromise. Very best wishes for your run tomorrow.

@Lucyr Sorry to hear you are having such a worrying time with these headaches but pleased that you are getting more tests and relieved that you are at least feeling a bit better this morning. I hope that trend continues.

You guys have made me realise that I need a Bergenia, even if it is just for the audible effect! Feeling so left out that I can't go out there and replicate the sound of piglets!
Oh dear, think I encountered the DP this morning - was 8.5 at 8.29am, re-tested at 9.05am and it was a far better 6.5 - phew! I did have a restless night so maybe it was that.
Nothing planned for today.
Have a good weekend all 🙂
Good morning. Woke to a 12.1, libre showing i'd been up to 18 in the night!!! I remember an alarm going off but was too exhausted and must have gone straight back to sleep. All down to an under bolus for an indian takeaway last night.

@Gwynn the cake looks amazing.

Have a good day everyone.

A not great 11 but better than yesterday xx
@rebrascora it'll have been the ton of gravy browning! I don’t go out often but when I do I’ve learnt to split my dose because I’ve done exactly the same as you and got full towards the end. I don’t do two courses anymore. In fact I don’t do going to restaurants anymore. Last week at the Pan Asian one we went to after the pictures, I asked how many bao buns you got on the starter, just the two, was the answer, but they’re huge! That’s not what I wanted to hear but I understand folks want value for money, I’d be happy with a children’s portion these days but I’m not keen on chicken nuggets! 😉
12.8 but i kind of epacted it bit of a long storry
@rebrascora it'll have been the ton of gravy browning! I don’t go out often but when I do I’ve learnt to split my dose because I’ve done exactly the same as you and got full towards the end. I don’t do two courses anymore. In fact I don’t do going to restaurants anymore. Last week at the Pan Asian one we went to after the pictures, I asked how many bao buns you got on the starter, just the two, was the answer, but they’re huge! That’s not what I wanted to hear but I understand folks want value for money, I’d be happy with a children’s portion these days but I’m not keen on chicken nuggets! 😉
Thanks Elaine. I could understand that if I'd flooded my plate with gravy but I don't like a lot.
I did have very large portions of all the veggies which included mashed swede, carrots, peas and cauliflower cheese and 2 very small pieces of roast parsnip so I am guessing that those all contributed. I also wonder if the sheer bulk of food (especially those 2 spuds forced down at the end) which clearly put my digestive system under strain, actually caused my body stress and that hiked my levels rather than it just being the food. Only myself to blame for being a glutton!!