Group 7-day waking average?

4.0 for me this morning.


A whopping horrific 14 today, contraceptive seems to have done the opposite of what I wanted it to! It has had this effect before and usually sorts itself out but never know when so have to go cautiously with dosing! 🙄

Well I had a sensor end yesterday BUT.....It was actually supposed to! The first sensor to last a full 14 days in goodness knows how many months! It was a sensor from a batch of 4 that 2 failed from and still have one of them here, hoping it wasn't just coincidence and I've actually found a spot that works for me xx
7.8 today. Off to Sainsbury’s. Have a good day all x
@Gwynn congrats on your HS x

7.9 today, not even sure why I am bothering at the moment, work is stupidly stressful and getting more so by the day, now my mum is acting up, I think she forgets that I am in my late fifties and work fulltime. I usually go to hers twice a week and take my laptop with me, but due to the fall I haven't done that this week, so she started acting up about her blood pressure appointment with the nurse, I made her an appointment, but the only time they could give I have a meeting, but as luck would have it my hubby is off work next week, so he said he would take her, but no that is not good enough. I was going to try and go round to see her this afternoon but when I logged on this morning a load of training has been put in my diary for today which means I can't go round, I messaged her to say this and she has been incredibly rude to me, I know she is lonely and disappointed but she just does not seem to realise that although I am at home I am still working. I have no idea how she will be when I go back into the office in April and won't be at her beck and call. I do have a brother who goes round once a month or less, but of course he can do no wrong I do my best but it is still not good enough.

Sorry just needed to get that off of my chest, so pleased I can come here and and do this.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS.
Morning all. I am on my mobile. It is weird. Still over 9 and I only had one meal yesterday. I am worried for once.

Luv the skating. Used to have my own skates and managed to learn how to skate backwards. I was proper rubbish but loved it from being a nipper. Shame about the drugs. Wonder if she was forced.
02:57 BS 6.2 🙂 Just up, a bit late, for tresiba as I’m going back to sleep for as long a lie in in the morning as I’m REALLY burnt out: turned 50 in the 6 months since Tokyo Olympics; no longer a spring chicken & just don’t have the stamina anymore!🙄:D😉 There’s no skating until the ice dance starts on Saturday!🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Here’s what I saw of the Olympics yesterday:-

After getting the tv timetable of what’s coming up when I saw that live skating wouldn’t be on until 03:40 I guessed that meant only the top half of the field would be shown as it starts at 01:30 as it’s in reverse order of rankings: top 3 get to sit in the room of medal podium armchairs until they get knocked off; with everybody going after them being higher up the leaderboard so, they don’t get to sit there for long UNLESS, of course, catastrophe strikes!

Also, saw the news from BBC Sports website of a possible HUGE scandal, if it proves to be hold out & is true, where the team skating medals haven’t been presented yet due to a positive drugs test by ROC’s Kamila Valieva & USA may get the gold medals?!!!

I watched the GB vs Switzerland ladies team curling match in the background while I posted! It took me SO long, slow typer & composing as I typed with the emojis in I only JUST about posted in time to see the start of the live coverage!

I was indeed right & only the top 12 in the last two groups of 6 were shown with a short Zamboni break in between where the two GB mens’ skeleton runs were shown before the top 6 were last to skate.

Hanyu ended up in 8th so, was the penultimate skater up in group 3 & would have to see how long he gets to sit in the armchairs long enough to win a medal? That’s IF things went well & he had vowed to try his best to be the first to land a quad Axel in ANY international competition, never mind the Olympics, which is extremely high risk as it’s the hardest jump that needs an extra half rotation to land ie. 4 & a half rotations!

This is what I noted before things REALLY started.

China’s top skater Jin Boyang, not known for their mens skating as pairs is what they’re known for with olympic champions, did his best routine to rapturous applause as he hadn’t performed well in either of his routines for the team, did a lot better in the mens short routine to qualify in 11th despite 1 fall. He did a wonderful performance to Bolero incidentally, there’s been a revival of Torvill & Dean this Olympics where I’ve seen at least three routines to different versions of that music & there may be more, where he finally got to show what he can do! I saw it, of course, in the team event but, had falls, like his poor lady team mate, & I found it very emotional as he was in floods of tears too when he finished without falling! Also, he’s known for being the first to land a quad Lutz, the hardest jump apart from a quad Axel, in an IOC competition: not seen many of those this Olympics, & he landed it to start with a huge height & ease!

Also, for any of you that haven’t heard the ACTUAL Bolero as composed by Ravel, it’s 17 minutes long & the build up of speed is much more gradual: Torvill & Dean had to hire a composer to re compose it to be as short as possible to fit the maximum length of a free program of 4 minutes plus or minus ten seconds; even then it was STILL 28 seconds too long, composer said it couldn’t be any shorter to still make sense musically but, the official rules says the time starts from when the skates touch the ice so, that’s WHY it starts on their knees before Christopher sets Jane down onto the ice with her skates 18 seconds later to have the maximum 4 minutes & 10 seconds to skate the rest of it!! Other composers & artists have done various different versions since then & obviously gotten it even shorter to fit the 4 minutes as various single skaters have done it too through the years!

Next thing I noted was the Canadian Keegan Messing who had nightmare of a time just getting to Beijing with waiting for covid test after covid test to all clear & actually only JUST landed in time to do the short program to qualify in 9th! He was jet lagged & it was noticeably so as his performance suffered but, he DID do a move I’ve never seen before! He glided on his skates bending down flat with his hands touching the ice holding the body & face just above the ice with one leg bent & the other one straight to use one foot to glide around full circle! Robin Cousins told us it’s called a hydraglide & it’s actually a move from ice dance shows where he’s seen it done without touching the ice! To which his co commentator Katherine Downes exclaimed what I was thinking “WITHOUT touching the ice!” I’ve NEVER seen it before & it looked very impressive with the hands on the ice how much more IMPRESSIVE to see that with the arms suspended above the ice too!!!

Next up was Hanyu with his quad Axel up first to start the routine! He hadn’t even landed it once in training! He went for it & fell! Then, he fell on his quad Zalcow with his chances of ANY medal were definitely gone! He did the rest of the routine cleanly but, the damage was done & it was a tense wait to see if he could go into the lead & how much by if he did to hold for the next 7 to skate for a medal? Well, he DID go into the lead.

Next skater up did’t beat him then, the Zamboni break & I thought he gets to sit there in the centre armchair for 15 minutes at least during the break!

Next up was USA’s Jason Brown with only 1 quad planned in his routine but, he can’t always land it to open. He decided not to & did another flawless routine with the technical elements seamlessly incorporated that I really enjoyed but, it didn’t top Hanyu either. Next 2 up didn’t top him either & only the top 3 were left to go!

Next was Japan’s no. 2 Uno landed a jump with his hand down the ice & it was a very tense wait to see if he would topple his team mate off the centre armchair? He did because there were more quads in his mistake!

Next up was my favourite from the short program Japan’s no. 3, could you tell from my previous comments, Kagiyama. I’d already seen his free routine in the team event to Hans Zimmer’s The Gladiator but, he went completely off piste changing things around & doing the hard jumps in the latter half of the routine for extra points bonuses, it’s harder to do that as you tire towards the end of a long routine, & because of that fell on that quad he’d landed before! BUT, he decided to do it again straight away with a combo of a triple, you can only do a jump once whether or not you land it unless you do it in combo with a jump right after it, & landed both of them! He was as gutsy as The Gladiator he was skating to! That was the only mishap & his already season’s best in the team event even higher for a final score of 310. 05 points for both routines! Not bad for his first Olympics!

Last up was Nathan Chen in a bright orange & black costume with globes of flaming gas balls of fire stars, as real stars are to differentiate from the 5 pointed variety for you Barbara @rebrascora as I know you don’t have a tv, skating to Elton John Rocket Man. He did a blazing routine BUT, the nerves towards the end of his quad fest in the first half of the routine got to him when he was doing a quad combo: stopped after the quad, did a little hop & I saw the nerves he was feeling before he did a single jump so it WOULD be a combo; otherwise that quad would be invalid with no points as he’d already done that jump! After that all the hard quads were done with only a few triples left. After all the jumps were done a great big roar in the arena almost drowned the music & he settled down to really enjoy his performance as he knew he’d won & the arena so far knew it too!

It was lovely to see all 3 Japanese skaters in their podium position armchairs together applauding while waiting for the score: Kagiyama miming bowing down as well; Hanyu applauding the most enthusiastically with his arms up in the air even though he’d been knocked off the armchairs into 4th! I LOVED that! It just goes to show how much of the hyped up media battle is real, or not?

Another gasp from Robin Cousins at the 322.60 points: slightly lower than his own personal best of over 333 points!
I can't quite believe the time splits on the ski events, to have timing devices which can measure to that accuracy when blood glucose monitors are not even good after the decimal point
The times you post makes me think you are on a constant tour of the world passing through time zones.
Curlers are not doing too well, frizzy hair me thinks.
Morning everyone!
12ish today 🙂

Electric check yesterday was a day long ordeal. The need to change the main board but to do that need Scottish Power out to fit a switch so more visits needed.

Couldn't get through to doctors yesterday on the few times I tried and no luck so far this morning either. Will have to keep trying today.

Nothing really planned for today, I do tend to try and see one of my great nephews on a Friday. He is believed to be somewhere on the autistic spectrum (getting diagnosed is taking a while) so I try to keep that routine for him as he doesn't cope well with change or expectations not being met, plus he is awesome at cuddles and knows cool stuff about trains <3.

Hope you all have a wonderful day <3
Just been out for a 1.5 hour walk on the beach. It's nice out there now that the wind has died down.

As for chocolate cake...just a plain ordinary one from a recipe on the internet. I think I will allow myself about 0.000013g ! Sigh.
Where are you going in France? We toured France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Belgium September/October 2019. We spent two weeks in France.
In the past we have been all over France, starting in the Loire in 1984 then the Dordogne in 1985, South of France, Alsace, Burgundy, the Rhone, islands off Brittany and further down (Isle d’Oleron), Nimes etc etc. However we’ve not been since a short break in Brittany for my 70th (almost 6 years ago). This time we take the ferry to Roscoff, then down the west coast and across to Sarlat, followed by Cahors, Bergerac, a day or two staying with a friend near Bordeaux, up to Cognac and then Angers, coming home via Roscoff again. I’m hoping my rusty French will improve!

How long did you tour for @eggyg. You took in a lot. I Don’t really know Belgium, would love to see Ghent. I know a few cities in Germany, nothing of Switzerland and little of Italy, except a long ago holiday in Tuscany in midwinter! More recently we’ve done a lot of travelling by public transport to Spanish and Portuguese cities. We really ought to see more of the UK!
Morning all. Blue skies to cheer us up!

9.9 this morning. Was 4.2 at 1:45 so put on a -15% temp basal for 2 hours, had 2 Dextrose and a Skinny Whip bar. Clearly that was overkill, but on the bright side I then slept through to 9:15.

Congratulations @Gwynn on the HS and good luck with the chocolate cake! That reminds me, I have a recipe for a low carb(ish) chocolate cake. I'll see if I can find it.

@Grannylorraine just {{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}} the situation with your mum must be mega-frustrating and most unfair!

PS @eggyg the proposed tour was sparked off by reading a series of books about Inspector Bruno who lives in the Dordogne, by Martin Walker. Really very good reading and the descriptions of the food of the area and his cooking are absolutely mouth-watering. See
Morning all. Blue skies to cheer us up!

9.9 this morning. Was 4.2 at 1:45 so put on a -15% temp basal for 2 hours, had 2 Dextrose and a Skinny Whip bar. Clearly that was overkill, but on the bright side I then slept through to 9:15.

Congratulations @Gwynn on the HS and good luck with the chocolate cake! That reminds me, I have a recipe for a low carb(ish) chocolate cake. I'll see if I can find it.

@Grannylorraine just {{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}} the situation with your mum must be mega-frustrating and most unfair!

PS @eggyg the proposed tour was sparked off by reading a series of books about Inspector Bruno who lives in the Dordogne, by Martin Walker. Really very good reading and the descriptions of the food of the area and his cooking are absolutely mouth-watering. See
We went to the Dordogne in 1993 when our children were very young. Two weeks in a gîte, was amazing but a very long drive with a baby ( 9 months old) who then developed chicken pox whilst there! It’s a very big river!
Our tour in 2019 started with four days in Giverny, fantastic, also visited Versailles whilst there. Then down to Limoges via Orleans for the day, visited Oradour-sur-Glane, very thought provoking. Visited Rocamadour on the way to stay with family in the Midi-Pyrenees. Onto Port Vendres from there, a lovely harbour town close to the Spanish border. Onto Grimaud on the Cote d’Azure, the the less we talk about that the better.:( But we did visit St Tropez, Nice and Cannes after we escaped there! Then onto Italy. Ahh, I’m getting all nostalgic now, it’s seems a long time ago and was the last time we travelled abroad. I’m excited for you.
Mr Eggy’s brother has property in France and in “normal” times lives there nine months of the year. They’re going back next month I think we’ll go with them!

7.9 today, not even sure why I am bothering at the moment, work is stupidly stressful and getting more so by the day, now my mum is acting up, I think she forgets that I am in my late fifties and work fulltime. I usually go to hers twice a week and take my laptop with me, but due to the fall I haven't done that this week, so she started acting up about her blood pressure appointment with the nurse, I made her an appointment, but the only time they could give I have a meeting, but as luck would have it my hubby is off work next week, so he said he would take her, but no that is not good enough. I was going to try and go round to see her this afternoon but when I logged on this morning a load of training has been put in my diary for today which means I can't go round, I messaged her to say this and she has been incredibly rude to me, I know she is lonely and disappointed but she just does not seem to realise that although I am at home I am still working. I have no idea how she will be when I go back into the office in April and won't be at her beck and call. I do have a brother who goes round once a month or less, but of course he can do no wrong I do my best but it is still not good enough.

Sorry just needed to get that off of my chest, so pleased I can come here and and do this.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS.
Huge sympathy and hugs. Sounds like a re-run of my Mother. Look after yourself, try not to let her manipulative and rude behaviour hurt you - very hard to do I know. Feel free to vent at anytime.
It's a lovely, sunny morning here in Berkshire, although we had a frost overnight and it was still sub-zero when we walked down to Morrisons to get a newspaper. Not now, though. Busy day ahead with my regular Friday trip out to the Greengrocer at our local Garden Centre shortly (once I've finished my coffee), Sainsbury's delivery at lunchtime and a trip into town after lunch to get a haircut. This evening we're linking up with friends at the local cricket club for a charity quiz night.

Some colour has started to appear in the garden as our crocuses are through out front, plus we have lots of pink flowers out the back although I have no idea what that plant is. It was there when we bought the house 20 years ago.

And to top it all one of these..........

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@Gwynn congrats on yours.

Have a lovely day, everyone...!

Let’s have a photo of the pink flowering plant to see if we can identify it for you!

And congrats on the HS!
Phwoar! Drooling emoji. Looks like it is half way to being "ketoed" as uses ground almonds and no flour from what I could see, so just the sugar to sub. Want to see the result and hear the verdict.
Only slight issue is that I’ve no cherries or mascarpone and don’t fancy going out to get any today!
I might pick some up over the weekend though 🙂
I'm popping in late today as daughter picked me up earlier than expected, so no time to log in.
6.4 this morning so not too bad.
Daughter wanted to go in the Greggs outlet in Asda for breakfast this morning - eek - but I resisted and just sat there with my bottle of fruit flavoured water I'd taken with me. That was hard - the lure of those hot sausage rolls was torture. I wasn't hungry though so that helped, just! Wait until after my next blood test in April - think I'll be jumping in a taxi to Greggs straight after!!! :rofl: