Group 7-day waking average?

7.5 today brought on by a bit of quiche and tiny jacket potato. Thought I would get up early and try and get Misty out, no she wouldn’t go, just sits there looking at me as if to say ‘make me’. Work have employed a new lady to be a secretarial team lead over the 3 surgeries to make us more efficient etc etc - yeah good luck with that one!!
Loving the commentary and the Lego video, great fun. Thanks @Lanny x
Have a good Thursday all x
😛Morning!😛 10.1 here...I have NO idea wotz going on at the moment, pesky direbetes.o_O🙂

Off on a little holiday for the weekend - hoping to crawl up part of Cadair Idris, meeting up with our old lodger (20 years!), and scouring 2nd hand shops...perfect! Might even rustle up some courage to speak tipyn bach o Gymraeg (a little bit of The Language of Heaven). The diabetes can do what it likes, I’m looking fwd to having some FUN.:D:D:D
Morning all. Tired again after the blooming Libre woke me up THREE times through the night citing low BGs. Didn’t believe it at 1.03am, ( 3.8) so dozed off, woke me at 1.18am screaming at me, 3.8 again,I gave in and had a piece of the Kendal Mint Cake I have by the side of my bed. Pure sugar. 😱That stopped it in its tracks until 3.48am, 3.8 again! I was positive it was compression this time, ignored it and woke at 6.38am with a 5.2!!!! Funnily enough no red bits on my graph! Grrr!!!! 😡
Diabetes is definitely tedious at times @TinaD.

Anyhoo, it’s not raining today, hurray, so we’re off out walking later. Not sure on the mileage, will let you know tomorrow. River walk today, hoping to spot some wildlife. Camera at the ready.

Have a good day. 🙂


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Oh no! @eggyg , woken up 3 times! 😱😱😱

In watching the ads in between watching The Gilded Age I saw a free 14 day trial for the libre 2 so, ordered it yesterday: it’s on it’s way to me; just the bit you stick in your arm & already downloaded the app for my iPhone SE 2020 to read it! Had to answer 2 random questions about various aspects of diabetes like hypos, hypers etc. which amused me: they’re checking to see if I am REALLY diabetic; I wouldn’t be trailing a libre if I wasn’t! 🙄
Well done @eggyg on that 5.2.
4.6 for me today. 🙂

4.9 for me this morning with 2 trips into the red overnight but unlike @eggyg my graph clearly shows them. I had reduced my basal last night after hoof trimming yesterday but clearly not enough. Woke up the first time on 4.1 and thought I had caught it early and warded it off, but next time I woke up Libre said 2.9 and the carbs I had taken earlier had no impact on my graph, so a dirty great patch of red. Finger pricked and I was actually 3.9 so just had 2JBs but unfortunately dipped again a couple of hours later and needed another 2 which got me to my morning reading. Not the refreshing nights sleep I had hoped for. I have cut back my morning Levemir by 2 units so hopefully that will stabilize things.

@eggyg Congrats on your House Special. It sounds like you earned it in sleeplessness! Hope you enjoy your walk today.

7.8 today

I'm considering just ordering a new pair of glasses online, opticians sent me my prescription yesterday via email after I requested it so just hoping they respond to the reply and provide me with my PD so I can go ahead and get something ordered as my nose is starting to hurt! xx
Congrats on your hard earned HS @eggyg
Meant to add the emails about Valentines Day are coming thick and fast now, Bruce's present was delivered yesterday morning (Hermes were on the ball yesterday as was delivered to his at 8:31am) it isn't a traditional lovey dovey present this year but something I know he'll like, the company usually send signed for but thankfully when I contacted them they said they had an account with Hermes and they'd be happy to send it with them so it could be left in a "safe place"

I know I've 2 cartons of dark Lindor truffles coming from Bruce, he told me to tell him what chocolates I'd like and 'd been eyeing them up for ages, even better they were only £3.50 a box at Tesco on clubcard price, he says he got 2 because I didn't get chocolates off him for Christmas (we ran out of time as he couldn't get to Tesco due to getting a lift home from work the 2 weeks leading up to Christmas) xx
6.1 this morning so am happy with that. I do need to sort something out though to stop my wanting to eat everything in sight of an evening, that won't help me nor my next blood test in April ... my willpower is fading fast but, thankfully, my weight remains stable and I still need to lose those last few pounds to get below the higher edge of my BMI. Trying to build up strength on the exercise bike again but still haven't managed more than 5 minutes, had got up to 30 plus before I got Ill at Christmas and again last month.
Have a good day all
9.0 here this morning

Still absolutely exhausted, this is like no level of tiredness I’ve ever had before. Still, trying to improve and today I set my alarm and worked through my morning routine to get showered, dressed and breakfast eaten by 9am, as I would for work. Then I headed back to bed for a lie down to recover instead of to work :D Hopefully it helps to get into the routine of daily life ready for work next week
Morning all and 6.7 for me although it was 5.2 when I first woke at 5:30. Steady rise after that.

Looked like a promising day outside but got caught in a hail shower up in the village.

Today's task is to recreate a sound that was created in the studio so I can play it live.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all.

6.8 this morning. I can totally empathise with those who've had Libre alarms and no sleep. I'm sick to death of my BP dropping so low (85/58) in the evenings that my heart speeds up to 120+ per minute and I am sat on the sofa panting for breath. It tires me out. So retired to bed at 10pm and was unable to drop off until gone 12:15 to be woken at 1:10 by the Libre going off to warn me I was 4.2. Managed to get off again but only until 4pm and been awake ever since. Woke this morning to a BP of 166/100. Got a GP appointment on Monday pm and this time I'm determined to make them understand that the BP medication is making me quite ill and needs changing. Though they've been changing my meds since a year last November and they're still not right! Sorry about the rant...

Anyway, cancelled my day out to St Ives with my friend, which I was looking forward to.

So... reasons to be cheerful... have nearly finalised the accommodation for a touring holiday in France come September. Looking forward to that.

Get well soon @ColinUK and fingers crossed they can apprehend the person they're looking for.


@Lucyr... lots of hugs, just take it easy!

8.1 this morning, after a terrible nights sleep, back is starting to feel better, but feeling really tearful and like my self confidence has taken a massive nosedive this last couple of days and now feel really anxious, and just want to hide away, no idea why. Had a really bad sleep last night.

@eggyg - congratulations on your HS

@janw - I am there with you with the eating in the evening,I have developed a real weakness for evening munchies since Christmas.

@ColinUK - hope you start to feel better soon.
🙄 apparently PD is not something the opticians keep so now searching online for a PD ruler xx