Group 7-day waking average?

Morning. 7,9

A late hello as I decided, having woken up feeling not that tired and much better, that I would try reducing painkillers to none. A failed experiment as I gave up by about 10:30. Also only just dragged myself through the shower so I maybe need to have a bit more patience.

Leek and potato soup is the planned recipe to learn today.
Why did no one warn me we had another Americanism on Wordle this morning???
Still got it in 3 though! (Smug smile emoji)
Why did no one warn me we had another Americanism on Wordle this morning???
Still got it in 3 though! (Smug smile emoji)
Why shouldn’t you suffer like the rest of us!😉. I’m feeling smug too, also getting it in 3, but I had to give OH a clue, because he was completely stuck, not having been hooked on them when the last US spelling caused outrage.
Why did no one warn me we had another Americanism on Wordle this morning???
Still got it in 3 though! (Smug smile emoji)
I haven't done it yet, didn't do yesterday's until almost bedtime and got a PHEW on the last attempt! Lucky guess!

6.8 this morning - only have myself to blame!
Went to coffee morning earlier, enjoyed that, has got much colder out again so was glad to get back indoors.
#Have a good day 🙂
Why shouldn’t you suffer like the rest of us!😉. I’m feeling smug too, also getting it in 3, but I had to give OH a clue, because he was completely stuck, not having been hooked on them when the last US spelling caused outrage.
got it on 4th try - glad of the forewarning - thanks 🙂
Hi everyone! Was busy this morning, my BG was 5'8.
I took a couple days off the forum. As much as I like it, I felt I was spending too much time in here.

I've been testing the effect of a few breakfasts in my BGs. The famous yogurt and berries works great, and I'm pleased to see porridge is good for me too. Last experiments were with white bread, one medium slice is okay, 2 is a bit much. Would like to try with some wholemeal or granary, that's the kind I usually buy (the white one was leftover from work).

Finally, I got this bracelet from Etsy and it arrived today 🙂😎
Hi everyone - I'm late again but here I am now 🙂 at 7:07 my BG was 11.8. 11.0u tresiba taken.

Hope you've all had a good day 🙂
Post what’s bothering you here if you feel able. That way you can get support from lots of us.
Hi Colin,

Thanks for your message.

Just been struggling a lot with various different aspects of diabetes that have been getting gradually more and more challenging over the last few months.

I spoke to my DSN who has moved my consultant appointment forward so I have the chance to speak to them properly about the various issues I’m having.

I just want to feel like I’m controlling diabetes rather than diabetes controlling me.
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.4

Today excitement...I have to put the bins out... er...and that's about it. Yawn.

Have a great day everyone
Morning all.

Still full of cold here, and the recently opened snot making factory which seems to have been built in my nose is working overtime. Sinuses are clearly suffering so my whole face is tender to the touch.

However BG is down to a more reasonable 6.3 this morning after the nightmare day yesterday.
Hopefully it’ll behave itself better today than yesterday. I may even be able to go outside today (well I need to go out as I need loo roll!) but I doubt it’ll be for a long walk as that’ll just wipe me out.

Almost finished the loaf I made last week (which is ok but essentially tasteless) so may try the same basic yeasted lupin flour recipe again but add in seeds and/or walnuts to give it some interest. Took about 30 mins of kneading though so not sure if I’ve got the energy to do that today tbh. We’ll see.

Oh heard from the police.
No news but they’re narrowing down lines of enquiry trying to locate him.
I’d rather they’d got him under caution of course but I’m getting used to the reality that even though he’s known to them it is anyone’s guess when or if they’ll be able to find and arrest him.
12 ish waking, and has been plummeting down into the low 7s since (in about 90 mins).
Yesterday it stayed within mainly 11-13 and wouldn't come down at all and this morning its a huge crash on waking. I got the libre to answer some questions, not make me ask more 🙄
Had breakfast (without meds - too early) to try and put the breaks on as dropping that quick isn't feeling too pleasant. That's a later on today's me problem although hoping morning meds will mop up after it.

Got an electrical safety check today but think I need to try and get a face to face at GPs to discuss fluid retention (again) and have a chat about all of this bg stuff going on. Hopefully I can get on the phone at some point today and arrange it.
I was supposed to get a booster tomorrow but rescheduled for next week, I'd like some non vaccine induced bg numbers to come at them with plus I can then take any appointment offered.

Anyway I actually need to get dressed and finish tidying up for this safety check today. Will check back in when all is sorted 🙂

Hope everyone has a good day today and everyone feeling rubbish feels a bit better x
Good morning 8.1 today, stressful day yesterday.
bit anxious over several things,

have a great day everybody
Good morning - 8.6
Good morning. 5.4 this morning which is a bit of a relief as the beastly stuff shot up to12.4 after lunch yesterday. My fault - led into delusion of my pancreas having joined the party after behaving well over a potato - I ate a handful of nuts and sultanas and a satsuma. What a tedious disease is diabetes. Have a good day everyone.