Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all and 6.4 for me although pre breakfast finger test was 4.7

Grey and miserable out there.

Not much planned for today. I suspect music and winter Olympics will be involved.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all.

7.3 when I woke at 8 am which is rather surprising as I was in the high teens all evening - due no doubt to a 4 course lunch and 2 glasses of port with the cheese. Also I forgot to bolus until half-way through the main course because I was concentrating on getting the food on the table all at the same time whilst still hot.

@eggyg you have nicked my sofa! Well the ones we had in the last house, though we had 2 x 3 seater versions. Much too big for this house. Your cushions look lovely. As hubby said, cushions are subjective - our sofa seats are very deep and we are both quite small, so I need 2 cushions behind me in order to sit comfortably with my knees at the edge of the seat.
Hope you have updated the "What did you eat yesterday?" thread Patti as I am heading there in the hope of readings the details of your 4 course lunch and salivating at the prospect!
Morning all.

7.3 when I woke at 8 am which is rather surprising as I was in the high teens all evening - due no doubt to a 4 course lunch and 2 glasses of port with the cheese. Also I forgot to bolus until half-way through the main course because I was concentrating on getting the food on the table all at the same time whilst still hot.

@eggyg you have nicked my sofa! Well the ones we had in the last house, though we had 2 x 3 seater versions. Much too big for this house. Your cushions look lovely. As hubby said, cushions are subjective - our sofa seats are very deep and we are both quite small, so I need 2 cushions behind me in order to sit comfortably with my knees at the edge of the seat.
Laura Ashley? We’ve two two seaters. I’m only little too. 5ft 2in and I find them a bit deep so I need cushions behind my back. They’re puffing up nicely at the moment, I went for hollow fibre filling. Hoping they’ll stay firm!
Laura Ashley? We’ve two two seaters. I’m only little too. 5ft 2in and I find them a bit deep so I need cushions behind my back. They’re puffing up nicely at the moment, I went for hollow fibre filling. Hoping they’ll stay firm!
@eggyg No, they came from a small chain of shops based in the South West, but were exactly the same shape. We thought the lines of the sofa were very elegant. Hollow fibre tends to stay firm a lot longer than feather. I need to replace the feather fillingsin the cushions I made to match the curtains.
Hope you have updated the "What did you eat yesterday?" thread Patti as I am heading there in the hope of readings the details of your 4 course lunch and salivating at the prospect!
@rebrascora I will do now!
632 miles in 34 hours. Promise fulfilled, Mother bestowed next to Father, rather chuffed to find I can still do it. I hope the person who invented prednisolone is either v. rich or has a cushy cloud in Heaven and that all traffic cops were busy away from the M6. Treated myself by adding a cold lager and a baked potato to the pre-cooked, chilled, virtuous, beef and mushroom casserole awaiting me for dinner. Dunno what my FBG will be in the morning but "tomorrow is another day" .
@eggyg your cushions look lovely. Personally i would stick with two but it depends on how comfy they are and how much room more would take up.

@rebrascora i hope you enjoy Simply Red.

@Robin, today's Wordle was frustrating. I got 3 letters in the right place by the second go but there were so many possibilities...and i chose all the wrong ones 🙄
@rebrascora i hope you enjoy Simply Red.
Just back and had an absolutely brill night thanks. Mick's voice is as good as ever, if not better and he really knows how to throw a party! Band were all exceptionally talented musicians, particularly the guys on sax and keyboards. Just Wow!
Weird being in close proximity to so many people and I have to say I wasn't at all comfortable with it but once the gig started we got carried away on the music, that helped. By the end we were up on our feet dancing and singing despite masks and then I just caught a sneaky hypo on the Libre as we were queueing to get out. Libre said 3.5 but finger prick was 4.3 so a quick JB and we didn't get stranded for an hour waiting to drive home. 5 on the nose as we got back to the car so had another JB to drive home. Great night long overdue!!
Morning all.

Went to bed a bit early feeling cold and wiped out. Slept poorly even for me and was wide awake at 4:45 with a pounding headache, sore throat, very runny nose so thought I’d take some paracetamol as well as check my BG which was a whopping 11.7
Just checked now and it’s a much more reasonable 7.6 so no idea whether the hyper was because of the (hopefully) cold or because of the sleep pattern. Supper last night was roast chicken with a little celeriac remoulade so that’s not going to have spiked me.
Waiting for a covid test to develop just to rule that out.
Morning all.
13.3 for me on waking and a 14.5 FOF. Chilling in the 11s now and not really budging further 🙄. 30 mins until meds and hopefully then it will get shoved back to single digits.

I have a full electrical check booked for tomorrow so busy day today trying to clear the electric cupboard and all sockets. Think I'm looking after my great nephew later as well for a bit (yay teeny baby snuggles).

Have an awesome day everyone 🙂

@rebrascora sounds like a fabby night
@ColinUK hugs. let us know how the LFT goes and hope the paracetamol makes you feel less crappy
LFT clear. BG now down to 7.0
Nose running so much it could win a 400m race!
@rebrascora so glad you enjoyed your night out, love Simply Red
@ColinUK glad your test was negative. Hope you feel better soon x
6.8 this morning. Must get on. Have a good day x
Good morning everyone.

Dunno whats up but my blood pressure has been in the elevated/high range the last few mornings on waking. Soon settles down though and is normal the rest of the day. Curious.

BG 5.0 on the nose.

Out for a walk later on. Yesterday I went out several times and clocked up over 3 hours at 186 minutes. Mind you I had to go out the third time as, when I came to cook the tea for us both I found that I had forgotten to buy some chicken, and chicken with vegetables without any chicken just wouldn't cut it.

Nothing to do today, yawn, except walk. I just hope it's not too cold or wet.

I noticed, yet again, United Utilities were out again at 5am looking into some hole or other in the middle of the road. I hope it is because of drainage. The drains here are hopeless and when it rains we have a lake outside our house for days.

Have a great day today
Good morning - 5.4
Morning all. 4.5. Found out yesterday i was responsible for more things at work which should have been happening the last few weeks...i knew nothing about it!!! Aside from not doing it, i've no extra time to do it in but somehow have to find it. I can't even go in early to get it done as it has to be done between 9 and 3, when i'm already back to back with no time for the loo or much of a drink. Have had enough now.
Morning all, 5.6 here. Upped basal by half a unit last night, and had a gently downward sloping line all night until about 6am, when I started climbing again. I probably didn’t need the extra half unit last night, but the previous night I would have!