Group 7-day waking average?


8.1 this morning, after a terrible nights sleep, back is starting to feel better, but feeling really tearful and like my self confidence has taken a massive nosedive this last couple of days and now feel really anxious, and just want to hide away, no idea why. Had a really bad sleep last night.

@eggyg - congratulations on your HS

@janw - I am there with you with the eating in the evening,I have developed a real weakness for evening munchies since Christmas.

@ColinUK - hope you start to feel better soon.
Sorry to hear you are feeling so low. I hope after a decent sleep and maybe a bit of self-pampering you may feel a little more yourself. Take care and hugs to you xx
I made chia pudding.

It set really nicely and everything.

It’s disgusting so I threw it away :rofl:
I made chia pudding.

It set really nicely and everything.

It’s disgusting so I threw it away :rofl:
I tried some chia pudding at work, I liked the texture. But I never got it right at home. Now I just mix some chia in the yogurt when I remember :D

6'3 BS this morning, by the way.
@eggyg congrats on the HS.

@Kaylz my friend bought her glasses online, varifocals. She said she would always do that now as they are so much cheaper.

To everyone who is feeling under the weather, i hope you all feel better soon. Big hugs to you.

To everyone who didn't sleep well last night, fingers crossed for a better night tonight.

Its Friday tomorrow!! Hooray!!!
@Kaylz my friend bought her glasses online, varifocals. She said she would always do that now as they are so much cheaper.
Some sites offer free lenses which is great but if not it would cost me more as I've only ever needed to pay for frames and I've always bought them online, just need to get a PD ruler as that's the only information I don't have :( xx
Morning all.

6.8 this morning. I can totally empathise with those who've had Libre alarms and no sleep. I'm sick to death of my BP dropping so low (85/58) in the evenings that my heart speeds up to 120+ per minute and I am sat on the sofa panting for breath. It tires me out. So retired to bed at 10pm and was unable to drop off until gone 12:15 to be woken at 1:10 by the Libre going off to warn me I was 4.2. Managed to get off again but only until 4pm and been awake ever since. Woke this morning to a BP of 166/100. Got a GP appointment on Monday pm and this time I'm determined to make them understand that the BP medication is making me quite ill and needs changing. Though they've been changing my meds since a year last November and they're still not right! Sorry about the rant...

Anyway, cancelled my day out to St Ives with my friend, which I was looking forward to.

So... reasons to be cheerful... have nearly finalised the accommodation for a touring holiday in France come September. Looking forward to that.

Get well soon @ColinUK and fingers crossed they can apprehend the person they're looking for.


@Lucyr... lots of hugs, just take it easy!
Where are you going in France? We toured France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Belgium September/October 2019. We spent two weeks in France.
Evening all. Still over 9, can't get it down but not trying hard enough. I saw a Sikh on TikTok and he swears by one meal a day so I'm trying that now. Did okay today, can't believe it really. 🙄
9.4 just before 5am

Woken by my head demanding paracetamol and stomach demanding anti nausea meds.

Have the GP today and too many questions for 1 appointment. Not as tired today though. Might even try driving to see if that feels safe again now, could do with some bits of shopping
Yup, it's already Friday again. Where does the time go? Good morning everyone. Soon be Christmas !

Incredibly and without a safety harness....BG ...5.2...again....nice

I feel a little upbeat this morning no idea why except my exercise regimen is still going well in spite of the very cold weather. My wife is doing well at the moment which is very good. And my latest energy cost for last month is not quite as bad as I was expecting (next months bill will be interesting)

I will pop out for a short walk this morning before trying to make my first chocolate cake. Could be fun in the kitchen.

Until the other day I had never heard of 'wide pulse pressure' so, being curious and, having tons of data, I did recording and an analysis over the last 2 weeks and all is fine (as I expected/hoped). I may do the analysis from first diagnosis later on just out of interest to see it it was better, worse, or ok then. I do have an exciting life ! 🙂 I was interested because my pulse is consistently low in the low 50's upper 40's

I am hoping that my daughter et al will visit this coming weekend. We never get any warning so I have no idea. But then I like surprises...

Have a great day everyone
@Gwynn congrats on the HS

Morning all, alarm woke me 90mins ago with a low, 3 glucose later its still 4.2! Just had juice as well as i need to get to work. Its typical this happens when i need to be in early.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning Friday folks. Brrr! It’s a cold one. -2.5 and the cars are frozen solid.
After top marks yesterday back to a mundane 7.5. :(

Diabetes really is the most unfathomable and frustrating condition. I’ve added two photos to illustrate this. On Wednesday the 9th. Apart from a walk round Tesco, exercise was zero, I ate rubbish as shown in the first graph, Cadbury’s Creme Egg, homemade fishcakes, SWEET chilli sauce and noodles for tea. I got a HS yesterday morning, so undeserved. Yesterday I decided I’d better sort myself out, an 8.2 miles walk, much better on the eating front, last night tea was roasted chicken and ratatouille, very low carb. Graph in range all day. This morning 7.5! Again, totally undeserved but for a different reason. 😡 I’m not worried at all but just wanted to show that sometimes there’s no rhyme nor reason and we shouldn’t beat ourselves up when we don’t get the “ right” score first thing.

Anyhoo, child care day today. As the other grandparents are back from their holiday, after today that’s us until next Friday! What we going to do with ourselves? I’m sure we’ll find something to occupy us.

TGIF everyone. 🙂


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Yup, it's already Friday again. Where does the time go? Good morning everyone. Soon be Christmas !

Incredibly and without a safety harness....BG ...5.2...again....nice

I feel a little upbeat this morning no idea why except my exercise regimen is still going well in spite of the very cold weather. My wife is doing well at the moment which is very good. And my latest energy cost for last month is not quite as bad as I was expecting (next months bill will be interesting)

I will pop out for a short walk this morning before trying to make my first chocolate cake. Could be fun in the kitchen.

Until the other day I had never heard of 'wide pulse pressure' so, being curious and, having tons of data, I did recording and an analysis over the last 2 weeks and all is fine (as I expected/hoped). I may do the analysis from first diagnosis later on just out of interest to see it it was better, worse, or ok then. I do have an exciting life ! 🙂 I was interested because my pulse is consistently low in the low 50's upper 40's

I am hoping that my daughter et al will visit this coming weekend. We never get any warning so I have no idea. But then I like surprises...

Have a great day everyone
Woohoo! What a star. 🙂
Good morning - 5.6

Congratulations on the HS @Gwynn
Morning all. 6.3 for me today.

@Gwynn Congrats on the HS but more importantly what chocolate cake are you making?