Group 7-day waking average?

Beat me to it. Thought it might be this morning. Ours is just on its way out. Goodness knows how old it is been here since we moved in in 1986!
It’s indestructible, ours grows on the North facing side of our drive, frequently gets all the snow shovelled on it when it’s in flower, if we need to clear the drive, and just carries on.
We went to the Dordogne in 1993 when our children were very young. Two weeks in a gîte, was amazing but a very long drive with a baby ( 9 months old) who then developed chicken pox whilst there! It’s a very big river!
Our tour in 2019 started with four days in Giverny, fantastic, also visited Versailles whilst there. Then down to Limoges via Orleans for the day, visited Oradour-sur-Glane, very thought provoking. Visited Rocamadour on the way to stay with family in the Midi-Pyrenees. Onto Port Vendres from there, a lovely harbour town close to the Spanish border. Onto Grimaud on the Cote d’Azure, the the less we talk about that the better.:( But we did visit St Tropez, Nice and Cannes after we escaped there! Then onto Italy. Ahh, I’m getting all nostalgic now, it’s seems a long time ago and was the last time we travelled abroad. I’m excited for you.
Mr Eggy’s brother has property in France and in “normal” times lives there nine months of the year. They’re going back next month I think we’ll go with them!
I knew about the massacre in the church, but never knew where it took place. I see what you mean about thought provoking. What was grim about Grimaud? Probably the place I disliked most was Montpellier Plage. An old folks home by the sea! We went for the day when holidaying near Carcassonne. One place tickled us... Sables d'Olonne - Twinned with Worthing... we could see why so we drove on.

Congratulations @Martin.A on your HS.

@Gwynn I found the chocolate cake recipe but it's 20g carb per slice if you use sugar, less if you use artificial sweetener. Too much for T2s? The recipe @ColinUK posted has me drooling! I've a jar of cherries in kirsch in the larder, needs using as it must have been there nearly 6 years as I bought them in France.

@Martin.A Hmmm, Morrisons in Berkshire... not Wokingham by any chance?
Bergenia, also known as Elephants Ears, due to the size of the leaf!
Also called Pig squeak because of the noise you get when you rub two leaves together.
Can’t say I’ve ever tried… know what’s the first thing I'm going to do when I get out in the garden tomorrow, don’t you!
Grab two pigs and rub their ears together and see if they have little pink flowers on them?
I knew about the massacre in the church, but never knew where it took place. I see what you mean about thought provoking. What was grim about Grimaud? Probably the place I disliked most was Montpellier Plage. An old folks home by the sea! We went for the day when holidaying near Carcassonne. One place tickled us... Sables d'Olonne - Twinned with Worthing... we could see why so we drove on.

Congratulations @Martin.A on your HS.

@Gwynn I found the chocolate cake recipe but it's 20g carb per slice if you use sugar, less if you use artificial sweetener. Too much for T2s? The recipe @ColinUK posted has me drooling! I've a jar of cherries in kirsch in the larder, needs using as it must have been there nearly 6 years as I bought them in France.

@Martin.A Hmmm, Morrisons in Berkshire... not Wokingham by any chance?
It was the accommodation in Grimaud which was grim. We only booked it the day before, got worried when the sat nav took us to what looked like a trading estate. We’d booked a mobile home for three days. We booked in at 5pm and checked out at 9am the next day. It was absolutely disgusting. Got some money back but not it all. Went on to Italy after popping into St Tropez and Cannes. It was the only dud accommodation we had in 6 weeks.
It was the accommodation in Grimaud which was grim. We only booked it the day before, got worried when the sat nav took us to what looked like a trading estate. We’d booked a mobile home for three days. We booked in at 5pm and checked out at 9am the next day. It was absolutely disgusting. Got some money back but not it all. Went on to Italy after popping into St Tropez and Cannes. It was the only dud accommodation we had in 6 weeks.
I stayed in a brothel in Fontainebleau once. We’d booked what looked like a beautiful hotel but that was closed due to an emergency of some sort so we’re driving arrive and found what looked like a beautiful hotel really rather near the palace.
Should have suspected things weren’t quite right when they double checked we wanted to book for the whole night not just an hour.
This morning I’m twinned with @Michael12421 and we’re both sitting on the 6.2 step keeping each other company!
Good morning in the sixes today with 6.8

Hope everybody has a lovely weekend whatever we’re all doing 🙂
Well I’ve got up to a 9.7, I’ll blame that on the stress of yesterday. A checkup with GP resulted in being told to get a taxi to be seen in hospital again about the headaches. They took bloods (3rd time this week!) to check my infection markers are improving and put a cannula in which left angry red marks on my arm, and booked me in for the brain MRI on Monday. Impressed with the speed these things can get turned around.

And after all of that, I woke up feeling pretty good, I’m thinking it’s all been a persistent infection which is now improving!
Morning all. 7.3 on this miserable morning. More rain and more gusty wind! Sick of it now. Yesterday was beautiful, all sunshine and sparkly frost. Huh! 😡

Luckily we got out yesterday for a walk, did 5.3 miles pushing a buggy! I’ll have arms like Fatima Whitbread and thighs like Paula Radcliffe. No wonder I was absolutely cream crackered after Zara left at 5.30. I was in bed before 10!

Not leaving the house today, bread making to do and a lamb Madras to make for tomorrow. You can’t beat a 24 hour curry. Also boring washing etc to do. Needs must though. I am looking forward to going into the garden later to rub my elephant’s ears together to see if they squeal like a pig! You’ve gotta get your kicks somehow when you get to my age! :rofl:

Have a fabulous day. 🙂
Morning Everyone
14 ish today.
I managed to get to speak to someone yesterday and sort out some medication adjustments. Hopefully will have something better to post for tomorrows waking reading 😉

Todays plan is looking like its going to be a trip into town. My vape pen is on the fritz and needs replaced. Will see if one of the offspring wants to keep me company although I suspect one of them will require a bribe of KFC :rofl:
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.0 on the nose, and ear, and finger...

Had an interesting day yesterday. Lots of exercise AND

I did make the chocolate cake. It took me about 4 hours with the prep, cooking, cooling, layering, decorating, clearing up. What a mess I made with bits of cake crumbs all over the place ! I had some small bit of it for my afternoon snack. Just some of the sliced off top and some of the filling. BG result 2.5 hours later 4.8. Interesting.

It was a three layered butter iced (sort of, using cream cheese and cocoa, and etc) and decorated with lots of shaped dark chocolate thingies. Way over decorated...a bit of fun. A valentines surprise for my wife. Not much of a surprise as she sat in the kitchen the whole time I was cooking.

Big mistakes? Filling was too stiff at first, then too runny so some of the decoration at the base was messed up. I didn't to a crumb coat which I should have done, result was a bit of a mess on the outer surface. No piped message (not tried that yet)

Great fun... next will be the valentines meal....

See attached pictures of the cake result...

