Group 7-day waking average?


8.8 on this very dark, wet and windy morning. Was expecting this high figure as I might of had to try the cheese cake and quality checked the digestive biscuits used for the base. No run this morning, I managed 16k yesterday so was only going to do a short recovery run, but changed my mind with this weather.

got family round for a roast dinner, but mostly all prepared except the sprouts which I will mix with a small amount of oil and dried herbs then pop them in the air fryer.

@MeeTooTeeTwo - congratulations on the HS

@Martin.A - being a West Ham fan can be quite tough on the old nerves, hubby will no longer watch live games, he records and then watches based on score, although if our son is in, we usually get an idea of the way the game is going by the swearing coming out of his room :rofl:

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning - 6.8

@MeeTooTeeTwo congratulations on the HS !
Good morning 8.0 on the nose, well on the side of my finger actually

I thought it was going to be high score this morning due to opening a Christmas tin of shortbreads yesterday evening 😱
ok it wasn’t opening the tin but eating to many of them isn’t good..

last week I got the results of my latest bloods,
which they want to repeat, something was abnormal, think it was a question on potassium.

but Hba1c was still 52 so not to bad there,
the consultant I chatted to wants to try changing one of my meds so waiting for him to write to the GP.

Stay warm and have a great day everybody
Morning everyone.

6.4 for me this morning but that was due to a correction earlier. Basal needs have gone up again, so battling higher levels but keeping it mostly in range. Going over to my sister's again today and she has already texted to say wrap up VERY warm but if it is really bad we might take the horses into the indoor school and do some bareback one rein rope halter riding. That is a bit of natural horsemanship schooling @Robin. As she says, it should keep out bums warm if nothing else and probably tone up a few muscles! Just to make things more difficult, Jack is hogged, so not even a mane to grasp if need be. o_O It's a lot of years since I have ridden bareback! Eek!!

@eggyg Thanks for the floral advice. No idea if he was kidding or not but no room in my fridge for flowers anyway. They may go into the dining room which is unheated during the winter or the bedroom which is not as warm as the living room or kitchen. One of them is a lovely spring flower arrangement which is really rather unusual as it has daffodils which have heads comprising of a cluster of tete a tete mini daffs, so each stalk has a cluster of little flowers coming out of it. It also has hyacinths which hopefully will open up and smell lovely.

@Lucyr Pleased you are starting to feel better. Maybe the virus affected your kidneys and they are now getting to work on a backlog or maybe it is a side effect of the medication to make you wee more. Hope you continue to improve.

@MeeTooTeeTwo Many congrats Dez. Good to see you coming back into form!

@Ditto Lovely to see you posting Jan but really sad to read that you and your sister are both struggling to manage your diabetes. Can you make a pact with her and set some small achievable goals and support each other in achieving them?
@SueEK So pleased to hear that the registrar has been able to reassure you about the op and helped you make your decision. Will be keeping fingers crossed for a very successful outcome.
My sister and I learned tap dancing as children and I still remember a lot of the steps. My friend has never done it but would love to learn, so I really should see if I can find a class locally to take her to.
Hmm got a 7.0 this morning, going to blame the jacket sweet potato for that! Another wet and windy day by the look of it, will snuggle up with a cuppa and the duvet to watch the winter Olympics I think.
Have a good Sunday.
That is a bit of natural horsemanship schooling @Robin. As she says, it should keep out bums warm if nothing else and probably tone up a few muscles!
Don’t talk to me about muscles! I was working on suppling exercises with an old stiff horse yesterday and I’m feeling it this morning! I haven’t ridden bareback for years either, Good luck, I find even the most well padded horses have really knobbly spines!
Good morning 8.0 on the nose, well on the side of my finger actually

I thought it was going to be high score this morning due to opening a Christmas tin of shortbreads yesterday evening 😱
ok it wasn’t opening the tin but eating to many of them isn’t good..

last week I got the results of my latest bloods,
which they want to repeat, something was abnormal, think it was a question on potassium.

but Hba1c was still 52 so not to bad there,
the consultant I chatted to wants to try changing one of my meds so waiting for him to write to the GP.

Stay warm and have a great day everybody
Don’t worry about the potassium thing. It’s usually caused by a delay in testing your blood sample. Its happened to me a few times, unless of course you’ve been eating bananas and tomatoes by the bucket load!
Garden? 😉
Not in this weather surely!! Bucket in the bedroom would be my solution. Frequently need to use a bucket up at stables or in back of trailer at shows.
Good morning 8.0 on the nose, well on the side of my finger actually

I thought it was going to be high score this morning due to opening a Christmas tin of shortbreads yesterday evening 😱
ok it wasn’t opening the tin but eating to many of them isn’t good..

last week I got the results of my latest bloods,
which they want to repeat, something was abnormal, think it was a question on potassium.

but Hba1c was still 52 so not to bad there,
the consultant I chatted to wants to try changing one of my meds so waiting for him to write to the GP.

Stay warm and have a great day everybody
I have recently had a slightly raised Potassium, I ended up having another 2 repeat tests for, the last done without a tourniquet, and this one has come back normal.
An unexciting 5.8 after sleeping in. Everything packed and organized for the great northern run except for listing convenient Tesco's en route through North Wales. My late husband always navigated by pubs, of which he had an encyclopedic knowledge, but then he wasn't taking furosemide but was looking hopefully for fluid in whilst I am seeking sites for certain fluid out! Have a lovely time and good numbers everyone while I am away.
Morning lovely peeps. A vile, windy and exceedingly wet day. Still the force of the rain should clear the seagull mess from the windows.

5.4 this morning. 100% in range for the last 24 hours 🙂🙂

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTwo on your HS

@freesia one of the stipulations we had when house hunting was 2 toilets! Good luck!

@SueEK good news!

@Lucyr good to hear you are feeling a bit better.
@rebrascora I did lots of dancing as a child including tap and a friend and I started again in our 30s so still have my tap shoes. Booked classes just before the first lockdown so really hoping this year is the year - just hope me knees hold out, tap is pretty hard on them lol x. Think you and your friend should go for it x