Group 7-day waking average?

BTW @rebrascora I love those cabbage flowers. I might nip in Tesco myself and see if I can get a bargain!
Mr Eggy has bought me a bread maker today, he asked what I wanted for my birthday ( which is weeks away) and I said nowt, as I always do, I don’t need anything but then thought about a bread maker. He said that would be for both of us but I don’t mind. It’s coming Tuesday. Very excited. He is very generous I will say that, but like you I’m not high maintenance, I’ve got everything I need.
3.8 alarm call this morning. No idea why I’m on the low side constantly at the moment.

Hope all have had a good day. I notice the rugby stated today 🙂
Good evening everyone 🙂. I feel happy to say that at 7:21 this morning my BG was better than yesterday's BG of 17.9 - it was 6.4 so within target although only just within target - 6mmol -10mmol. 11.0u tresiba done.

Hope everyone has had a good day. I've just done done a few bits and bobs around the house.
I'm looking forward to watching The Mask tonight and also my weekly Saturday night chinese of chicken fried rice 😛
Well, I spoke out of turn. I got a very romantic gesture of 2x out of date bouquets tonight and not a cabbage in sight and they were both more than £1(just!). Feeling very spoiled (and guilty) now!!
I made a comment that there would be none reduced next week (birthday and Valentines) to which he suggested putting one of the bouquets in the fridge to keep!!
I made a comment that there would be none reduced next week (birthday and Valentines) to which he suggested putting one of the bouquets in the fridge to keep!!
Well, that's a very practical man! :D:rofl:

My dad's birthday is the day before Valentine's (some years people joke about it being a bad luck date). Sometimes mum struggles trying to decide if she should get him something for both occasions.
Even more excited than yesterday now as todays fbg is……. 6.4! Woke up feeling good, trying to wean down on the drugs today.

Didn’t get much sleep though and up several times in the night to pee. Not sure why the overnight peeing, don’t think I have a UTI as was tested for it in hospital and heard nothing back, BGs aren’t high, weird. Guessing the lack of sleep is because I walked to a cafe 10 minutes away for lunch yesterday, and spent a good 5hrs in bed recovering in the afternoon afterwards. Was so exhausted.
Good morning everyone.

Well it was very cold, very windy yesterday but I gritted my teeth and went out on the beach anyway for a bit of a walk. Unfortunately it then started to rain with a little added sleet for fun when I was furthest from home. I walked for roughly 2 hours though. Enjoyed it but it was tiring. Could have done without the rain and wind.

Did some dark chocolate shapes yesterday for my daughters daughter as a present. Too bitter for me but apparently she likes bitter things. Had to be bitter 90% dark chocolate as they are vegans.

Today, nothing planned, yawn. I must think of something to do.....

This morning BG 4.9
Well I took myself to bed early (10:30) and fell asleep right away and woke up this morning with a 5.1 (Wife snoring woke me up, so I put some music on - The Utopia Strong - to drown it out.)
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My first in a while. I thought I'd lost the knack! 🙂

Good morning! Woke up with a 7'1.

Yesterday I got a letter with an appointment for a diabetic eye screening. I've also been invited to a Type 1 education course. I'm getting a lot more mail since diagnosis!

Accepted an extra work shift today, Sunday morning. Didn't have any plans. I need to get myself a hobbie, or meet new people :rofl:
Morning all, 6.4 here. I can hear the wind wuthering round the eaves, the sort of noise that makes you hope the ridge tiles are firmly fixed. Funnily enough, we didn’t have half such strong winds in the recent named storms, trust our area to have an anonymous one.
Morning folks.🙂 6.0 here.

There’s a cold wind a-blowing this morning...will I spend an hour in the garden? Probably not...brrrr. I’m trying to ignore our grubby bathroom, but might have to give in and clean it today. I’m with you @Elenka_HM - I need to make some new friends!

That’s a lovely looking HS @MeeTooTeeTwo!
Morning. 6.2 today.
We too have had a generic storm @Robin. Yesterday was dreadful. 40/45 mph winds and never stopped raining. It’s still raining/ sleeting now, but seems to be a quieter, at the moment, BBC weather is telling me to expect gusty winds this afternoon. Think I’ll be staying in, again! :(

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTwo on your HS.
Have a good day. 🙂
G'day cobbers. 🙂

I can't get out of the double figures. Quite scary at the moment and for some time past. I am in freefall. I don't quite know what to do. Can't stick to any one regime. I'm trying to replace at least one meal with Slimfast as advised by Windy on that other thread. It would be a start.

Worried about my sister. She has Covid and into her second week with that. Her g'daughter who lives with her has it too but is pleased as it gets her out of school. My sister is not taking her insulin. Does anybody know what happens if you don't take it. She's not taken it for a long time I don't think. Her eyes are failing. I might dob her in to the surgery but pot/kettle on the denial so who am I to judge? 🙄

Have a nice Sunday all. 🙂
Well, I spoke out of turn. I got a very romantic gesture of 2x out of date bouquets tonight and not a cabbage in sight and they were both more than £1(just!). Feeling very spoiled (and guilty) now!!
I made a comment that there would be none reduced next week (birthday and Valentines) to which he suggested putting one of the bouquets in the fridge to keep!!
Bravo Ian! I know he was probably joking ( was he?).But please tell him not to put the flowers in the fridge, a florist once looked at me in horror when I mentioned putting button holes I’d collected the day before the wedding in the fridge! It’s not good for them apparently! 😳
Morning all and a much better 6.5 today. Was AWOL yesterday due to really bad night, up late and out of the front door 20 mins later. Got round to the ironing that’s been looking at me all week, did two pillow cases and it packed up, hubby changed fuse but no it has given up the ghost in protest at being turned on. Looks like it’s off to Sainsbury’s for another today. Cleared the front patio of weeds which took ages and gave me back ache, at least it looks better.
Consultant’s registrar rang me Friday and he put my concerns to bed so full steam ahead for the next and hopefully final op on 22nd March. Hoping if all goes well I can start adult tap dancing classes again later in the year, yay!!
@MeeTooTeeTwo congrats on your HS, you haven’t had one for a while and to all those that got them yesterday.
@Lanny loving the commentary x
@Dxxoo good to see you back. Your concern for your sister is real so a phone call would be done for the best of reasons. We are here to support you too, don’t forget that xx
Have a good day all xx
Congrats on the HS @MeeTooTeeTwo

Morning everyone. 8.1 for me. No plans apart from ironing. I might have a soak in the bath this morning...if i can get in the bathroom. Got younger daughter and her boyfriend staying atm. He's just beat me to the bathroom and i'm desperate for the loo!!!
Congrats on the HS @MeeTooTeeTwo

Morning everyone. 8.1 for me. No plans apart from ironing. I might have a soak in the bath this morning...if i can get in the bathroom. Got younger daughter and her boyfriend staying atm. He's just beat me to the bathroom and i'm desperate for the loo!!!
Aaarreggghh!! He's just come out and daughter gone in!!!!