Group 7-day waking average?

A nice round 5.0 on this frosty Berkshire morning. Still below zero out there according to our garden thermometer.

Off to nearby Reading this morning to pick up a brand new laptop. The one I'm using is held together with duct tape and I'm lucky to get 90 minutes out of the battery, so about time it went. Then this afternoon it's in front of the tv for the Six Nations kick-off with Wales taking on Ireland in Dublin. We have a bunch of top players out through injury so not sure how well we'll do against an Irish team that recently beat the All Blacks, especially in Dublin where we haven't won since 2015.

Well done @Gwynn, @eggyg and @harbottle on your House Specials.

I think Scotland will win the whole thing this year. Seem to have by far the strongest squad.

8.1 today. Going to do my long run today as I have family round for dinner tomorrow, hoping to do 15k. Then making a cheesecake and chocolate orange fondants for tomorrow desserts.

congratulations on the HS to @Gwynn, @eggyg, @harbottle.

@ColinUK - I also have a place in the Royal Parks Half as well, come on we can do this together.

Have a good Saturday every one.
6.8 this morning, not too happy about that, but could have been worse.
Morning all! Hope everyone is up for having a good weekend.

Rather disappointing 8.2 for me and that was after a 3unit correction at 3.30am and a 1.5 unit correction at bedtime for an Indian takeaway that I injected 4 units for which should have been more than enough as I only had 1 onion bhaji, (a shared portion with Ian), cauliflower bhaji, brinjal bhaji (half left of each for today) a spoon of his Malayan chicken and 2 dessert spoons of his veg pilau rice. Thought I was doing great when levels hovered around 5 for a couple of hours but then headed skyward. Unfortunately we ate really late as had headed out to a chippy for fish supper only to find it closed then kept going to the next chippy but it was closed too and eventually had to go for an Indian as options were limited by then and then it was a 20 min drive home to eat it!
Stats are now well and truly shot now, but at least I can be more relaxed for a while and I did enjoy my meal and will enjoy the leftover veggies from it today.

Many contratulations to our trio of worthy House Special achievers this morning @Gwynn, @eggyg and @harbottle.

@ColinUK I too used to compete at GS and always wanted to heliski but never had the funds. Personally my destination of choice would be Austria for the breathtaking beauty, atmosphere and hospitality. Spent several holidays summer skiiing the Kaprun glacier which is the perfect combination of snow and sun, skiing in a bikini. I do really love skiing through the tree line, but appreciate the high level skiing in France is excellent (it just lacks soul) but have skiied there quite a few times, a couple of trips to Switzerland and Italy as well as many a weekend spent at Aviemore or Glenshee and a trip to Germany and Norway. My heart is in Austria though.
Good morning. 5.8 for me at 0600 after a night trying to get shoulder muscles out of spasm. Had a cuppa and a snack, then went back to bed for a couple of hours and felt much better. Planning on pottering about sorting out picnic stuff for the great Scotland drive. Black clothes organized/bags of loose straw etc removed from car/B&B booked/animal sitter ditto - wonder what I have forgotten? Not used to long jaunts after 2 years of hunkering down behind my own gate. Have a great weekend, folks, and enjoy the Winter Olympics if the weather here is stinking. Think I may just pack sleeping bag and shovel in case of snow....
Thanks everyone.

Just been out on the beach for two hours. It was bitterly cold, very, very windy and of course it rained and sleeted intermittently. But I enjoyed it even though it was very hard work.

I’ve not tested yet so no idea what my waking figure is/was.
Had a weird day yesterday with a very elevated heart rate all afternoon for no obvious reason but my did I feel queer!

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Feel fine today but wiped out.
Awful sleep last night as well.
Not going to even consider Park Run today but have won a place in the Royal Parks Half ballot so deciding whether to add a second half marathon to my burgeoning future as an elite athlete or let the slot go.

Am I weird in not finding the talk of aging and death maudlin at all? It’s all part of life after all. Then again I grew up in a family which quite normalised death and will writing etc.
As soon as we turned 18 we were sat down and led through writing a very basic Will. Every few years after that we were prompted to check it was up to date and reflected our wishes so it just became a normal thing to do.
Some people imbue Wills with a sort of talismanic quality that just isn’t warranted.

@eggyg where do you ski?
I’ve not had the chance to go in the last 20 years but used to ski in Val d’Isère mainly. Have done heliskiing and used to race GS!
I miss that special kind of silence you find in the mountains.
Think you’ve got the wrong end of the stick Colin. The nearest I’ve got to Skiing was eating a strawberry yoghurt! SKIERS is an acronym for “ spending the kids’ inheritance”! :rofl:
TBF in another life I used to book loads of skiing holidays, France, Italy, USA, Bulgaria, Andorra, Austria and more, but never ever went on one. There’s a riddle for you. 😉
Tested. 6.7 and time for breakfast.
Think you’ve got the wrong end of the stick Colin. The nearest I’ve got to Skiing was eating a strawberry yoghurt! SKIERS is an acronym for “ spending the kids’ inheritance”! :rofl:
TBF in another life I used to book loads of skiing holidays, France, Italy, USA, Bulgaria, Andorra, Austria and more, but never ever went on one. There’s a riddle for you. 😉
Travel agent? PA?
Travel agent? PA?
Travel agent for my sins. I sometimes get all nostalgic for it but when I finally left the business in 2014 I’d had enough of lemonade budgets wanting champagne holidays, or “ it’s cheaper on the internet” well bloody book it on the internet and stop wasting my time you moron. Of course I only thought it but it got to the stage where I thought I really was going to say it aloud. I was aware of my eyes rolling a lot of the time. So I hung up my multi coloured neck scarf and went to work in an opticians. I finally saw the light, I used my contacts to get the job and never looked back! And I never once made a spectacle of myself! :rofl:
I’ve not tested yet so no idea what my waking figure is/was.
Had a weird day yesterday with a very elevated heart rate all afternoon for no obvious reason but my did I feel queer!

View attachment 20003
Feel fine today but wiped out.
Awful sleep last night as well.
Not going to even consider Park Run today but have won a place in the Royal Parks Half ballot so deciding whether to add a second half marathon to my burgeoning future as an elite athlete or let the slot go.

Am I weird in not finding the talk of aging and death maudlin at all? It’s all part of life after all. Then again I grew up in a family which quite normalised death and will writing etc.
As soon as we turned 18 we were sat down and led through writing a very basic Will. Every few years after that we were prompted to check it was up to date and reflected our wishes so it just became a normal thing to do.
Some people imbue Wills with a sort of talismanic quality that just isn’t warranted.

@eggyg where do you ski?
I’ve not had the chance to go in the last 20 years but used to ski in Val d’Isère mainly. Have done heliskiing and used to race GS!
I miss that special kind of silence you find in the mountains.
Once you reach a certain age you get bombarded with retirement home advertising and cremation plans, I think they must be trying to tell us something.
5.7 this grey morning. I tested 4.2 at bedtime so ate a Skinny Whip in bed. Woke to find the sheets liberally smeared with chocolate! Ugh.

CONGRATULATIONS @Gwynn, @eggyg and @harbottle on your HSs.

I've been skiing in Austria, Spain, Canada and USA. Austria has by far the nicest atmosphere out of those places. Canada and USA are wierd... no gluwein or other hot cheery drink! Plus rather cheerless motels to stay in. Actually I am barely off the nursery slopes, so have no views on where is most challenging.
@Pattidevans By far the most challenging slopes are in the Alps and I’d say the most challenging of those are in France.
There’s a reason why Val d’Isere/Tignes is regarded as one of the best skiing destinations in the world after all.

I liked skiing in Canada and the US but it’s a very different experience to alpine skiing.

I’d recommend places like Chamonix to people who aren’t sure if they’d like it or not because it’s a town first and foremost. It’s just that it’s a town surrounded by some of the most spectacular mountains around. So there’s lots to do if the snow doesn’t appeal.

Where in Canada and US have you skied?