Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 7.0 today

Have a lovely weekend everybody, especially anybody that’s working
4.0 the norm for me am over the last year still often in the 3's after work but feel ok so see no need to make any changes. Never get tired in the day or after meals like I used to so have lots of energy and have settled into a good eating routine.

Life is good at the moment.
Good morning everyone.

I am almost embarrased to say it 5.2 again this morning. No idea why as I ate all sorts of stuff yesterday (food testing 🙂 )

Still, I must get out to exercise this morning. Regardless of the cold and windy conditions. Yesterday I did go out for 138 minutes walking on the beach. Cold, yes. Inviorating, yes. Er, did I mention the cold?

My daughter has discovered that she cannot go away so the doggie sitting this weekend is off for now. It may happen in May (better weather). Shame because it was to celebrate their anniversary and I kinda like their doggie even though it is a nervous wreck (rescue dog, bad start in life).

Absolutely nothing planned for today.

Have a great day yourselves whatever you manage to do
Morning all. I’m joining @Gwynn with a HS! Woohoo I got a 5.2! It was short lived, 6.1 now I’m out of bed and been to the loo! 🙂

Not much going on today, bit windy and wet. Weather supposed to be rubbish too! 😉

Have a great day. Well done @Gwynn on another HS. 🙂
Morning, am well pleased with my fbg today after being constantly over 10 for the last few weeks

4am was 7,0, did 2u since I got up for the loo

7:30 was 6.8

Feeling a bit sniffly today but it’s even a bit of a relief to have some symptoms of the virus I’ve been diagnosed with, after all the rushing about testing for brain issues this week.
Wow! A trio of HS. Well done to @Gwynn, @eggyg and @harbottle. Nicely done.

5.7 for me after an overnight correction. Had a good nights sleep but still feel tired. Nothing planned for today apart from cleaning and vaccuuming, very boring. Have a lovely day everyone.
I’ve not tested yet so no idea what my waking figure is/was.
Had a weird day yesterday with a very elevated heart rate all afternoon for no obvious reason but my did I feel queer!

Feel fine today but wiped out.
Awful sleep last night as well.
Not going to even consider Park Run today but have won a place in the Royal Parks Half ballot so deciding whether to add a second half marathon to my burgeoning future as an elite athlete or let the slot go.

Am I weird in not finding the talk of aging and death maudlin at all? It’s all part of life after all. Then again I grew up in a family which quite normalised death and will writing etc.
As soon as we turned 18 we were sat down and led through writing a very basic Will. Every few years after that we were prompted to check it was up to date and reflected our wishes so it just became a normal thing to do.
Some people imbue Wills with a sort of talismanic quality that just isn’t warranted.

@eggyg where do you ski?
I’ve not had the chance to go in the last 20 years but used to ski in Val d’Isère mainly. Have done heliskiing and used to race GS!
I miss that special kind of silence you find in the mountains.
Well done to our HS triplets this morning.

5.5 for me today. 🙂
