Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning, beautiful blue sky here (although a tad chilly round the nethers when turning the pony out in my dressing gown). 5.8 for me after a naughty but low carb snack at 02.30. Slept like dead wood thereafter. Hope everyone has a really good day despite nipped toes and fingers. Wolf and I are going for a walk once I have pressure washed the brown car back to silver.
Well done @Lily123 on the HS
5.5 for me today. 🙂

Morning all. 🙂 7.1 here.

Welsh class person...yippee! Then I’d forgotten about signing up for an online Speed Siarad this evening - it’s a bit like speed dating but without the snogging. 😛 You get five minutes with another learner for a chat, then move on to another one, then another, then another...Anything to practise a bit of Cymraeg before the exam in June!

Have a good Friday good peeps.
Having chosen parents who were 42 and 53 when I was born, @ColinUK and @gll I had this earlier than some, even though both lived to be 94. I so remember the gradual slide back into dependence, the corners not dusted, the 'tell us what to do' conversations.And the frustration of putting together a care package for them only for them to unpick it gradually until the next inevitable crisis. I expect I’ll end up the same (I hope not) though our kids keep threatening to buy us a one way ticket to Switzerland at the first signs.
Good morning, beautiful blue sky here (although a tad chilly round the nethers when turning the pony out in my dressing gown). 5.8 for me after a naughty but low carb snack at 02.30. Slept like dead wood thereafter. Hope everyone has a really good day despite nipped toes and fingers. Wolf and I are going for a walk once I have pressure washed the brown car back to silver.
Why was your pony wearing your dressing gown?!
Gosh so much to comment on this morning.
@Lucyr glad to hear you got a diagnosis and I really hope the drugs and rest settles your headaches.
@TinaD what a nightmare and I know that sinking feeling when faced with pages of irrelevant questions.
@ColinUK sorry to hear about your friends mum. PS your loaf looks lovely.
@Lily123 congrats on your HS
@Michael12421 sorry you have been poorly in the night. How are you feeling this morning {{hugs}}
I had a 7.9 on my usual left hand and 6.8 on the right - so right it is then. How does that work? New Virgin box installed yesterday so lost all my recordings, hey ho at least it is working. Off for a nice bath and do the ironing that I haven’t done all week.
Have a nice day xx
@Robin It’s the whole “corners not being dusted” thing which first stood out to me.
@Grannylorraine I used this one. Didn’t have sugar so used maple syrup as food for the yeast and did get it going in water before adding it to the dry.
Also I prove bread by turning the oven on to 50 or 100 for about ten minutes then turning it off before popping the dough in (with the door slightly ajar) and leaving it alone.
Was proved in 40 minutes pretty much. I knocked it back and did a second prove.

10.something here today xx
5.3 for me but still dropping into 3's after work, I start at 2.30pm and finish around 7pm and it's none stop manic driving but do have a nut bar on the move. Mastered the Keto bread now moved onto air fry veg/chicken it's brilliant but the sprouts give me gale force 10.
Morning all. I’m late today, no Zara obviously as daughter got the ‘rona so we had a lie in. In Strictly parlance. SEVEN!

Loved “Belfast” yesterday, the Belfast of 1969 seen through the eyes of a 9 year old Protestant boy. The Crimeaphotography was amazing. 5* would recommend. 🙂

We went out afterwards for a meal in a Pan Asian restaurant we haven’t been to for years. It was very nice but my gastric system didn’t thank me for it when we got home. What a waste of money! I’ve remembered why I don’t go out to restaurants very much these days. My dietary requirements are best catered for at home, I know what I’m getting then! On the last count; very low fibre, very little fruit/ veg, definitely no tomatoes, no hard chewy meat ie steak, pork chops etc, nothing too oily/ greasy/ creamy and of course not forgetting carby or sugary! So two bao buns with chicken, sriracha mayo and salad, followed by Katsu curry, boiled rice and salad all washed down with two LARGE glasses of Pinot Grigio wasn’t such a good idea. Oh well, hindsight is a wonderful thing. Lesson learnt, until the next time. :(

Right you lot, I’ve been taking notes so if I miss you out I’m really sorry.
Firstly congrats to the HSers, @rebrascora for yesterday. @Lily123 and @Sitosea for today’s. Good work.
@Michael12421 hope you feel better soon, plenty of fluids.
@Lucyr glad you’re home and your BGs are starting to behave.
@ColinUK big hugs.
@TinaD just Grrrrr! Bloody online forms. 😡
@Gwynn you sound like you’re enjoying your Ninja. I love sprouts etc but unfortunately they don’t love me.
@freesia TGIF
@Bloden enjoy your class, even if no snogging is allowed!
@Maca44 lovely to see your handsome face this morning. :rofl:

Have a fab-u-lous Friday. 🙂
5.3 for me but still dropping into 3's after work, I start at 2.30pm and finish around 7pm and it's none stop manic driving but do have a nut bar on the move. Mastered the Keto bread now moved onto air fry veg/chicken it's brilliant but the sprouts give me gale force 10.
Try roasting the sprouts maybe.
200 degrees
Oven tray, oiled. Brussels trimmed and halved. Cut side down. Bit more oil over the top. Salt. 20/25 minutes. Don’t shake or move then whilst they’re roasting.
@Grannylorraine I used this one. Didn’t have sugar so used maple syrup as food for the yeast and did get it going in water before adding it to the dry.
Also I prove bread by turning the oven on to 50 or 100 for about ten minutes then turning it off before popping the dough in (with the door slightly ajar) and leaving it alone.
Was proved in 40 minutes pretty much. I knocked it back and did a second prove.
Thank you I will give that a go.
Having chosen parents who were 42 and 53 when I was born, @ColinUK and @gll I had this earlier than some, even though both lived to be 94. I so remember the gradual slide back into dependence, the corners not dusted, the 'tell us what to do' conversations.And the frustration of putting together a care package for them only for them to unpick it gradually until the next inevitable crisis. I expect I’ll end up the same (I hope not) though our kids keep threatening to buy us a one way ticket to Switzerland at the first signs.
My parents were 22 and 23 when I was born. My mother died when I was 30, my dad when I was 47. It may sound harsh/selfish but I am sort of glad I’ve never had to deal with the “old age” bit. Mr Eggy is doing this right now, his mum is coming up 85, it’s never ending at the moment. POA to be sorted and dealt with, care packages, she has carers twice a day and a cleaner who also does her laundry, twice a week, plus the visiting and feeding of her, doing shopping, washing dishes, she is able but does absolutely nothing, ( TBF she has been like that her whole life, my FIL did everything for her) and the constant guilt trip she lays on him, “ no one comes to see me, etc etc”. It’s very wearing for him.
I’m with your kids, Switzerland all the way. I never, ever want to become a burden to my children. TBF I’ve a much more positive attitude to my MIL, she loves being miserable. The sad thing is, is that she has no medical conditions apart from the usual old age things.