Group 7-day waking average?

Discharged now, completely wiped out but have a diagnosis and a pile of drugs. No idea how I’m going to remember all the different dosages and timings etc when one of the drugs makes me feel a bit out of it. Diagnosis of post viral headaches, and instructions to take another week or so off work and just drown it in drugs.
I hope the drugs and a whole lot of rest deal with the headaches @Lucyr. (((Gentle hugs)))...don’t want to make your head any worse!
Hopefully sorts it! Though if i start feeling better then presumably at some point my bgs will come crashing down which may be an issue. I’ve been ill and increasing insulin so long that I’m taking rather a lot now.
Just spent an hour filling in a digital assessment for the pain clinic. What a waste of time - one of the worst thought out forms I have ever had the disagreeable task of filling in. God alone knows how much some a$!*e&!E was paid to create it.

Half of it was questions about suffering from depression/anxiety (I'm not). "Do you have suicidal thoughts?2 NO but where is the space to write "but I often feel murderous when faced with fool questions?" The rest kept asking me to define my pain levels and identify location of pain - without saying "with or without treatment".. . Since I suffer from palindromic arthritis the pain wanders about from nape to heel. It would have been easy if one could colour it in - I could have just left the head white but I had to find lots of tiny numbers on the sketch and tick them off.

It has taken them over 2 years to arrange an appointment, meanwhile steroid treatment (private consultant + cheque book + helpful NHS GP) has got me from unable to turn over in bed, get into a bath or get off the loo, to being able to walk a kilometer or two, muck out my pony, hang my weight off parallel bars, drive my car etc. Oh, I can't overdo it without pain but with a sensible degree of caution I can manage most things. The problem is that with no steroids the ruddy thing comes back and I can't take any painkillers other than morphine derivatives as my blood thinners disagree with them.

Right at the end the form asks what drugs one takes - but not what for. I do feel that a form which asked do you have any other illnesses at the start and are you currently having treatment for the pain would have made more sense.

Also much of the latter part of the form (about 4 pages) seemed to be keen to encourage me to feel guilty about not exercising...and to urge me to do more by asking loaded questions which would indicate that I would resist their advice to do more. Now if they had asked about other medical problems they would have realized at the outset that I am somewhat limited by COPD, heart failure & AF but they don't. If the NHS is going to cut its costs by using digital technology they had better recruit an old fashioned GP to ask the right question in the right order. Harrumph!
Rant over - evening BG pretty good at 6.4 and mood improving now I have finished that stupid task.. Goodnight all.
Good morning
think I’m first today so i will keep it quick 5.9

however as I posted Northener beet me and was the first
I’m happy being in the bronze medal position this morning and with my 7.2. (Edit: I took so long typing this out Michael sneaked past me and took the bronze medal place!)
Slightly disturbed night sleep and that’s always going to add a couple of points to the morning figure.

Baked this yesterday…


Very low carb as it’s mainly lupin flour so let’s see how that tastes this morning.

Might bake a half cake later. That’s where instead of baking two cakes to the sandwich together and decorate etc you bake just the one sponge and cut it in half and layer one half on top of the other. So it’s literally half a cake.
I’ve got a lovely low carb chocolate cake I’ve used often so might do that.

Not sure what time the Winter Olympics stuff is on telly but want to watch and cheer an acquaintance of mine who’s competing for Team GB in their final Olympics.

Oh and a friend lost their mum yesterday so I’m all likelihood I’ve a funeral to attend Sunday. It would normally be sooner but there’s no slots at the grounds today before Shabbat comes in and obviously there’s no burials during Shabbat so that’s likely going to be Sunday.
It’s a childhood friend, someone I’ve known since I was about 8. Father died almost 2 years ago and now his mother has passed. They’re the first of our circle of childhood friends to lose even one parent which does kinda reinforce the circle of time spinning for all of us and that inevitably that we’ll all be orphans at some point.

I apologise for getting a little maudlin there so it’s off to do wordle and waste time flicking through TikTok for a bit.

Before that though, The Apprentice last night…. what an utter shit show! Lol
I know they’re under pressure etc but was that really the best they could come up with in the time?? I’d have fired all three tbh!
Morning everyone.
16.7. Retested on a different finger and 17.0 on that (went to bed on 10.4)

If its dawn, wish she would stop "helping", if its my pancreas struggling to do anything particularly productive, wish it would just get on with it sooner rather than later so it isn't a fight to be heard at the GPs to get anything done and adjusted.
Whatever way I just know its another day of struggling and feeling like crap while numbers come back down at whatever pace it wants to.
Dunno what else to say or do about it all anymore. 🙄

Quiet day today, snow on its way and its icy so its a no go for my daughter and her dodgy knee. I suppose I can find a million jobs to do about the house that I am putting off :rofl:. For now, youtube and a coffee 😉

@Michael12421 Hope you feel better soon
@ColinUK sorry to hear about your friends mum
@TinaD That form sounds like the econsult forms I’ve kept having to fill in to speak to my GP. They go on forever and lots of irrelevant questions.

@Michael12421 Hope you’re ok and sickness passes

@ColinUK Sorry to hear of the loss, always makes you aware of what’s to come too.

Pleased to announce my bg is finally under 10 this morning! 7.4 here. Taken a couple of units for luck, attempting to keep the bg down to help my body fight off the infection. Feel wiped out still today and taken a bucket full of pills after waking up, so a day of rest planned.
TinaD: Forms can be a nightmare. I struggle with most forms. The questions often seem wrong, ambiguous, irellevant, confusing, pointless,etc etc. The easiest way to improve a form is to ask users to fill one in and then get them to give honest feedback AND THEN fix the form according to the feedback. There is no excuse for a bad form but so many form creators are experts in data analysis or worse not experts in, er, ... rant over

The big tease is back on BG 5.1 this morning.

I think we may have the possibility of a dog turning up today as we have been asked to dog sit for my daughter but she has gone silent so I don't actually know.

Not sure if I will get out for a walk this very dark, very cold morning. I have done 2 hours on the beach each morning this week, starting from the position of not wanting to go out at all. So who knows just now if I will or not.

I hate sprouts!!! Come to think of it, I am none too keen on carrots nor cauliflower.


Yesterday I did an experiment. I cooked some sprouts (shudder at the thought), carrots and cauliflower in a chicken stock in the Ninja Foodi pressure cooker for 1 minute hi pressure and incredibly loved the result. I mean, I really liked them....even the sprouts!!!! So much so I am going to do it again today!!!

Now, that surprised me that the taste and texture could be changed so much just by changing the way things are cooked. It shouldn't have surprised me but then I must be a bit slow. However, slow I may be, I have learned something new even at my age! 🙂

Now, where's the, that's going too far ! 🙂

Have a great day whatever you get up to today.
Very happy this morning with 5.2
@Michael12421 i hope you feel better soon
@ColinUK so sorry to hear your sad news
@Lily123 congrats on the HS

Morning all, 6.3 for me. Glad its Friday, its been a long exhausting week.
@ColinUK Sorry to hear of the loss, always makes you aware of what’s to come too.
It’s inevitable though.
My folks are about to both enter their 80s. Dad will be 82 in September and mum 80 in a few weeks.
They’re both clearly getting older with changes to their raw basic physicality become more evident.
Most interestingly however is the ‘fear’ thing which seems to have crept up on them.
They both were quite bold and adventurous souls previously. Both competed in county and even national level sports for a short while but they seem to have developed a default mode of Slightly Scared. So the alarm at home has been upgraded and is on 24/7 guarding the perimeter of the homestead (from what I’ve no idea). Dad won’t park unless it’s under a street lamp. Even things like mum’s handbag is now grasped tight like a shield of she’s somewhat unfamiliar (I’ve pointed out that at her age she’s better off holding it very loosely and letting go if someone were to want to take it off her).
They’ve thankfully never been mugged or had any hint of criminality directed their way so I’m not sure where the retreat from a scary world comes from.
Also the house has changed. It used to be utterly spotless and now isn’t. It’s not dirty by any stretch of the imagination but it’s just that it’s not quite as squeaky clean as before. I’m deducing that the effort to clean quite so robustly is too much and that also they just don’t see the bits they miss any more.
First few times I found that quite upsetting but now I say nothing and just grab a cloth and wipe things down myself or grab the feather duster and knock the dust webs away with a “ooh this wasn’t here the other day and it’s easier for me to do this than for you”

Time is an odd thing really. I know it moves at an even rate but sometimes it certainly appears to speed up for those we love.
Morning all, 5.9 here. Has someone released the Diabetes Fairy? There seem to be a few with wayward numbers this morning. Mine was very much in line with normal, BUT whereas yesterday I had a smooth line overnight, this morning's was assisted by a 3am jelly baby. Had similar activities, meals, etc both days, weather is the same (I won’t list all the others of the 42 reasons why our BGs change, but I’m sure they were all the same, therefore I conclude it must be the DF!)
Time is an odd thing really. I know it moves at an even rate but sometimes it certainly appears to speed up for those we love.
My Dad has gone from being fit, strong and healthy. Walking/hiking/hill climbing most days with a ton of golf in between to having major spinal surgery, eyes going downhill rapidly and overall struggling. He wont drive at night now and it is looking like daytime driving is a bit questionable. He can do limited walks but nothing near what he could previously do and golf isn't doable at all.
This is in a couple of years at most.

Has someone released the Diabetes Fairy?
How does one kill the diabetes fairy? *asking for a friend*

8.3 today so a slight improvement, still not feeling up to running or yoga.

@rebrascora - congrats on yesterday’s HS

@Lily123 - congrats on your HS today

@Lucyr - hope the meds start working quickly for you, pleased you are back home

@Michael12421 - hope you are ok

@ColinUK - sorry to hear of your friends bereavement, my husband’s and my dad died 7 weeks apart in 2020,

@gll - hope those numbers start coming down.

Bread looks lovely Colin, might have to ask for your recipe.

Have a good Friday everyone.