Group 7-day waking average?

@freesia and @Gwynn congrats on your HS
Welcome @Kev79
Typed that yesterday but forgot to post doh!!
7.1 this morning and tv engineer coming between 8-12. Have run out of washing up liquid (idiot) so last nights washing is going to look at me all morning. Sainsbury’s shop after tv fixed, hopefully, and then Ironing, what an exciting day.
Have a good day all x
Good morning. A rather unimpressive 5.9 today. Nasty grey, damp weather which nicely matches my mood. Yet another friend coming over for free legal work. Will it ever dawn on them that the word "retired" means just that?
Morning all. 🙂 Snap! @Lily123 9.1 for me too. I’m wondering: why? :confused:Was it last night’s chick peas? :confused:Is the moon in Saturn? :confused:Which way is the wind blowing? :confused:My 9.1 is just one of life’s little mysteries.😎

Off to see my mam today. We’re taking her blue badge out for a run in the car. I just hope the three disabled parking spaces next to the beach are empty. And I hope she remembers her stick!
Morning all. Continuing with @ColinUK ‘s French theme. 6.9 today! Oh la la! 😉

Sitting staring at a LFT at the moment, two reasons, firstly, youngest daughter ( baby Zara’s mummy) tested positive yesterday after a friend who she had spent a couple of days with at the weekend, tested positive. :( Daughter did mention she had been sneezing for a day or two and had a productive cough. Secondly we’re going to the Crimea this afternoon to see Belfast. Jet setters us!:rofl:

Done Wordle, no hat trick, did it in five.
My time is up. NEGATIVE! Woohoo! 🙂 Just hope Mr Eggy’s is when he does his.

See you tomorrow, have a fab day.🙂
Morning all. Continuing with @ColinUK ‘s French theme. 6.9 today! Oh la la! 😉

Sitting staring at a LFT at the moment, two reasons, firstly, youngest daughter ( baby Zara’s mummy) tested positive yesterday after a friend who she had spent a couple of days with at the weekend, tested positive. :( Daughter did mention she had been sneezing for a day or two and had a productive cough. Secondly we’re going to the Crimea this afternoon to see Belfast. Jet setters us!:rofl:

Done Wordle, no hat trick, did it in five.
My time is up. NEGATIVE! Woohoo! 🙂 Just hope Mr Eggy’s is when he does his.

See you tomorrow, have a fab day.🙂
Love that we’re all of to the Crimea these days!

Going with a friend this weekend to see the intellectual powerhouse which Moonfall seems likely to be.
There may be popcorn.

It’s about the moon being taken over by an alien race and being hurtled towards Earth. Or something like that.
I’m expecting lantern jawed heroes, a spunky female character, comedy and huge explosions. So it’s almost like Shakespeare!


9.something here again

@Robin I hope he also made the cuppy and brought it to you before heading out! lol xx
Another late posting due to difficulty getting off to sleep. This morning's reading was 5.3. 🙂


9.something here again

@Robin I hope he also made the cuppy and brought it to you before heading out! lol xx
He certainly did make it for me. We have a kettle in the bedroom, though, and take mugs etc up the night before. (when my daughter saw our new fitted bedroom decor, plus the kettle, she did remark that it looked like a Premier Inn)
7.4 for this morning but there's a little story to that which I'm differently not encouraging I properly shouldn't have done it so I did go to bed at 6.6 and because I wasn't sure I went ahead a had a take thinking I'll deal with it in the morning if it proves to be a problem and couldn't really sleep again and I did end testing at 2.30 this morning(I know shouldn't there was a slightly odd feeling and then because the number was expected I did feel like I needed to double-check but that's not the point to this story) so I was 10.5(it may have been the stack plus other factors. slightly disaportarted but oh well I just correct with breakfast I thought not wanting to give myself a whole half a unit then (which I know is a very tinny amount to some people) but then a thought came to mind to try something I eat something with a correction so intentionally give myself a 0.3 correction not really sure what would happen though. I shouldn't have done but it does look like it meant I started my day basically in the range where I may not have done otherwise don't follow my example going to think positive today and not let any numbers bother me. now I need to figure out why I've been struggling to sleep so much recentlly. editing to say not something I'm getting upset about just telling the story.
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10.5 this morning and feeling pretty rubbish, day 3 of headache, keep going hot and cold however temperature is normal, feeling very fatigued, another negative LFT, woke up every hour from 2.30 onwards. Luckily still working from home so still able to work but not been able to do any running, yoga or strength exercises since Monday.

@eggyg - I hope your daughter isn't too unwell.

For those going to the Crimea - enjoy the films

Have a good day everyone
He certainly did make it for me. We have a kettle in the bedroom, though, and take mugs etc up the night before. (when my daughter saw our new fitted bedroom decor, plus the kettle, she did remark that it looked like a Premier Inn)
Genius! xx
@Grannylorraine it\s alright it wasn't something I was getting upset about I was just telling the story 🙂
Love that we’re all of to the Crimea these days!

Going with a friend this weekend to see the intellectual powerhouse which Moonfall seems likely to be.
There may be popcorn.

It’s about the moon being taken over by an alien race and being hurtled towards Earth. Or something like that.
I’m expecting lantern jawed heroes, a spunky female character, comedy and huge explosions. So it’s almost like Shakespeare!

Hmmm… sounds errr amazing! :confused:
Morning Peeps. 13.2 here we go again (unless its dawn being "helpful"). Really can't blame the sugar free jelly I had at bedtime :confused:

Enjoy your cinema *sorry crimea* trips, I fancy seeing both belfast and moonfall. Let us know if they are good 🙂

Hope everyone who is feeling rubbish or tired gets through the day with ease <3
Well, despite a daytime reduction in Levemir of 2 units yesterday morning which seemed to work well and keep me balanced through the day and another 2 unit reduction in my evening dose last night, I woke up very hot and restless at 4.30am on 2.7 and had been in the red for a little while 😱. The good news is that a Lift tablet, a jelly baby and a fizzy worm had a party on my tongue and fixed it and I was back asleep in minutes. The alarm then went off at 6.30am to wake up and inject my Levemir but I just couldn't be bothered to do either at that time. I eventually surfaced an hour later to inject and get up and my Libre scan rewarded me with a very welcome 5.2.
Chewed off that I was doing so well with reducing my hypos and then 2 nocturnal ones in a row and right before my consultant appointment :(

Not tackled Wordle yet this morning.
He certainly did make it for me. We have a kettle in the bedroom, though, and take mugs etc up the night before. (when my daughter saw our new fitted bedroom decor, plus the kettle, she did remark that it looked like a Premier Inn)
I remember in the fifties, on the bedside table my Mum and Dad had a Goblin Teasmaid which gurgled and spluttered to make the morning cuppa.
Good morning peeps
A straight 9 this morning. Think I should try a compensation injection of NovoRapid with no food to bring it down but as that acts, RAPIDLY, 4 and a half hours not sure. I haven’t tried any compensation yet and the bolus calculator not yet set up. Any advice?