Group 7-day waking average?

Late reporting in today. For some reason didn't get off to sleep until the wee small hours and consequently slept in. Still it produced an Heinz Special of 5.7. 🙂
Well done to both of today's HS's.

Good morning. Congratulations to Freesia and Gwyn - I think the HS fairy has moved on. 5.3 for me this morning - didn't report yesterday as managed to bend my very last lancet. House is sparkling after a day of deep cleaning prior to valuer appointment. Altho' I was pretty uncomfortable at bedtime, and fearing total lock up, happily pretty mobile this a.m. Wolf decided to develop cloth ear before breakfast so an added bonus of the great tidy was easy access to my inherited police whistle. 40kgs of electrified German Shepherd at max acceleration.
I'm happy to change to cheaper test strips as long as they're fairly easy to use if it meant I wasn't going to be tied to a certain amount
We are all limited to a certain amount per prescription which is usually monthly but if you are needing more you should ask for it to be reviewed xx
7.7 @ 0649. I'd run out of Pizza, so made do with a yogurt pot prior to turning in last night. My BG drops like a Me109 over the Dover Straits in '40 most evenings. Must sort that out.

Mrs Anchor was up early for meetings which makes a change. She had prepped all her stuff last night as she wanted to be ahead of the traffic. Big City Truro and the A30 can be a fickle path in the mornings.

Anyhoo, I made the coffee (got to get those goldstars somehow) and she decided to update her website with Feb's newsletter for some reason:confused:. The Ipad put up a fight so she had to do it on the 'puter. All done but not before the call went up "I can't find my Chelsea Boots" #emotional

20 mins late out the door.😳
As I read on a diabetes website somewhere, 4 is the floor and 10 is the ceiling. Also, I was told by my DN early on that I should at least aim to be in single figures.

Did you test as soon as you got up, before eating or drinking anything?

It was about 30 mins after getting up, about 5.30. Hadn’t had breakfast at that point.
Good morning all
A 7.9 this morning. At least it’s coming down slightly.
Better news is Wordle, even though it’s been sold to New York Times. See photo. 39796CC9-BA45-4D3E-B8BE-22904F5F5F86.png

10 on the dot this morning, that will be the hot cross buns I ate as wasn't feeling well with a horrible dizzy headache all day, working long day i just didn't feel like prepping and cooking anything. Hot cross buns were delicious though, better than the microwave burger my son ate (yuk). Still have horrible headache and now a slightly sore throat, LFT came back negative, but maybe I am going down with something.

@Gwynn - congrats on the HS, and I must admit when my dad had his cataracts done and described it to e, my reaction was not the best either.

@freesia - congrats on the HS

@Kev79 - welcome to the thread.

Have a good day everyone,
We are all limited to a certain amount per prescription which is usually monthly but if you are needing more you should ask for it to be reviewed xx
I actullly i asked friend and some other people who said they dont have a due date on thiers
Good morning all
A 7.9 this morning. At least it’s coming down slightly.
Better news is Wordle, even though it’s been sold to New York Times. See photo. View attachment 19956
It’s official I’m a downright genius, yesterday’s two wasn’t beginner’s luck, got it in two again this morning. Mr Eggy used up five lives. Let’s see if I can do the hat trick tomorrow. I might not be able to get HSs……😉
05:20 BS 4.8 Overdid the bolus a bit for dinner last night, then! :confused:

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Already had breakfast & a pretty healthy ish 08:40 BS 7.3 three hours after eating after a reduced breakfast dose for the below 5 waking reading! 🙂

Saw the 2nd episode of the new, lavish The Gilded Age & also Rupauls Drag Race The UK versus the World with 3 UK queens from season 1, 2 from Canada, 2 from the US & 1 each from Thailand & The Netherlands. 😛:D I have to say that I TRIED watching the first season of the Canadian Drag Race & COULD NOT make it past the 1st episode, some time ago when it was first aired, & found it to be very mean: the stereotype I thought drag was before watching the first season of the UK race; also, the Canadian sense of humour CAN be SO strange!o_O So, I didn’t get or agree with the judgement of either of the Canadian queens’ performance on the 1st week: 1 in second place & scratching my head to see HOW that could be so; the other at the bottom & eliminated wasn’t THAT bad but, I DID see that it wasn’t very original!🙄 But, the real standout was definitely the queen from Thailand & quite deservedly won the first badge!😛😎:D
I’d say that the top two weren’t the right choice and neither were the pair in the bottom two.
And the wrong person went home but that’s the impact of the rule change enter the winner of the lip sync decides who goes.
6.5 this morning.

Feeling the impact of the cramp on the run yesterday. Already stretched this morning and my entire leg is still very tight.
Going to walk it off in a bit as I go to a local concentration of retail outlets and pick up instant yeast as well as walnut pieces and so other bits and bobs. I want to make bread again today and I’ll probably knock up a standard seeded loaf and one trialling lupin flour.

Survivors therapy session later today. And that’s probably enough for the day today.
Morning all and it was a 5.5 for me.

Foot tickling this lunch time. I've made sure I've got decent socks on.

This aft down to the rehearsal studio to programme some sounds for the songs we're learning. Better done when I'm on my own and not trying to do it quickly between songs.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all on this dull day. At least it's not windy.

7.3 at 08:30 after a somewhat stressed night of peculiar dreams, but at least no drops into the red as such dreams would normally indicate.

CONGRATULATIONS @freesia and @Gwynn on your HS.

@ColinUK Lupins sound positively poisonous! LOL!

@AnchorFaced seems we are in the same neck of the woods.... are you under Treliske for yur diabetic care?

Hubby got a tip somewhere that there were a list of good starting words for Wordle... give you a clue, one of them is particularly apt for this thread and has 3 vowels in it.
Many people do have due dates,I ordered my repeat on Monday, my system now says I can't order more before the 22nd of Feb for some and 23rd of Feb for others. It may depend on what system and or settings your surgery use!
yeah well, i'm going to change doctors because mine aren't good with anything really there was one point they were expecting 1t they were expecting 100 needles to last two months even though I explained to them several times that I was using at least 4 a day(not quite sure how they figured that one out). they weren't that good before I was diagnosed either.
Well I have blown my PB attempt for the time being! Pretty chewed off after all the effort I have put in the last week. At least I equaled my previous one.

3.2 for me this morning at 6.30am and that was after waking up hot and bothered at 5.50am on 3.5 and having 2 Lift tablets which seem to have had no effect whatsoever looking at my Libre graph, but unfortunately I dropped straight back off to sleep without retesting and now I have a big red mark on my graph and my below target percentage has increased to 2. I'm still on 97% but only 1% above range, so if I hadn't had that hypo this morning I would have clocked up a new PB of 98% Arrgh!! So close!
Clearly too much basal when you hypo at that time of the morning but my levels started rising last night at 7pm and despite only having a salad and half a small apple and eating early, I ended up injecting 6 units with corrections and was still fighting it going out of range, so I added another unit to my Levemir and went to bed on 6.8 with a couple of handfuls of salted peanuts o board.
Not sure I can be bothered to continue to be so focused with my diabetes management to try again just now, so might have a few days of being more relaxed and then try again.

Walked along to surgery for blood test this morning. Told the nurse "I'm very good at this" whilst she was getting all the appropriate vials sorted. Don't think she quite understood what I meant until she went to put the tourniquet on my arm and then said, "Oh my goodness! Those are good veins!... Don't think I need this!" Vials filled in double quick time and all sorted. Extended my walk home by another couple of miles but managed to hypo again just as I was nearly home. Arrggh again!! Wouldn't care but I was scanning every 10 mins to keep an eye on it and dropped from 5.6 to 4.1 in that interval and the fizzy worm I ate just wasn't quick enough to prevent another dip into the red and a bit of blurred peripheral vision on the last 100yards to home.

Anyway, morning basal has been reduced by 2u and there will be more hoof trimming work done later this afternoon so that should keep me out of mischief.

@freesia and @Gwynn Many congratulations on your achievement this morning.

@Kev79 Welcome to the thread.
Many of us test before we get out of bed for our waking reading as that will usually give us the "best" (lowest) result. BG levels often start to rise as soon as we wake up or get up, because our liver starts to release glucose to give us energy to start our day. This is believed to be a throw back to our prehistoric ancestors who needed energy to go out and hunt or gather for their first meal of the day, rather than ourselves who can just walk into the kitchen and open the fridge. 🙄 Our liver really needs an upgrade to it's programming! 😉
Most people experience this but their pancreas releases insulin to deal with that glucose. With us diabetics and our less efficient pancreases, it shows up as a rise in BG. Sometimes, if you eat something straight away, as soon as you get up, it will switch off the liver from doing this and stop the rise or the other option is to go out for a walk or run to use up that glucose. ie simulate that hunter gatherer activity.
Ideally you would be looking for a waking reading between 4 and 7, so yours was a little high but not desperately bad. It takes time for waking readings to respond to lifestyle changes (and medication if appropriate) and waking readings are usually the last readings to show improvement but if you are making good dietary choices then they should eventually come down. Keeping a food diary along with your readings will help you to figure it out and hopefully gradually see a downward trend, but it would be interesting to know if testing before you get out of bed makes much difference. My levels used to rise by as many as 6 whole mmols in an hour due to "Foot on the Floor" syndrome, so it can cause quite a significant rise in BG for some people.
Hope that makes sense.
Great to see Martin.A again. I really valued your input, so it is good to have you back here again.