Group 7-day waking average?

Nice HS @Sitosea

@eggyg I keep forgetting to see how I cope with home made (normal and not alternative flour) just reminded me to pop some stuff on the tescos for that. If it is a disaster, the kids will wolf it down anyway 😉

really am going this time, the bell icon distracted me when I went to X out of the site :rofl:
Morning, 11.5 here

I tried reducing my lantus back to my normal dose yesterday, and afterwards got a really bad headache and had to take the extra meds. Blood sugars apparently didn’t like either of those things. Back to trying to reduce the dosage of migraine meds, and increase the lantus again today.
Just looked outside...a seriously intesnse redness to the clouds.

What is it that they say about 'red sky in the morning' ? Hmmm not sure if it will be wise to go out now.

Pretty severe weather of late.
Morning all, 7.4 here. I was 4.8 at 4.30 am, when Dawn effect started with a vengeance, probably because it took a while to get back to sleep. Supermarket run in a mo, can’t believe it’s a week since I last went, but the empty fruit bowl suggests otherwise.
I can join the 5.2 club. I think I’m forgotten my metformin tablet for a few days, though. Ooops.
4.7 for me.
Swedish massage Sat and I fell alseep, massive air fried steak last night with salad, so I have had a great weekend and feel refreshed today.
Good morning. Bit of a restless night so checked my BG at 6.01am (in bed) and got a 6.8 - just checked it again in bathroom at 7.50am and got a far better 5.8 - must be running those 4 minute miles in my sleep again! :rofl:
Cold but dry morning. Shopping with daughter around 9.00am, so best get myself organised.
Have a good day 🙂
6.6 this morning.
Will get out for a long walk today but no running as both knees now protesting at what I’ve made them do recently.
10.9 for me so second day running I started of the day correcting with breakfast I am stressing a far bit at the moment I guess

We had a light dusting of snow last night, only lying in some areas of the scheme though

Sorry been AWOL for a couple of days, got rather upset by something on Saturday, missed Scotland's rugby match because I didn't even want to sit in the same room as people, bloods shot up and felt dreadful yesterday due to it, a sad day today too as it marks 9 years since one of my grandad's was found after passing away, Valentines day marks 9 years since he was buried so it can be a difficult day too :(

Anyway 8.0 on Diabox and 8.3 with bloods xx

We had a light dusting of snow last night, only lying in some areas of the scheme though

Sorry been AWOL for a couple of days, got rather upset by something on Saturday, missed Scotland's rugby match because I didn't even want to sit in the same room as people, bloods shot up and felt dreadful yesterday due to it, a sad day today too as it marks 9 years since one of my grandad's was found after passing away, Valentines day marks 9 years since he was buried so it can be a difficult day too :(

Anyway 8.0 on Diabox and 8.3 with bloods xx
wow that is super accurate for first thing in the morning
wow that is super accurate for first thing in the morning
It wasn't first thing, I'd been up 2 hours but that's the beauty of being able to calibrate 🙂
6.1 for me today. No corrections or carbs required overnight. Happy with that!

Many congratulations to our 3 star achievers this morning @goodybags @harbottle and @Sitosea. Well done guys!
It wasn't first thing, I'd been up 2 hours but that's the beauty of being able to calibrate 🙂
the libre had sometimes been acurrte for me before but would always that's when they worked and didn't give up. when and if I go breark after might try it but the only thing is it actually allowed

6.9 this morning which I'll take after having family round yesterday and having 2 slices of cheesecake and a hot cross bun. Also been dosed up on co-codamol after I slipped down the stairs in the evening and hut my back, I think mainly just bruising. Going keep moving around so it doesn't stiffen up.

Congratulations to @goodybags @harbottle and @Sitosea on today's HS.
I often get visual auras - either big blobby floaters with multi coloured edges around them (that was todays) or jaggy lines that are very vibrant or even just massive blurry or dead patches in vision.
I also get audo sensitivity when anything other than a low background noise is happening, eg someone speaking sends searing waves of pain through my head. Can vary in degree of sensitivity and pain.
I also (and this is a weird one) get so jumbled up with words (speaking and typing) and my brain is correct in what it wants to say but getting it out in the right order or using the right words can be a little funky. Can usually spot it better if I type something and read it back and go whaaat did I just write there :rofl:.
OMG... and it's migraine? I have had those exact symptoms 3 times and the two last times (in 2019 and 2020) hubby has called an ambulance because I was struggling to speak coherently. I was rushed to A&E where they did CT scans and could find nothing wrong, no evidence of a stroke or TIA. Eventually 2 days after the last hospital incident this horrible woman doctor who had never met me in person rang to say that in her opinion I had had a TIA (which is now on my medical records) and started lecturing me on eating low fat according to the NHS "eatwell plate". I politely said I ate "lowish carb" being a diabetic. She then launched into a rant about how unhealthy my diet was and how I didn't eat fruit or veg, without ever asking what I do eat. I filed a complaint about her through PALS as she upset me so much. I got an official apology. I digress... my father was a martyr to migraines, he got them twice a week on his days off and had to lie in a darkened room. Nausea, vomiting the lot. I had some infrequent aural migraines in my late 20s, but not since then. I feel rather relieved to see your post!

Well... better get on... we have lunch guests today.

6.2 on waking at 8 am.

CONGRATULATIONS to @Sitosea, @harbottle and @goodybags on your HS... Stars of the firmament known as "the forum".