Group 7-day waking average?


8.3 sensor, 8.2 finger prick

Happy Birthday @ColinUK hope you have a lovely day!

Well finally managed to get a hold of Bruce, I do wish he wouldn't ask me to phone at a certain time and then allow his phone to run out of power!

Today is not my lucky day, wen't to weigh some things and switched the scales on, Lo and they switched straight off, it's ok I thought, I'll use the other set that's sitting next to them, switched them on and Lo! They did stay on long enough to allow me to weigh what I was needing BUT....! lol, not sure where mum put the batteries so will have to wait on her coming home from work 🙄 xx
Morning all. 6.3 today.

Hope you all survived Malik, I have sad news.:( The pizza oven is now naked! Just been out to fill the bird feeders ready for The Big Garden Bird Watch which I’m doing at 10am, and noticed his bare state, looked high and low for his cover, neighbour’s gardens, field behind us. No luck. What’s so annoying is that it’s the most difficult thing to put on and off, but Malik was obviously very persuasive!😡

Anyways, it’s a lovely calm morning, 2.5 degrees and I was out in my dressing gown, yesterday it was 11degrees, out in jacket, scarf and gloves and I was frozen. It was some wind chill factor. Brr!

Have a super Sunday. Congratulations @harbottle on your HS. @TinaD I put mashed carrots and swede on top of my shepherds/ cottage pies when I’m feeling virtuous! Delicious. 🙂
Morning all. 6.4 for me.

@ColinUK happy birthday!! Enjoy your day.

@TinaD celeriac works well, its much less stodgy than potatoes. I also throw in a handful of grated cheese and plenty of pepper when mashing it.

@harbottle congrats on the HS
Happy birthday ColinUK

I was absent from the forum yesterday, I was recovering. The last two days have been very difficult.

The first eye op (left eye) was easy. No pain, surgeon talked me through each step of the op as he went. He was very gentle and I could see improvements immediately after the op.

The second op, on Friday, was a completely different kettle of fish.

My wife kicked off before it all started, in the morning, we had had intruders again, seriously bad apparently. They had broken a few of the bristles off her very very very old hair brush. She was very upset. Of course we hadn't had intruders, but the whole incident shook me and upset me. Not a good way to start the day.

The op did not go so well. The surgeon at the clinic was quite rough, almost spoke nothing at all throughout the op, and my eyesight after the op was significantly worse. So much worse that I raised it with the surgeon there and then, he was completely disinterested. I also raised it with the discharge nurse who was reassuring. The op was a little painful too. I felt shell shocked, drained, worn out by the end of it.

The evening following the op I was in a lot of pain which did ease up a little by midnight.

Saturday was difficult, thankfully my wife was somewhat better and the eye/head pain was gone. However my eyesight had not improved at all. Dark, no contrast, almost no colour, pretty flashing sparkly lights all the time, nothing anywhere near focus (to be expected), parts of the field of vision completely missing ! But it was the darkness and missing bits that worried me. I rang the clinic emergency number and talked to a doctor. She noted everything and said that if things had not improved by Monday to contact them again. The whole day Saturday was very stressful as things did not improve.

Thankfully, after a very good nights sleep last night the vision is significantly improved today. Thank goodness. I am more relaxed about it now.

I am just so glad that I hadn't had that surgeon for the first op. He might have put me off the second.

And so to BG. I would love to report an HS, but I can't. I'll settle for a 4.7 though ! 🙂

Today I WILL get out and about (always on my own as my wife is fearful of the intruders getting into the house when she goes out). The beach becons....
Happy Birthday @ColinUK !! And well done @harbottle on the HS.
My reading first thing was another straight 5. 🙂

Morning all. 6.3 today.

Hope you all survived Malik, I have sad news.:( The pizza oven is now naked! Just been out to fill the bird feeders ready for The Big Garden Bird Watch which I’m doing at 10am, and noticed his bare state, looked high and low for his cover, neighbour’s gardens, field behind us. No luck. What’s so annoying is that it’s the most difficult thing to put on and off, but Malik was obviously very persuasive!😡

Anyways, it’s a lovely calm morning, 2.5 degrees and I was out in my dressing gown, yesterday it was 11degrees, out in jacket, scarf and gloves and I was frozen. It was some wind chill factor. Brr!

Have a super Sunday. Congratulations @harbottle on your HS. @TinaD I put mashed carrots and swede on top of my shepherds/ cottage pies when I’m feeling virtuous! Delicious. 🙂
Swede 5gm and carrot 8gm? Sounds outright sinful to me.
Happy Birthday @ColinUK , enjoy the Crimea :rofl:
Congrats @harbottle on your HS
@Gwynn sounds awful and so glad you are now feeling a touch better. Fingers crossed for a better day all round x
7.9 today, boo!! Got lots of ‘bits’ done yesterday, hubby on his way home and a huge surprise is morning - I managed to get the dog out for a walk, miracles do happen.
Have a good Sunday all x
Morning all and it was a 5.6 for me.

Probably more tree surgery for me today.

@ColinUK I thought for a minute you were getting involved in the Ukraine/Russian affair. Sounded a bit extreme for a birthday treat.

Have a good day everyone.
Off to the crimea with friends later but other than that nothing really planned
Well that set me up for the day! Tell me you're Putin without saying you're Putin :rofl:

5.9 @ 0625 Not my choice to be up that early. By 0809 it was 8.1, thanks Dawn.

Has anyone personalised their sensor? I'm thinking by now that it needs a name in this relationship. Someone to blame for waking me up for no reason at 0158 this morning when all was previously well. At least on this occasion, my significant and better half wasn't disturbed from her slumber.
Good morning everyone
at 7:38 BG 11.5 so just 1.5mmol above target. 11.0u tresiba done.

At least unlike yesterday morning I didn't fall back to sleep 🙂. I went downstairs and got tonight's tea ready in the slow cooker - it smells lovely - pork steaks and apple in cider - and going to have it with aunt bessie's mini roast potatoes and yorkshire pudding.
Also had my breakfast of my usual 2 rounds of toast.

Congratulations @harbottle on your HS 🙂
Morning everyone.
8.3 today

I'm tempted to get the libre 2 trial and maybe another 2 sensors to try and get a clear picture of good and bad days and what's happening in-between finger pricks. Good or bad idea? Figuring 2 weeks won't cut it to get a clear picture.

@ColinUK Happy Birthday, hope you have a fab time at the CINEMA and enjoy the cake!
@harbottle gratz on the HS
@Gwynn glad things are improving
Well that set me up for the day! Tell me you're Putin without saying you're Putin :rofl:

5.9 @ 0625 Not my choice to be up that early. By 0809 it was 8.1, thanks Dawn.

Has anyone personalised their sensor? I'm thinking by now that it needs a name in this relationship. Someone to blame for waking me up for no reason at 0158 this morning when all was previously well. At least on this occasion, my significant and better half wasn't disturbed from her slumber.
Haven’t personalised my sensor, but my reader is called Frank. Named for Frank Zappa, as I zap it over my sensor. :rofl:
Morning all - well afternoon then! Treated myself to a long read in bed! Am absolutely hooked on the Inspector Bruno books by Martin Walker. Set in the Dordogne his description of food and cooking is absolutely mouth-watering... hubby is hooked too, hence our plans to visit the area in September. We spent our honeymoon there 37 years ago!

4.3 this morning with a flatfish. Surprising as we had risotto last night with fresh and dried mushroioms and a good dollop of "Delice aux Champignons with a whisper of truffle" from a jar hubby received at Xmas. It's been staring at me from the larder shelf ever since and I couldn't decide what to do with it. In the event it went down well.

Happy Birthday @ColinUK ! Remember, there are noi carbs in cake on your birthday.

CONGRATULATION @harbottle on your HS.
Morning all. 6.3 today.

Hope you all survived Malik, I have sad news.:( The pizza oven is now naked! Just been out to fill the bird feeders ready for The Big Garden Bird Watch which I’m doing at 10am, and noticed his bare state, looked high and low for his cover, neighbour’s gardens, field behind us. No luck. What’s so annoying is that it’s the most difficult thing to put on and off, but Malik was obviously very persuasive!😡

Anyways, it’s a lovely calm morning, 2.5 degrees and I was out in my dressing gown, yesterday it was 11degrees, out in jacket, scarf and gloves and I was frozen. It was some wind chill factor. Brr!

Have a super Sunday. Congratulations @harbottle on your HS. @TinaD I put mashed carrots and swede on top of my shepherds/ cottage pies when I’m feeling virtuous! Delicious. 🙂
The wind can cause absolute havoc, a few years ago our small polytunnel at the allotment ended up 10 plots away, had managed to go up and over hedges and fences. It must have looked impressive in action.
I felt sorry for the person whose whole roof had ended up in the road, those on either side were still there.