Group 7-day waking average?

O H now home from A&E well actually an assessment ward, blood and urine tests diagnosed a bladder infection so antibiotics prescribed so hopefully all will be well.
Not so the dishwasher yet unless you count him as one.
Pleased he is home safe and sound and hopefully fixed once the ABs get working. Must have been quite a worry.

My dish washer (mechanical) died years ago and I never got around to replacing it. At least you have a standby 😉
A pleasing loss of 1kg over the last 2 days as OH not been well, flare up of a gastric problem after Moviprep for an MRI on Tuesday, then he panicked at 3am as was peeing blood again (prostate surgery 2 months ago but fully recovered) so phoned 111 and they phoned back at 7.45am and advised him to go to A & E where he is now. Of course I still can't drive so he had to get a taxi. So very little sleep.
And to top it all the dishwasher has flagged up an error code.
Oh man! My dishwasher has been playing up for two weeks. Thought it was fixed but it decided to spring a leak. Mr Eggy can’t find it anywhere! :(
Oh man! My dishwasher has been playing up for two weeks. Thought it was fixed but it decided to spring a leak. Mr Eggy can’t find it anywhere! :(
What is it with dishwashers? Ours died on Xmas eve. In the end it was economically non-fixable and we had to splash out for a new one. Personally, despite deep research I do not like the internal lay out of the new one. Hubby seems to like it as it gets the cutlery sparkling.
Oh man! My dishwasher has been playing up for two weeks. Thought it was fixed but it decided to spring a leak. Mr Eggy can’t find it anywhere! :(
not sure if you are still talking dishwashers or implying your hubby has been playing up and sprung a leek :rofl:
sorry, my brain went there x
not sure if you are still talking dishwashers or implying your hubby has been playing up and sprung a leek :rofl:
sorry, my brain went there x
That was my thought too and knowing @eggyg, with her naughty sense of humour, that will be what she is implying! Poor Mr Eggy!
29/01/22 20:24 BS 7.6 The day before that 28/01/22 22:59 BS 6.7 🙄 A little bit erratic as I’m still catching up on sleep BUT, undisturbed: roughly equal sleep of body & mind; as it SHOULD be & I normally am!o_O After all, that’s what the nose op I had was all about: only when ill & the return of apnoea or the distressed staggered short sleeps does my sleep goes back to the fragmented patterns I had before the nose op!🙄

No more nightmares apart from one tiny one as I’ve sorted out the guilt I felt about ME getting the family house! 😱 Booked an appointment with the lawyers to change the deeds etc. etc. for 10/02/22 & may get anxious again just before that but, for now my stress has abated!🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Already had breakfast & lunch before I posted & post lunch just now, 05:21, BS 10.6 is just a wee bit higher than I’d like but may settle to a decent ish reading in another 2 hours of active NR? :confused:

Saw the first episode of a new drama series, on Now TV, that critics are calling the American Downton Abbey as it’s a Julian Fellowes production called “The Gilded Age” set in mainly New York City, & Newport in California for a weekend, of the 1880’s when “New money” started to overtake the “Old money” of elite society. Hopefully, for those that don’t have Sky Atlantic, I get the Sky channels on Now TV, it’ll be on ITV1 at some later stage? :confused:

Only 1 episode so far & it’s very lavish starring a new comer Louisa Jacobson who’s the youngest daughter of Meryl Streep! 😎😛🙂 It’s not often that I’ve seen that era of New York City with the very wide dirt, MUCH fancier that plain dirt of course & couldn’t think of what else to call it, roads for the horse drawn carriages of Park Avenue on screen with the lavish corseted bustled dress of the Victorian era!😎😛 I look forward to seeing future new episodes on Tuesday’s: aired the same time as in the US at 02:00 on Sky Atlantic; caught it on demand at a more reasonable 09:30 ish on Tuesday morning!🙄
Morning all! A 5.5 for me today. A chilly start, but the howling wind has died down completely :D
Good morning.
Much happier bunny this morning. Completely silent outside, no creaking and groaning with the wind. I managed another whole day in range (@helli calls this a Unicorn day which I rather like) and my stubborn TIR finally upgraded just before bed and jumped 2 points from 95% to 97% TIR for the past week, so an equal personal best to 22/11/21.... and I had the flattest of flat lines overnight after dialing my Levemir back half a unit on a whim last night. Went to bed on 5.7 and woke up on 5.7 and a ruler straight line between the two. Woo Hoo! And it felt like "good" restful sleep.
I took 3 photos to highlight my achievements but they are stuck in my phone pending being sent to my PC via email, so you will just get a happy, grinning and cool emoji from me instead :D 😎 .
Really would like a new PB now I am equal to my previous one but I am going to my sister's today and it will be a tricky combination of getting all my chores done this morning, driving there, a long walk with her, eating (probably slightly off piste carbs wise.... Sunday dinner) and driving home and then seeing to my beasties before bed, so maybe not the best timing to achieve it.... We will see!

Hope everyone has a good day!
Good morning. Rather chuffed with 4.8. Very cold this a.m. Quick run round lighting kitchen wood-burning stove to put shepherd's pie in for later. Hope celeriac crust works as potatoes are banned. Tree planting this morning and then a run over towards Crymych to collect a permanent label for Mother's casket. Everyone trying to convince me to send her by courier but a promise to take her to Scotland and put her by Dad not so easily fulfilled in my view. Planning what to put in my tiffin to ensure a relatively carb free jaunt. Wishing everyone a good day.

6.5 so high improvement. Off for my long run in a minute hoping to do 12k or 13k if I can manage it.

Have a nice Sunday everyone
7.2 this morning.

Off to the crimea with friends later but other than that nothing really planned for my birthday.

There will probably be cake.