Group 7-day waking average?


Hope everyone has had a good day. It appears to be the weekend again!
To quote the famous Frau Farbissina "I'm late"

6.9 @ 0640. Skipped breakfast opting for Coffee until lunch which was a delightfully warmed Ciabatta roll with ham and egg for 4 units crafted by my mother in law for her No1 SiL. Such a charmed life.
So far TiR is 99% today, however Dinner scores a bit higher and working on tempering that cheeky evening rise.
Good morning everyone! Today I had a 5'2. Is that what you call a HS??

After my BG test, I had a COVID one. I am also happy with that, it was negative. If I get the same tomorrow, I will be able to finish isolation early!

Have a great day and good luck to people with operations, appointments and any projects.
Congratulations on your HS and negative test.
Woke up and first thought was what ungodly hour of the morning was it. Glanced at the watch and thought it was 6:30 so leapt out of bed - scored a 6.2 and wondered why it was quite so quiet outside. Checked watch again and it was 4:30.
Back to bed just in time for some random and friends to decide to sit on the kerb opposite and play guitar whilst continuing their evening revels I presume.
The guitar playing is good but still…

I’ve got thunder storm songs playing on Alexa to try and drown out the inconsiderate early morning revellers but it’s having limited effect. Still the alarm is set for 7:30 anyway because today’s my 10th Park Run!!
Knees ache a little and I cramped up on Thursday but I’m determined to go to Hampstead and do my tenth Park Run!!

Have a great day everyone and enjoy whatever the day brings regardless of whether it’s challenging or not!
Morning. Another early riser, hair appointment early doors. A very nice 5.8.

Got a tale to tell. During our morning buggy walk with the baby yesterday, I kept hearing an intermittent faint “bip bip” sort of noise. We were on a very busy ring road when I first heard it coming up to a crossing. Mr Eggy couldn’t hear it, he doesn’t hear certain pitches, I thought it was the lights on the crossing. Even when over the road I could still hear it. I was looking around totally flummoxed. I really though my tinnitus was playing up big time. Got away from the busy road, there it was again. It then dawned on me to check my Libre 2 which was in my jacket pocket. It was the low glucose alarm! o_O 3.8, so not too serious. Of course I didn’t have anything with me ( I know, I know) but in my defence I rarely hypo and never in the morning. By this time is was 11am and the alarm had been going off and on for maybe 15 minutes. Luckily we were close to a row of shops so nipped in and bought some Starbursts, no JBs. Ate two, tested five minutes later, 3.8. Ate another two, we were nearly home by now, 3.6! Got home, 4.2. It took half an hour to raise it to that feeble figure. I’m assuming Starbursts aren’t so good as a fast acting remedy. Usually two JBs would send me into the Stratosphere! I’m thinking after Thursday’s 12.5 mile walk and then another 4.5 yesterday morning my body was rebelling. Stayed low most of the day but never hypoed. Lesson learnt, check your Libre when you hear odd noises, always carry hypo remedies and maybe reduce your basal when you’ve done/ going to do lots of walking!🙄

Have a super Saturday all. I’m off for a cut and colour, was planning on walking but listening to the hoolie howling outside and because of what happened yesterday, I’m going to take the car. Blow the expense! :rofl:
Morning all 7.5 for me. Hubby away this weekend helping his brother move from London to Milton Keynes so whilst the cats away the mice will still do nothing exciting 😳. However am going out for breakfast with my son and grandson so that will be nice. Had a rotten night coughing and sore throat, lateral flow is in progress but can’t see the dreaded second line as yet.
Will do some paperwork today, washing, ironing etc, cor I’m excited just thinking about it 😳
@Gwynn and @KARNAK hope your hospital treatment went well yesterday, take it easy today.
Have a good day all x
Good morning all. 5.3 this a.m. which I was happy to see- having induced a rather nasty 14.1 yesterday at 19.39 by eating some cake at teatime (17.30). It was still 12. 3 at 21.05 but had dropped to 5.8 by midnight. It seems that remission still evades me although good control is easy if I stick to keto. Oh well, man doth not live by bread alone, a proverb probably equally applicable to woman and cake. Off this morning for a lung function test and have an appointment for the pain clinic in a fortnight - the NHS locally seems to be attacking its backlog.
A nice round 5 for me this morning. 🙂 It's much too windy for a walk in the woods, so I'll be on my bike later on.

Morning all. 🙂 7.1 here. I’m going to have to up my basal - 9 units is enough during the day but not overnight (had 2 corrections last night). Roll on getting a pump...the endo & team have gone very quiet, so I hope they haven’t changed their minds!

Fingers crossed @Elenka_HM - I hope you’re result is negative and you can released back into the wild today.

We had a social life this week, twice! And next week’s Welsh class is in person (not Zoom)...could things be creeping back to normal? 😎

Phew! @eggyg.
Morning all. Woke to a 9.3 and libre showed i'd had a spike to 13 overnight!! Considering i was in the 4s most of the afternoon and evening and needed a snack before bed, this is why.
Morning all, 6.4 here. Feels a lot warmer than yesterday's frosty start, may need to leave the thermals off for riding.
Don’t go the whole Godiva!
Morning all

7.3 today, so although still high, a much improved reading to yesterday. Nothing much planned for today, I’ll do a 20 mins exercise class from my app, visit my mum for a coffee and then off to Tesco’s when hubby finishes work.

Have a nice day everyone.
Firstly - Wow! The dog actually allowed me to lie in until 7.45.
This morning I had a 6.8 (although I had been up for around 30 mins).

I am starting to really restrict my carbs now, through and post-Christmas I had relaxed slightly - not too much, but enough.

I had a real shock on Thursday - after a lunch of home-made potato and leak soup (a moderate bowl) and a small slice of bread my BG rose to 14.5 two hours after. That has not happened since the first months of diagnosis - and then only about 11 after pizza (I was testing 😉). Up to now I thought I could tolerate that type of meal - obviously not. My only excuse is that I have a cold (neg C19 test) and I am under a lot of stress at work.

Anyway - lovely week end all - I for one am very glad it is here

Good morning all
A 10.3 this morning on waking at 09:00