Group 7-day waking average?


8.4 today after another night of very little sleep due to the wind howling

Seems there's a tree come down at mum's work and she may be working with no electric as the houses nearby there went off at 11pm, will find out when she gets in xx
I was kept awake by the wife snoring, the wind howling and feeling cold! I put my headphones on and listened to some mellow 70s jazz (Larry Coryell with members of Oregon) and fell asleep.
Congrats to @TinaD and @Robin on those House Specials.
My reading first think was 4.7. 🙂

Well mum was in at 9:20ish, nae electric out there so she was only able to clean the toilets and empty the bins using the torch on her phone 🙄 50 trees down around the golf course, buses nae running past there now but thankfully one of the golfers was only happy to stay and give her a lift back in xx
Morning All

Very bright and breezy here. 6.5 which is ok, got a long day at work today, still hoping to fit in a short run and yoga this evening.

Congratulations on the HS @TinaD and @Robin.

@ColinUK - pleased to hear you had a good birthday

@Gwynn - good to hear your eye is improving and you are upto a walk today.

Have a good day everyone
Morning all,

7.4 today…

Although made the mistake of not checking it straight after waking up, got up had a shower etc first (but still haven’t eaten anything yet!)

Always seems to rise as soon as I get up!

Have a good day 🙂
Morning All
A waking BG of 8.6
There seems to be a general climb in my readings so is it wrong eating but carbs counted correctly so is it the basal layer which needs an increase? Must try and speak to the Diabetes centre and get advice.
Good morning. 5'9 today.
I had a very unsettling dream where I was unable to select the correct dose in my insulin pen. It kept showing ridiculously high numbers like 300 or 400 units and couldn't get it down to my number, so I went through the day without injecting, started to feel awful and couldn't find my BG meter, so I got really anxious. I don't think I've ever had a dream about diabetes before and that one was not a good start.
Morning all

5.6 on waking with a straightish line. Just had a low glucose warning and a divebomb to 3.3. Ate a Dextrose and a ginger cookie. As I swallowed the last mouthful I checked again and it's 5.6 arrow straight up. That's within 4 minutes of the Dextrose? I don't think so!!!!!


Glad you had a nice Birthday @ColinUK
Late in today so I am going to have to give the Aussie greeting of "G'day Mates!"

7.3 for me at 6.30am when I woke and injected Levemir but then went back off to sleep and started the day on 6.3.
Managed another Unicorn Day yesterday but it took an awful lot of work to keep in range. Didn't have much low carb veggie options with the dinner my brother in law had very kindly laid on. Cauliflower cheese was loaded with really thick flour laden cheese sauce, gravy was all really thick and the only other veg was a small dish of green beans which I would happily have all eaten myself as a portion but there were 5 people round the table so I had to be very restrained. I hadn't had any breakfast or lunch other than a packet of pork scratchings so I was pretty hungry by 6.30pm and decided to be brave and have half a medium size Yorkshire pud and 2 roasties..... which I have to say were exceptionally crispy but coated in semolina, so again extra carbs. I hit it with 4units on top of a 1.5u correction after my walk because levels increased to mid 9s instead of decreasing. :( Added another 1.5units after the meal for some raspberries and cream and thought I was doing really well when my levels were in the 5s after dinner, then dropped to 4.9 as I was about to leave, at which point I had a fizzy worm to drive home, but by 10pm they were in the 9s and rising. Took me 4 stacked corrections an hour apart to keep a lid on it, but topped out at 9.8 and got Wordle in 3 😎 whilst I was waiting. :D.
Dropped my evening Levemir by one unit after my brisk 5 mile walk/jog out with my sister and the horses which looks to have been a good move once the corrections kicked in. Not ideal having 4 stacked corrections (totaling 6 units) starting at 10pm but worth it to maintain my clean slate and attempt at a new PB. My body really does not like foods containing refined flour anymore. It was the same on Boxing day when I had some bread. Anyway, I am still stuck on 97% at the moment, so hoping I can break through that today maybe. Will be less obsessive once I achieve a new best score but being tantalizingly close is hard work!!

Many congrats to @Robin (they all count) and Blooming Heck! @TinaD another one!! Well done! You are putting the rest of us to shame 🙄
6.3 at 0740, can't grumble.

Just attempted my first Wordle today. Was one letter away with the last four correct, so a gamble on getting the first letter correct. #Iwasrobbed.
Don’t fight it, it’s just a bit of light hearted fun! :rofl:
You might think that, but family honour is at stake, when your husband and son have both made the right guess a line earlier, it’s deadly serious, I tell you! (we all did it in 4 today, but the other day I took all 6 goes, and they both did it in 4!)
You might think that, but family honour is at stake, when your husband and son have both made the right guess a line earlier, it’s deadly serious, I tell you! (we all did it in 4 today, but the other day I took all 6 goes, and they both did it in 4!)
Mr Eggy took all 6 goes, first time ever. He blames me, I said go for fight! I’m in trouble! :rofl:
3.8 at 6.45. Not been higher than 7.2 all day. And now plummeting again. I reckon there’s a bit of Christmas cake left might have some !
@Robin and @TinaD congrats on the HS

Its been a long awful day today. So much so that when i got home i refused to cook and we went to the chippy. Fish and a few chips later, all was better with the world. I'll pay later probably with a spike, even though i split the bolus, but boy were they good!!