Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning to you all. Cold, dark, wet this morning. Must get out and exercise though.

Eyes are good. A bit odd on the right (a sort of ghosting), but that's to be expected at this stage I suspect. Nothing too serious.

BG 4.7 this morning.

Nothing much to do today.

It seems that we have been lumbered with my daughters dog for 4 days starting at the weekend. I was pleasantly surprised that my wife was happy and keen about the idea. So that is good.

Have a Great Dane everyone. Woof.
Pinch, punch first of the month and no return!! Lol, do kids still say that?
7.5 and off to work. Have a good one x
Good morning 5.5 today

good to hear that your eye operation went well @Gwynn

I have a telephone consultation with the Diabetic specialist today
so be good to hear their opinion on what’s happening inside me

have a great day everybody 😎
Yes, thanks Northerner, it is great geing able to see again.

When I had a brain op about 15 years ago they said then that I would probably go blind from the condition I was suffering from at the time (not diabetes) and that the intended op would not help rectify the damage to my eyes and optic nerves. i.e I was going to be blind! However, I confounded them all when, after the op, I reported that my eyesight had been fully recovered! And it had!

Before the op my eyesight was very poor. I had had to stop driving, working, etc.

After the op (and having recovered from the op) I kept wandering around the hospital looking at, and marvelling at, everything. It was so wonderful to be able to see again.

So this is a similar but much less dramatic scene ! Before the cataract op I was struggling to see. I couldn't read most things anymore. Night vision was zero and I had learned to 'feel' my way around the house. After the cataract ops everything has changed for the better. The feeling of relief, and wonder, and joy is very real every moment of every day. Even being able to now easily see the computer (tablet) screen is great. Being able to read again is great. Being able to see a bit more at night again is great. And all this will continue to improve as I recover more from the second op and eventually get correct glasses.

I am so grateful to the NHS and to the opticians. Thanks !!!
Morning all on this glorious day. Not weather wise, it’s pitch black and the wind is howling again. No, it’s February, the bringer of spring. That makes me happy.🙂

“Stayin’ alive,” 6.5! Thought that was quite apt, as it’s by the BGs! :rofl: I think that could be ‘our song’, or at the very least 6.5 could be the new House Special, I might have more chance of getting one. “Ah ha ha ha, stayin’ alive!” Another earworm folks. Sorry not sorry.😉

Mr Eggy is feeling excited too, for the first time in almost two years he’s actually going to Camera Club instead of just going upstairs to Zoom. LFT to be done, no tea and coffee in the break and they will sit two metres apart. Oh and no raffle to raise funds. Phew! I’ve still got the bottle of Harvey’s Bristol Cream he won in November 2019! At coming up 62, he’s one of the babies of the group so the need to be careful is very real for a lot of them. The chairman is in his 80s!

That’s it folk. Have a fab day and those who are struggling, big hugs.🙂
Good morning - 7.5
Morning all. After a chippy tea last night and the expected spike which was dealt with, every 2 hrs from 1am i've been woken with a low that JBs just wouldn't bring up. Currently at 3.7 desperately trying to bring it back up so i can have breakfast.
4.7 for me today. 🙂
Stay safe if it's windy where you are.

Pinch, punch first of the month and no return!!
Slap, kick, for being so quick!

Morning all. 🙂 4.6 here.

I love Feb too @eggyg (cos my birthday’s in Feb). The snowdrops and my random selection of bulbs are busy pushing themselves upwards and there’s even been some bird activity (there were loads when we moved in, despite the neighbours’ cats. Where have they gone?). Happy pinching n punching, folks.
Morning all, 7.6 here, I obviously didn’t need both Lotus biscuits before bed last night. Or to sandwich a lump of cheese between them.(A delicious combination, but then I was brought up to enjoy a slice of cheese with Christmas cake, and my father always had cheese with his apple pie, a Yorkshire custom which was a step too far for me.)
Just a little aside. I got today’s Wordle ( my first go) in two. 😛 Beginners luck? Or just downright genius?😉
I got todays in 2 too! After it normally takes me 4-5!

7.5 today xx