Group 7-day waking average?

15CBBED8-E25D-4402-BE27-E27E94E865B8.jpegPark Run done!

About 38 mins I reckon so not terrible. I did stop to pet any/all adorable doggos which crossed my path and I ran with someone who was struggling with the hills.

It was a tad muddy.
6.4 for me this morning but that involved a 1 unit correction to bring me down from high 9s a couple of hours earlier and a slightly dodgy correction at bedtime on 8.8 despite no appreciable carbs last night (belly pork, broccoli and leeks) but I ate late and I had an extra piece of meat than I intended. Kept Levemir at 6 units (which hypoed me the previous night) and levels were incredibly "level" all night in the 9s until I jabbed that correction this morning. Protein is great for stabilizing things but just kept me a bit higher than I would have liked. TIR is improving though.
View attachment 19804Park Run done!

About 38 mins I reckon so not terrible. I did stop to pet any/all adorable doggos which crossed my path and I ran with someone who was struggling with the hills.

It was a tad muddy.
Well done! How are you feeling now?
Morning everyone 🙂 at 7:17 BG was 6.9 and within target 🙂. I keep dropping below my target at all times of the day so after eating plus other times so I've decreased my basal by 1.0u from 12.0u to 11.0u. At this rate I'll end up on 0u. I think I need to think about some basal testing but from last time finding an ideal time to fit it in with my lifestyle isn't easy :(.

Hope everyone has a super Saturday 🙂
8.2 for me which I'm pretty happy with considering i had pizza for dinner yesterday
8.2 for me which I'm pretty happy with considering i had pizza for dinner yesterday
So pleased you went ahead and did another "Pizza Experiment" and not a bad result at all. Well done!
Good morning 5.4 after a night of high`s after radiotherapy yesterday, finally managed to get it
under control using correction doses.

@freesia didn`t realise you`ve been ill with Covid hope your LFT results good next time.🙂

Hope everyone achieves what they wish for? mostly have good health for you and your

Take care stay safe Ted xx
So pleased you went ahead and did another "Pizza Experiment" and not a bad result at all. Well done!
yeah i was going to do the second injection an hour afterwards but when i checked on it before doing that second injection I was 5.6 so I thought to myself that's kind of low to be doing the second injection so left it another hour so I guess two hours after it is
Morning all. :D 6.1 and a nice steady line overnight.

My OH hates cushions too @eggyg - the ones on his side of the sofa look like scrunched up tissues by the end of the day. His attempts at plumping look like a bar fight - like repeated punches to the stomach - it’s the same with pillows. Who knows?😳

More Welsh today - it’s a freebie o_O Sadwrn Siarad (usually £8!) on Zoom. 3 hours of chit chat in Welsh. Then OH has booked lunch out at a nice pub...what’s he done wrong?😉
Mr Eggy is the same. He huffs and puffs and punches them, he has them upside down and back to front! Drives me mad! Even after having them for five years he still can’t put them on the sofas in the correct way! How hard can it be? He sees them every day! :confused:
Did you register it? If you did then call the manufacturer and they usually replace free of charge, even if you didn't register it it's worth a shot xx
I can’t actually remember if I did or not and I didn’t realise that so I’ll see if I can find their number
11:15 BS 6.3 🙂

Forgot to check in yesterday which was a bit later BS 6.8 so, pretty consistent. 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

A nice little birdie woke me briefly with its cheerful chirping earlier this morning & it gladdened my heart: haven’t heard birdie song in a while it seems! 😛:D😉

Read Moonraker yesterday & WOW! The last part, part three, blew me away & I was gasping in 3 places! It’s completely different from the film after all it was published in 1955 a decade before the space age & the race to the moon! The whole book is set in England, Kent, Dover & London Buckingham Palace was the target at the end that Bond, & his female side kick, thwarted! o_O

I’ve only read 3 so far but, I know I’ll fead the rest a bit more slowly now & I’ve noticed, barring the odd non PC sexist attitudes, James Bond is actually very caring & protective of the females he encounters thinking of THEIR survival over his! In this one they REALLY went through the ringer, me gasping 3 times in different places, & he DIDN’T get the girl at the end leaving me thinking “Oh, poor James!” as she’s been engaged to someone else the whole time! 😱:D😎😛😉 So, there you go;Bond doesn’t always get the girl!:D

Going to read Diamonds Are Forever today & also bought From Russia With Love to read then, I’ll have to budget & spread it out a bit for the rest: had to do that too with Kerry Greenwood’s 20 Miss Fisher books as well; it’s about £10 per book including the audible recording & that soon adds up! 😱
I know, but these ones look fab and we have nothing decent in the way of soft furnishing shops up here. I wasn’t taking him with me, his consternation was that he hates cushions! They’re his nemesis! He just throws them on the floor! The philistine! o_O I wish we lived closer, I’d love to go shopping with you.
These red jazzy ones are the ones I’ve ordered and the ochre one is a maybe to go with them, and I think ochre curtains too.
Lets hope you have better luck with your delivery than we did yesterday. A GrapeTree order left at the right number house but 2 streets away, rubbish bin bags from Amazon 2 sizes too big and to top it all the avocados we were going to have for lunch, brown all the way through even though they looked fine on the outside
Well done! How are you feeling now?
About to scramble some eggs for lunch.
And good that I got out and did it.
Official timing: 40:16 and my PB for this course is 39:06 so actually really not that shabby 🙂

And some of the dogs were adorable!
Morning all, bit grey today.

5.7 this morning.

A morning of firsts. Managed my first Omnipod change without mishap. Also did my first Wordle and got it in 4 - hopefully I can improve on that.

@Neonpossum welcome to the group.
@eggyg - you already have a tribe going shopping with you, but can I come too please? Love looking at soft furnishings. Hubby has a thing about cushions, he's keener on them than I am I think. Every time we visit Matalan he wants to buy more "because these are better than the ones we bought in....!"
@ColinUK well done on a very muddy run!
@Bloden and @SueEK enjoy your meals out.
About to scramble some eggs for lunch.
And good that I got out and did it.
Official timing: 40:16 and my PB for this course is 39:06 so actually really not that shabby 🙂

And some of the dogs were adorable!
Its given you a bit of a boost then. Enjoy your lunch.
yeah i was going to do the second injection an hour afterwards but when i checked on it before doing that second injection I was 5.6 so I thought to myself that's kind of low to be doing the second injection so left it another hour so I guess two hours after it is
not so pleased anymore though with 3.2 just before eating. it was when I went to answer the door I realised just how shaky I was and lunch did end up being later than usual.
Delighted to say I have finished my essay! That’s 2 down 1 to go!

Just needs some proofreading ready to submit!

Might see if I can send it off tonight actually instead of tomorrow to allow myself to have a bit of a break 🙂
not so pleased anymore though with 3.2 just before eating. it was when I went to answer the door I realised just how shaky I was and lunch did end up being later than usual.
It shouldn't really matter what time you have lunch unless you have bolused for it and then left it too long, but your basal insulin should keep you steady and in range in the absence of food, so it would suggest that you bolused too much for breakfast or your basal is too high..... or your own pancreas chucked out some insulin just to put a spanner in the works. 🙄

If it is any consolation, I had one yesterday whilst talking to my neighbour. I could feel it coming on but I felt a bit awkward about excusing myself mid conversation, thinking the conversation would naturally finish soon and I could go and treat it but left it a bit too long. Mine was as a result of me doing a correction for a high reading and then getting involved in some physical work that I hadn't planned and then I was interrupted from my work by my neighbour which became more protracted than I expected and my levels were starting to drop rapidly. As long as I know why it happened and realise that I need to treat it as soon as I feel it rather than delaying as I did in this case, it's no big deal.
It shouldn't really matter what time you have lunch unless you have bolused for it and then left it too long, but your basal insulin should keep you steady and in range in the absence of food, so it would suggest that you bolused too much for breakfast or your basal is too high..... or your own pancreas chucked out some insulin just to put a spanner in the works. 🙄

If it is any consolation, I had one yesterday whilst talking to my neighbour. I could feel it coming on but I felt a bit awkward about excusing myself mid conversation, thinking the conversation would naturally finish soon and I could go and treat it but left it a bit too long. Mine was as a result of me doing a correction for a high reading and then getting involved in some physical work that I hadn't planned and then I was interrupted from my work by my neighbour which became more protracted than I expected and my levels were starting to drop rapidly. As long as I know why it happened and realise that I need to treat it as soon as I feel it rather than delaying as I did in this case, it's no big deal.
yeah, I hink my background needs might be different for each time of day. but I won't go by off one occurrence. When I checked 2 hours after breakfast it was 7.9 so pretty much where it was before breakfast I only had 13 carbs for breakfast but rounded up 1 unit for 1:15 maybe the round-up was a torch too much but yesterday the round-up kept it where it was maybe I need to do a bit of a test again to see what happens if I don't have breakfast then one to see what happens if I don't have lunch then another if I don't have dinner not sure when I'll be able to get round to that though. I'm prepared that now I've had one today I might have another one later so won't panic if I do and just deal with it accordingly.
Forgot to actually post this morning before i was out the door. Ended up having to babysit for family (they are all sick there too so no worries about walking in coughing up a lung lol)

Was 9.8 this morning. slept terribly, had a couple of hours sleep before coughing so much I had to just get up. Managed to get a few more hours at about 5am so about ready for bed again now (shall resist).

Roll on bedtime :D