Group 7-day waking average?

Yes, it must surely be something that is added into the shop bought bread. Thanks for that info/thought ColinUK.

Today I will use the Ninja Foodi AGAIN to cook chicken, carrots, cauliflower. Everything has a much better texture and taste using the Foodi. (I guess it's the speed of cooking using the pressure cooker)

I mean, cauliflower cooked in 2 minutes! (plus time to get up to pressure, about 5 minutes)

Last nights meal took me about 15 minutes all in from start to eating. Impressive. And my wife said it was the best food she had eaten in a long time! Impressive (or was she saying that my normal cooking is terrible? 🙂 )
Morning all. 5.7 ( think that’s the same as yesterday) at 6.30 when I woke. When I got up at 7 after lying there with a rumbling tummy and a whirring mind, I was 6.8! and I’d literally just stepped out of bed! DP is real folks!

I was planning on going cushion and curtain shopping today, much to Mr Eggy’s consternation, just to brighten up the living room. After trawling through 50, yes really, pages of cushions on the Dunelm website, I’d narrowed it down to about three, but I need 8/10 for two sofas. I decided I need to see them in “ real” life. But I was ordering myself a new iPad cover on Amazon last night and decided to look on there. I found the perfect ones ( I hope). Some aren’t coming until mid February though, and they’re only covers so need inserts, and they were a bit pricier than Dunelm. Fingers crossed they are just what I want.

So doing nowt much today now. Great, a real weekend. I miss weekends now we’re retired. 🙂

Have a super Saturday. 🙂
Morning all. 5.7 ( think that’s the same as yesterday) at 6.30 when I woke. When I got up at 7 after lying there with a rumbling tummy and a whirring mind, I was 6.8! and I’d literally just stepped out of bed! DP is real folks!
There’s something to be said for getting your hands on soft furnishings before you buy though.
If Mr Eggy won’t come with you then I’ll pop round and we can go shopping together 🙂
There’s something to be said for getting your hands on soft furnishings before you buy though.
If Mr Eggy won’t come with you then I’ll pop round and we can go shopping together 🙂
I know, but these ones look fab and we have nothing decent in the way of soft furnishing shops up here. I wasn’t taking him with me, his consternation was that he hates cushions! They’re his nemesis! He just throws them on the floor! The philistine! o_O I wish we lived closer, I’d love to go shopping with you.
These red jazzy ones are the ones I’ve ordered and the ochre one is a maybe to go with them, and I think ochre curtains too.


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Good morning 6.6

have a great weekend everybody
whatever you are or aren’t doing
Morning all. :D 6.1 and a nice steady line overnight.

My OH hates cushions too @eggyg - the ones on his side of the sofa look like scrunched up tissues by the end of the day. His attempts at plumping look like a bar fight - like repeated punches to the stomach - it’s the same with pillows. Who knows?😳

More Welsh today - it’s a freebie o_O Sadwrn Siarad (usually £8!) on Zoom. 3 hours of chit chat in Welsh. Then OH has booked lunch out at a nice pub...what’s he done wrong?😉
4.8 for me today. 🙂
And no clues to my fellow Wordle wordies.

@Gwynn could it be that you just use “basic” bread ingredients and don’t include the additives which extend shelf life, or odd it the type of flour you use?
If I have good quality baguette then it’s minimal impact on BG (as long as it’s in moderation portion wise and not slathered in jam!) but if I pick up a cheap so-called French Stick from a certain major supermarket then my BG will rocket and my digestive system will complain.
I agree with this. Within moderation of course, but a homemade loaf certainly has a much much lower impact on my BG levels.
Morning all

7.7 but that will be the pizza we had last night, having my granddaughter yesterday while larger one was at walk in centre threw out all my plan, so no run, no dinner prep, I did do some arms and abs exercise from my Davina app then a neck and shoulder release yoga before going to bed.

Today have both granddaughters as my daughter and her partner are going to view a couple of potential wedding venues, hoping to get married next year, then to Tesco and hoping to get a 10k run in after that.

@Neonpossum - welcome, as you can see we go off the main topic a bit so p,ease feel free to join in with our general chats.

@ColinUK - please don’t worry about the times of your runs and keeping up with other people, re the 1/2 marathon I am the same as you this time, if I need to walk some of it then I will, when I was supposed to be running it in 2020, I was able to run about 18k at this point, now 10k is my longest.

@eggy- lovely cushions, although I would need to come along on the shopping trip with you and @ColinUK as well.

Have a good day everyone
Good morning - 6.3
No reading this morning as machine has given up the ghost. Must try and find the same one, we have them at work so I’ll see if they will give me one but probably not as we can a different diabetes nurse, but worth a try. Want the same one as my GP does give me the strips on prescription.
So off for an Italian tonight as daughters birthday tomorrow and we are all going out, good that I won’t be able to test tomorrow!!
Have a good day all
@eggyg loving the cushions

7.4 today

Bruce's darts can't have been posted when I got the email, 1 - it was 10pm and 2 - they were there when he got home from work yesterday! So only 1 day late and he's happy with the set I picked out the list of 5 sets he gave me, draught excluder was also delivered to his yesterday but could have done with it as it's very cold and frosty today but he was out for tea last night xx
No reading this morning as machine has given up the ghost. Must try and find the same one, we have them at work so I’ll see if they will give me one but probably not as we can a different diabetes nurse, but worth a try. Want the same one as my GP does give me the strips on prescription.
So off for an Italian tonight as daughters birthday tomorrow and we are all going out, good that I won’t be able to test tomorrow!!
Have a good day all
@eggyg loving the cushions
Did you register it? If you did then call the manufacturer and they usually replace free of charge, even if you didn't register it it's worth a shot xx
Good morning all. Feeling pretty smug this morning with 4.9 and went to bed on a 5.4 so yesterday was pretty good too. Grey overcast but not raining; CH now splendidly disciplined; pain levels rock bottom. Hopefully set for an enjoyable weekend - and I wish one to you all. @ColinUK hang in there and plod on: spring is coming. We will all be joyful and impressed when you complete your half marathon whether it takes 2 hrs or 24. It takes guts even to start.
Morning everyone. 7.9 for me, although it hovered out of target for about 3-4hrs overnight. Yesterday and today's LFT still showing fainter but still positive lines for days 6 and 7. I'm hoping for a negative tomorrow and the next day so i'm "released" early, albeit only by a day or two as 10 days is up Tuesday night.

@ColinUK, go for the park run, even if you only get to the start line, its fresh air and a walk.
@Bloden enjoy your lunch
@SueEK have a nice meal tonight
@eggyg those cushions are lovely. I, too, would come cushion shopping. You'd have all our opinions, we could make it a D Club Shopping Day.

Have a good Saturday everyone.
4.8 for me today. 🙂
And no clues to my fellow Wordle wordies.

Took me 4 attempts at about 1am (I'm addicted already) but I didn't need any clues thanks Dez..... Managed all on my own this time! (Proud of myself emoji :D )