Group 7-day waking average?

Good evening everyone.
Just home from work and ready for some sleep although moving back to day work tomorrow so don’t want to sleep too long.
Hope everyone has a good day night evening or dawn, wherever their body clock says they are.
Morning all. :D 6.1 here.

Wishing you all the best @Gruers.

I hope you’re better now @Michael12421.

It’s knitting this morning, then off the PO to pick up a mystery package (is it my Libre 2?) - the postie didn’t specify if it was for me or OH on his scrawled note. Exciting stuff! 😉
Morning all. 6.6 this morning.

@Gruers Hope today goes well.
@Gwynn thinking of you and hope your daughter and granddaughter make a speedy recovery.
Well yesterday was a bit odd. Bad news, good news.

The good news is that after a bit of chasing I now have my second eye operation booked for the end of January. Why did I have to chase them?

The bad news is that I have to self isolate from now until the op. I cannot leave the house. Last time it drove me potty. I need to get out to exercise and get some space.

The good news is that in spite of the cold yesterday I went out for 161 minutes of exercise on the beach. I will miss it, but it is only for 10 days. Sigh.

Still, BG this morning a decent 4.8. Nowhere near the HS though.

Very foggy out there this morning. Glad I am staying in. I think.

Have a great day whatever you are doing or, like me, not doing
5 on the nose today. 🙂


@Gruers - hope the op goes ahead today and goes well

@Gwynn - good news on getting the date for your eye, hope your daughter and granddaughter are doing ok.

5.9 for when consider the last thing I ate before bed was a jam doughnut washed down with hot chocolate I am very surprised and pleased with that number. Nothing much to report today other than a day of work and a 30 mins arm session with light dumbbells.

have a good Tuesday everyone.
Good morning. 10.6. Covid is definitely playing havoc with my levels now. Yesterday i was out of target most of the day, despite corrections, nothing worked. Last night, i had 2u correction before bed, 1u extra basal and 2u overnight, and still spent almost all night in the 14s! Keytones 0.1 so at least thats ok.

So far, symptoms have been different each day. Saturday afternoon started with a bad head and tiredness, Sunday felt ok, yesterday i had a heavy chest and needed my inhaler a few times, was snuffly and had a slight cough. Today i've just woke and i ache. I seem to be going through them all 🙄 .

@Gruers good luck for today. I hope all goes well.
@eggyg congrats on your early HS

8.0 for me and still no sign of the draught excluder or Bruce's present being posted xx
4.7 despite being naughty and having a couple of oat cakes and crackers with cottage cheese not long before I went to bed.
6.2 this morning, that surprised me as was expecting it a lot higher - homemade chicken biryani with real basmati rice, BG was still up at 8.5 at 2 hours after .... fully understand how diabetes makes no sense at all! Oh well, I did enjoy my naughty dinner that I seldom make these days. Back to better behaviour today.
Flipping freezing again, still hitting -1 right now, with a high of 5 expected - wow! No plans to go out at all today, but you never know what might happen.
Have a good day all - and I hope those who are poorly will soon be better and those expecting hospital treatment/ops will be well catered for and back home fast.
Morning all. At least it’s dry, if grey.

7.3 this morning, at least it was a nice straight line overnight - after the previous night of stubborn lows.

I shall spend the afternoon watching the Omnipod video tutorials in advance of doing the video conference training tomorrow.

@Gruers hope all goes well today.

@Gwynn pleased to hear about your op. Chin up, sure you will pass the 10 days somehow.
A lovely blue sky here this morning - hope everyone is enjoying the same. A lousy night but an OK 5.5 this morning. Must have a new postman - couldn't find the mail - eventually located it in post box...Usual postie pops it into the conservatory and has a chat with the dog🙂
10:28 BS 7.8! :D It feels GREAT to be back in the 7’s again: could have been yesterday, I suppose; naughty the night before & scuppered THAT but, it was SO nice having a takeaway that I can’t really complain!:confused:😳😛:D😉

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Finally bought on iTunes & saw yesterday No Time To Die! o_O I had been waiting since the cinema release for it to become available on iTunes & then, forgot about it: remembered checking before Christmas when it was only available to rent for £15.99; the MOST OUTRAGEOUSLY EXPENSIVE rental price I’ve ever seen & BOY! did the reviews, quite rightly, complain about that!😱😱😱 Now, it’s back down to the usual £4.99 for rental & I bought the HD version for the usual £13.99!🙄 It’s also the biggest file I’ve ever downloaded, took nearly an hour, at 8.12 GB on my iPad!😱

The last Daniel Craig Bond film &, for me, iNo Time To Die was the reverse of Casino Royale in that I really enjoyed the first half of it & a bit bored of the second half: other way round for Casino Royale as I was very bored of the first half & really enjoyed the second half; the repetitive violence of the action sequences tends to switch me off & bores me! 🙄 But, having said that I DID really enjoy the sequence with the fairly new agent Paloma & that fight scene in her elegant & tight evening gown: reminiscent of Lara Croft in a level of Tomb Raider Chronicles; Lara Croft had to rip the sides of HER gown though & Paloma kept her’s intact!😎😛 I’ll miss Daniel Craig as James Bond & I wonder how or if the Bond films continue on?:confused:
@Gruers hope all went well for you today and you are comfortable
@Gwynn good to hear you have your date
@freesia sorry to hear you are going through the gamut of Covid symptoms and that they bugger off pronto x
Didn’t have time to post my 7.5 this morning. Our new double oven turned up yesterday complete with dried up food throughout, needless to say it was refused and complaint made.
Spoke to consultant, op going ahead but not very happy about possible results, I’m caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, hey ho, what do you do!!!
Just realised I missed my 3rd diaversary on Sunday.
Hope you all had a good day xx
Good evening to you all 🙂 at 7:06 my BG was 9.3 and within my target 🙂. Did 12.0u tresiba.
Good morning 6.4 today

Happy Wednesday Everybody😎
An unsurprising 8.3 after an evening of eating rubbish. Have a good day all x