Group 7-day waking average?

Morning Everyone.
10.2 then 7.5 this morning (first time up was because of the coughing and sore throat. managed to fall asleep again after a while of being up and sitting up).

@eggyg glad the MRI went okay 🙂
@Gwynn hope the little one feels better soon. Hopefully she's on the mend quick.
@freesia also hope you kick covid's butt too

Have a good day peeps
Morning all. :D 5.6 here.

Oh no, lots of people seem to be under the weather this morning - I hope you’re all feeling better asap, especially your granddaughter @Gwynn.

Got my first Zoom with my new Ffrind Siarad (Welsh conversation buddy) this afternoon. I hope I don’t cause her too much listener strain. She can always have a lie-down afterwards. o_O😛
Morning everyone. A higher 10.9 for me this morning.
@Gwynn i hope your granddaughter feels better soon.
@gll you sound under the weather too. I hope you feel better soon as well.

7.5 this morning, but I know why so won’t do that again. I am aching all over from my yoga session yesterday, but another run and yoga class today

@Gwynn - sorry to hear about your granddaughter, I hope she is feeling better soon.

@freesia - hoping you feel better soon.

@eggyg - pleased to hear the MRI wasn’t too stressful.
5.3 this morning and back to icy weather. 🙂😱


I'm joining @Kopiert with a 7.2 today

Very chilly and due to the gaps around and under the front door and living room door there's a right draught, our under door draught excluder got binned the other week as it tore ans I ordered a new one supposedly with 2 day delivery and was supposed to be expected Wednesday-Friday, apparently it's sitting at the Hermes delivery depot and has been since Thursday so not happy about that as could really do with it!

I changed my Novorapid cartridge on Saturday and many will remember I used to get this on serial prescription but asked for it to go back on repeat as I was building a lot of stock, well it was the last cartridge in that box and it was dispensed in December 2020! 😱 xx
08:40 BS 8.6 And I FEEL more or less back to normal! 🙂 I felt it last night & fancied a Chinese takeaway so, had a kung po king prawn.😛 Only had whatever sauce that clung to the prawns as I fished them out with the rice & under bolused it a bit but, it was yummy!😛:D😉

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I'm joining @Kopiert with a 7.2 today

Very chilly and due to the gaps around and under the front door and living room door there's a right draught, our under door draught excluder got binned the other week as it tore
rolled up towel or blanket to block until the new one comes? nothing worse than getting cold feetsies with draughts
rolled up towel or blanket to block until the new one comes? nothing worse than getting cold feetsies with draughts
Unfortunately the cat doesn't leave them alone if we do that! Don't know why he can't just leave them as he was wary of the excluder when we first got it and gave it a glower and a wide berth whenever he walked passed it for weeks! And rolled up items are only useful when someone is in the room lol xx
Good morning. A better 6.7 for me today and feeling more positive. My TIR stats are starting to improve at last instead of progressively getting worse. Just had 3 straight days of PWs (Personal Worsts). Up to 80% this morning with just 3% below. A really bad hypo day must have just dropped out of the last 7 day period, because I am sure I was something shocking like 10% below range yesterday!! Anyway I am now hopefully heading towards a new PB, but got a long way to go at the moment.
Good morning - feels like mid-day. BG at 01.45 was 5.8. Since I was ravenous and obviously not getting back to sleep I had a rather early breakfast. Would have repeated that at a sensible hour but the electrician turned up to fix the failed CH thermostat - still in kitchen with mask hanging under his nose so I am in study with window open and door shut. Having foisted on me a programmable device when I had the house re-wired, despite my explaining at length that I wanted a simple twist job, this morning when I pointed out again that to anyone self-employed or retired i.e. those without a patterned life such devices were useless and irritating, his response was "We're all different". I did not reply "Yes you ass**l* that is why you should listen to your customer", which I thought was very restrained of me, but simply gave a curt nod accompanied by the word "Quite." 6 years of struggling with a device which took a minimum of 30 minutes to re-set. 2 pairs of glasses and innumerable attacks on the boost button or the frenzied opening of windows....
Good morning - feels like mid-day. BG at 01.45 was 5.8. Since I was ravenous and obviously not getting back to sleep I had a rather early breakfast. Would have repeated that at a sensible hour but the electrician turned up to fix the failed CH thermostat - still in kitchen with mask hanging under his nose so I am in study with window open and door shut. Having foisted on me a programmable device when I had the house re-wired, despite my explaining at length that I wanted a simple twist job, this morning when I pointed out again that to anyone self-employed or retired i.e. those without a patterned life such devices were useless and irritating, his response was "We're all different". I did not reply "Yes you ass**l* that is why you should listen to your customer", which I thought was very restrained of me, but simply gave a curt nod accompanied by the word "Quite." 6 years of struggling with a device which took a minimum of 30 minutes to re-set. 2 pairs of glasses and innumerable attacks on the boost button or the frenzied opening of windows....
I know how you feel.
We had a SMART meter that from a user point of view was hopeless, the only saving grace was it was read remotely but then we changed supplier and it was not compatible with their system. Recently they were able to install a meter but it is equally as user unfriendly.
@TinaD I can build and fully setup a pc but ask me to reprogram my CH...forget it 😉

Totally agree on the "should listen to customers needs" part. Maybe he had the unit on a deal and made some extra cash along the way?
Don't get me started on the masks below the nose. why bother having on on at all?

Hope you are least warm today x
Morning all, beautiful blue skies but lots of frost on the car. Unusual for us to get frosts here in the land of palm trees!

4.9 this morning after a somewhat sleepless night fighting off lows. Been going on since 5pm yesterday. Despite temp basals I am sick of eating sweet rubbish e.g several Skinny Whips, stuffed dates leftover from Xmas etc which spoiled my appetite for the proper roast dinner I prepared.

@Gwynn, hope your granddaughter gets better soon.

@freesia, get well soon.

Off to get my new pump today and my left ear “syringed” by microsuction, for which we now have to pay as the GPs are not doing it any more.

Lots of virtual hugs to everyone who needs one. Have a good day everyone.
Morning everyone 🙂 at 7:14 BG was 4.4 for me and below target so had 4 dextrose tablets and also did 12.0u of tresiba. Then at 7:30 BG was 7.2. Then at 9:43 before breakfast BG was 6.9. Had 36g of carbs and 4.0u humalog.
Bit of an update. Not good news. Both my daughter and her daughter are poorly she reports. Not too bad. Both feeling ill though. I will keep you all posted.

Not the best start to 2022