Group 7-day waking average?

Morning good peeps. 🙂 7.1 here.

Nice work @Sitosea - after a takeaway too! 😛

Off to our local market town today for a pizza and to buy some OS maps of mid-Wales, ready for our trip up there mid-Feb. Want to sus out some nice walks. There’s only so much sitting in dog-friendly cafes staring into my OH’s eyes 😉 I can cope with.
Which bits of mid-Wales? Ceredigion has an excellent rights of way map on their website with footpaths, bridleways etc highlighted in vulgar colours so that one can readily trace routes.
Good evening 🙂 at 8:30 BG was 18.3 so quite a bit over target. Reason unknown. 3.5u humalog correction. 12.0u Tresiba done.

Hope you've all had a great day 🙂.
It's Saturday which for me means a chinese takeaway of chicken fried rice, maybe a gin and watch The Masked Singer on ITV 19:00 - 20:30
Morning all!
A disappointing 7.6 for me this morning which involved a one unit correction at bedtime that really should have been 2.5 units but I was very conscious that I have too many hypos recently and I had done quite a lot of walking and running last night and fully expected levels to drop during the night, despite a Levemir reduction. Then needed another 1 unit correction at 1.42am when I woke up still in double figures. Nearly 4 hours above range! Arrgh!!
My Libre stats are shot and I am currently achieving a personal worst "Time in Range" (76%), not just for the past 7 days but across all 4 time periods! 😱 It can only get better. 🙄 Really annoyed as I wanted to inject more insulin last night but was so conscious of all the hypos I've had recently that I thought it would look bad if I had another one. Just some balance and predictability would be nice. Didn't sleep well with levels being high either.

Many congratulations to @Sitosea on your House Special this morning. That's two recently isn't it?

@MeeTooTeeTwo Dez, have you been hitting the chocolate again?? 😉 That reading is a tad high compared to your usual exemplary levels!
Yes. Two in a week!! Thanks.
Which bits of mid-Wales? Ceredigion has an excellent rights of way map on their website with footpaths, bridleways etc highlighted in vulgar colours so that one can readily trace routes.
We’re off to the Aberystwyth area to catch up with old friends and see if anything’s changed since we were last there - it’s been about 10 years, so probably not! 😛Thanks for the website tip @TinaD.:D
Good morning
quick looks like I am here first today 4.3
5.3 before sleep yesterday so a good weekend

hope everybody has a great day whatever you are or aren’t doing
Morning Everyone. 8.2
Looks like my body is happy chilling in the 8s on waking in the mornings, which for now, I will happily take.

So my son has been sniffly and sore throat for days (multiple negative LFT) and I am so delighted to report that he has passed it along to me. Thanks son. Appreciate you so much...🙄.

I was half planning on a gaming session today (xbox) so looks like that will be about the extent of my day unless I find a sudden burst of energy from somewhere.

Hope you all have a fabby day.
07:45 BS 8.0 I’ll take THAT after a few days of waking up high! 🙂 Only a wee bit bunged this morning!🙂

On the mend & only after breakfast was high yesterday, 14.9, & the rest was 8.0 before eating & 10.4 after! 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉
7.7 today. Trip to caravan showed all was fine, phew!!
New oven arriving tomorrow and telephone call with consultant so should fine out if he is definitely going to do my next op, fingers crossed.
Have a good Sunday x
Good morning everyone

BG 4.7 fine

Turned out the large chocolate Easter egg early this morning. All very good apart from the edges which seem a bit uneaven. Need to think about that. Hmmm. Great fun. Great big mess!!!

Today it is very cold. Not sure if I will go out for a walk or not. I really don't like the cold. My sister though thrives in it.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing. Me I'm staying in the warm (for now). 🙂

6.1 this morning after homemade butter chicken and 1/4 pack of microwaveable rice, so pleased with that. Off for my run soon then a lovely 3hr yoga session this afternoon, followed by a lovely roast beef dinner that everything will be done in the slow cooker.

@eggyg - someone mentioned North Norfolk yesterday as a nice destination, if you haven’t been there I can confirm it is beautiful as I go every year for a week and went twice last year.

Have a good Sunday everyone.
5.8 for me today. 🙂

Morning all. :D 6.1 here.

We were expecting to have my brother’s dog next week while they jetted off to Tenerife. She’s a sweetie but our house is tiny and already contains two dogs o_O and apparently she howls the house down when left alone😱. Text from bro this morning saying plans have changed...PHEW!:D
Top o' the morning to you all! I don't feel that optimistic but I am trying to kid myself!

Disappointing 8.1 BUT.... I didn't need JBs or insulin corrections overnight and my graph looks like a saggy washing line, so I have "Dawn" visiting this morning which is very unusual. Back up to 3 units of Lev last night as I didn't walk much yesterday.
Lost control of my diet again yesterday which is worrying..... that's twice since the turn of the year after nearly 3 years of sainthood 🙄.
Got to my yard yesterday afternoon to find someone had smashed the bottom 2 slates off my stable roof on the road side..... Almost certainly an HGV driver who will have pulled over to go to the shop and carelessly opened his door onto it. Really, really chewed off as I spent all my savings £20,000 on a complete new roof a few years ago! Anyway, that made me stressed and when I am stressed I want to eat, so went to the shop next door and bought a chicken Tikka sandwich in a white poppy seed bun. Injected but levels were a bit too high to eat, so did a few chores and ate on 6.6 with a downward arrow. I don't normally eat bread and don't often have lunch but I assumed a white bun would release glucose pretty fast like my morning yoghurt does..... I was wrong! Half an hour later whilst feeling horses I hypoed big style (2.4 Libre, 2.9 finger prick) and couldn't contain the hypo hunger. Ate everything in sight and drank half a litre of milk to wash it down. Of course as soon as my levels came back up I had to start injecting insulin for the over treatment and was still craving when I got home and ate more bad stuff. Just totally lost it! I must have injected 5 or 6 lots of insulin (2-3 units at a time) to cover the stuff I guzzled. Looked like I had it contained in single figures for about 3 hours afterwards but then started to climb and hit 13 before I got it down into range and things stabilized. It wiped me out for the day and I didn't even enjoy the sandwich that much and I am still stressing about the roof this morning, so no benefit to the whole incident...... Trying to ignore the fact that I did enjoy guzzling a whole bar of chocolate and some very dry medool dates that my sister sent over for the chickens. It was just comfort eating! Really need to get back on top of my low carb diet as these episodes are how I was before I got diabetes and I can't afford to go back to that chaotic, carb laden gluttony.
Anyway, back on the wagon today and hopefully going to find a nice secure place on it where I can't fall off again. Hope everyone has a good Sunday!..... I have a roof to fix added to my 101 list of jobs! 😡

Was 8.something before breakfast but 13.something when I got up at just after 5am, this is why I can't wake in "normal" levels as it just isn't safe :(

Had a sensor end on day 12 yesterday, the terms & conditions had been updated and whilst I know accepting them mucks up a sensor it wouldn't allow me to reject them so yet another replacement on the way xx
Morning everyone,

6.2 and slowly rising on the libre today!

Started to sneak back up a little bit again but still happy with it!

@rebrascora sorry hear about what sounds like rather a nightmare for you yesterday! Hope today is better for you x

Have a great day 🙂