Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 5.7 after a lie in until 9 o’clock! Must have been the really busy day I didn’t have yesterday! 😉

Off for a MRI on my head this afternoon, and no, it’s not to see if I have a brain, already had that “ joke” from Mr Eggy. Some of you may remember my dizzy spells and strange noises in my ears I suffered from last year, the MRI is to make sure there’s no nasty tumour causing the problems. I’m pretty sure there isn’t but they’re dotting the Is and crossing the Ts. I’m going to walk there as it’s a lovely sunny and not too cold day, should get 7 miles or so in. Must remember to remove my Libre sensor, I’m annoyed about that as I’ve five days left on it. 😡

Hope everyone has sunshine today too. 🙂
Forgot to say, thanks for all the recommendations for Suffolk/ Norfolk. We’ve booked somewhere. Fort William/Glencoe! Sorry, but the pull of Scotland was just too strong. We’ve got ourselves a wee But and Ben on the shores of Loch Linnhe end of April, before the midges arrive! Isolated, five miles away from the nearest village store and we need to take a ferry to get there. Perfect.
Maybe later in the year for Suffolk. 🙂
Good morning 🙂 at 7:06 BG for me was 10.9 so only a very tiny amount above my target. 12u tresiba done.

Bedtime BG at 00:11 was 10.8 after 2 lots of below target treatment for 4.9 at 23:26 then 4.7 at 23:51. Had a bag of wotsits 8g carbs at bedtime. No humalog.

Hope everyone has a great day 🙂
6.6 again this morning. Looking after our granddaughter later on this afternoon, mummy and daddy going to the cinema to see Spiderman, so nana will be down on the floor playing, hoping she can get back up again - if I'm not on here by tonight please send supplies and a young fireman or two, thank you :')
6.1 this morning and I’m off to buy seeds to bake a loaf of low carb seeded bread.
Morning all... lovely blue sky... but yesterday started like that then decided to rain stair rods in the freezing cold just as we arrived at Morrisons for a shopping trip.

5.6 this morning. Quite pleased as I rejigged my basals for 4 hours starting at 5 am. Think I need to re-do the next hour or so as I've just had a warning that BG has dropped to 4.2 and I see a pattern emerging.

@eggyg good luck with the MRI.

@rebrascora what a nightmare... hope today is better for you.
Morning all. Woke to a 6.8 despite libre waking me saying i was in the 12s overnight. Finger pricks showed i was low 9s so ended up turning the alarm off so i could sleep.

This morning i tested positive on 2 LFTs. Noooo!! Yesterday i was negative. How does that work? I just don't get it.
Morning all. Woke to a 6.8 despite libre waking me saying i was in the 12s overnight. Finger pricks showed i was low 9s so ended up turning the alarm off so i could sleep.

This morning i tested positive on 2 LFTs. Noooo!! Yesterday i was negative. How does that work? I just don't get it.
I suppose that is how the virus is getting passed around, if people only have to test for work or other purposes every other day or few days they could be positive for a couple of days before they get a positive test. B....r isn't it.
I hope you get away with minimal symptoms and stay well.
Morning all. Woke to a 6.8 despite libre waking me saying i was in the 12s overnight. Finger pricks showed i was low 9s so ended up turning the alarm off so i could sleep.

This morning i tested positive on 2 LFTs. Noooo!! Yesterday i was negative. How does that work? I just don't get it.
Oh no. Hope you’re actually ok.
6.9 for me today.

Exam papers to mark best crack in I’ve done everything to avoid it so far!

Have a good rest of the day all
@freesia sorry to hear this and hope your symptoms are minimal. Hugs to you xx
Oh no! @freesia. How are you feeling?
I'm not too bad really. It just started with a headache then a snuffly cold feeling. I tested negative yesterday so it was a bit of a shocker today. I only have a slight headache now and a bit of tightness on the chest, though thats because i forgot my inhaler this morning in all the fuss. It just feels like a minor cold. Thank you for asking.
Good morning 5.4 today, a respectable wake up following a hypo just after midnight
woke up sweating and was 3.9, that reminds me need to get more lift glucose chews

have a great day everybody 😎
6.8 yet again this morning. And it’s freezing cold here today. You can almost hear the ice in the air.
Morning all. 6.5 on a finger prick, will put on a new sensor after my shower.

Ended up walking eight miles yesterday to and from the hospital. MRI went as well as can be expected, very, very noisy but surprisingly relaxing. Weird! TBF my last MRI was on a shoulder and I was in excruciating pain as you obviously can’t move. So this was one was quite pleasant.

Childcare day today so another day of Duggie, Twirly Woos and Teletubbies! We’ve both found ourselves humming and/or singing these theme tunes even when Zara isn’t here! 😛

Have a Happy Monday everyone. It’s a cold one. 🙂
This is not going to be one of my normal more positive posts.

My daughter has informed me that her daughter, at 3 years old, has Covid and is not well.

I am getting a lot fed up with this crappy life. Seriously ill wife, poorly daughters daughter, total isolation for me. Not happy at all.

BG for what it's worth 5.0

Rant over
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